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Významová slovesa Tvoření otázky a záporu pomocí DO / DOES. ANOTACE. Pro 4. a 5.ročník. slovní zásoba výklad procvičování písemná cvičení. Slovní zásoba. get up. lessons start school starts. have a shower. have lunch have dinner. have breakfast. do homework.
Významová slovesa Tvoření otázky a záporu pomocí DO / DOES ANOTACE
Pro 4. a 5.ročník • slovní zásoba • výklad • procvičování • písemná cvičení
Slovní zásoba getup lessons start schoolstarts have a shower have lunch havedinner havebreakfast do homework go to school go to bed read in bed takethe bus go by bus
Významová slovesa Isleep Yousleep Shesleeps Theyhavebreakfast Wehavebreakfast She has breakfast Iwatch TV Wewatch TV HewatchesTV ShewatchesTV Theyread in bed Hereads in bed Sheplayscomputergames I play the piano They play the piano Itplaysthe piano (A child) Shegetsup Hesleeps
Zápor tvoříme použitím pomocných sloves DO/DOES NOT Theyread Theydo not read (don´t) Shereads Shedoes not read (doesn´t) Theyhave a . . . Theydo not have . (don´t) She hasa . . . Shedoes not have (doesn´t) They play a . . . Theydo not play (don´t) Sheplaysa . . . Shedoes not play (doesn´t)
Otázku tvoříme použitím pomocných sloves DO/DOES Theyread Do theyread ? Shereads Doessheread ? Theyhave a . . . Dotheyhave a . ? He hasa . . . Doeshehave a . . ? You play a . . . Do you play a . . ? Sheplaysa . . .Doesshe play a . ?
Krátká odpověď - co je v otázce, je i v krátké odpovědi Yes, youdo. No, youdon´t. Yes, I do. No, I don´t. Yes, theydo. No, theydon´t. Yes, wedo. No, wedon´t. Do I (you) play . . .? Doyouread . . .? Dothey skate . . .? Do we (you) take . . .? Dotheyhave . . .? Dowe(you) play . . .? Do theygetup . . .? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Yes, shedoes. No, shedoesn´t. Yes, he does. No, he doesn´t. Yes, shedoes. No, shedoesn´t. Yes, itdoes. No, itdoesn´t. Doesshesleep . . .? Doeshe ride . . . ? Doesshedraw . . .? Doesit run . . . ?
Utvoř záporné věty I don´t play . . . You don´t read . . . They don´t skate . . . We don´t take . . . ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… I play thedrums. Youread a book. They skate. Wetakethe bus. My mumanddadhave lunch. Youandme play games. My brothersgetupat 7. Shesleepslongtime. He rides a horse. My sister drawswell. Thehorserunsquickly. They don´t have . . . We don´t play . . . They don´t getup . . . ……………………………………………………………… Shedoesn´t sleep . . . He doesn´t ride . . . Shedoesn´t draw . . . Itdoesn´t run . . . …………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Utvoř otázky Do I (you) play . . .? Do youread . . .? Do they skate . . .? Do we (you) take . . .? ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… I play thedrums. Youread a book. They skate. Wetakethe bus. My mumanddadhave lunch. Youandme play games. My brothersgetupat 7. Shesleepslongtime. He rides a horse. My sister drawswell. Thehorserunsquickly. Do theyhave . . .? Do we(you) play . . .? Do theygetup . . .? ……………………………………………………………… Doesshesleep . . .? Doeshe ride . . . ? Doesshedraw . . .? Doesit run . . . ? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Tvoř věty, otázky i záporné věty Have lunch Go to school Getup 12.30 At 7 o´clock 9.15 on . . . Lessons start Ride a horse Have a shower 8 o´clock On Mondays Play theguitar Finish school 6.30 everyday Thursdays 3.00 Go to bed Take the bus Finish work 11.00
Utvoř záporné věty I play thedrums on Mondays. Youread a book in bed. They skate verywell. Wetakethe bus to school. My mumanddadhave lunch atwork. Youandme play games. My brothersgetupat 7 everyday. Shesleepslongtime. He rides a horseeverySunday. My sister drawswell. Thehorserunsquickly. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Utvoř otázky ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… I play thedrumseveryday. Youread a bookatthe table. They skate well. Wetakethe bus to school. My mumanddadhave lunch atwork. Youandme play games. My brothersgetupat 7. Shesleepslongtime on Sundays. He rides a horse on Tuesdays. My sister drawswell. Thehorserunsquickly. ……………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………
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