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How innovation in consumer electronics impacts our lives MAPEGY

Mapegy, a Berlin-based data-intelligence company, provides many technology scouting jobs and helps you make better decisions. They are committed to collecting and innovating solutions. Mapegy GMBH organizes the world's information on innovation to answer questions about where to invest in technologies, markets, companies, and experts.<br>https://www.mapegy.com/blog/how-innovation-in-consumer-electronics-impacts-our-lives-mapegy<br>

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How innovation in consumer electronics impacts our lives MAPEGY

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Presentation Transcript

  1. How innovation in consumer electronicsimpactsourlives| MAPEGY

  2. Howinnovationin consumerelectronics impactsourlives Innovationinconsumerelectronicsimpacts ourdailylives consistently:frommobile phonestowearables,smartTVs,home automation, domestic robots, voice search, computers,tablets,laptops,flexibledisplays, 5G...In2022,consumer electronics-driven innovativetechnologieshelpedgenerate $716.3 billion in sales, representing a 3,74% annualgrowth.Here’sareviewofhowthese megatrends affect both our personal and professionallives.

  3. Wearables Other popular consumer electronics devices are smart clothing,jewellery,accessories,fitness trackers, AI hearing aids, biosensors, and body- mounted sensors, which are a few of the most popularwearabletechnologiesthatareexpected to reach a market value of USD 380.5 billion by 2028. On this year's top list are smart rings: they can be used for contactless payments, to open andlockthedoor,orevenyourcar.

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