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Vocab 4

Vocab 4. 1) Abhor – to shrink from in disgust We abhor cruelty in all forms. 2) Affable – Pleasant; approachable; gracious Maribel’s affable manner brought her many friends. 3) Amiss – In a wrong, imperfect way; out of order

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Vocab 4

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Vocab4

  2. 1) Abhor – to shrink from in disgust We abhor cruelty in all forms.

  3. 2) Affable – Pleasant; approachable; gracious Maribel’s affable manner brought her many friends.

  4. 3) Amiss – In a wrong, imperfect way; out of order When we first walked in our house, we noticed something was amiss.

  5. 4) Despondent – depressed from loss of hope or confidence She became despondent after the accident.

  6. 5) Entreat – to ask earnestly; to beg He entreated his parents for a puppy.

  7. 6) Haunt – to stay in one’s mind continually; to appear in form of a ghost She would haunt his dreams. The ghost wanted to haunt the school.

  8. 7) Impel – to drive or to propel The raging current impelled the raft downstream.

  9. 8) Interminable– endless; seemingly without end We had an interminable wait at the airport.

  10. 9) Irascible – quick tempered; irritable My grandfather was an irascible man.

  11. 10) Profound – intense; deeply felt The parents of the missing child felt profound joy when they were reunited.

  12. 11) Recluse – a person who lives apart from society; often alone The author became a recluse so that he could finish his book.

  13. 12) Reverberate – to be repeated in a series of echoes or vibrations We loved to hear our shouts reverberate as we ran through the tunnels.

  14. 13) Sage – having wisdom or good judgment; an aromatic spice used in cooking The old lady had sage advice for the teenager. We ran out of sage so we could not finish the recipe.

  15. 14) Tirade – long, angry speech The teacher went on a tirade about her students’ behavior.

  16. 15) Tremulous – marked by trembling or shaking In a tremulous voice, the girl started singing.

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