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The Agile Approach to the Dissertation Process

Learn about the Agile methodology and tools used in the dissertation process. Explore teamwork, the Socratic method, the dissertation notebook, writing emphasis, and writing tools.

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The Agile Approach to the Dissertation Process

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  1. The Agile Approachto the Dissertation Process Chuck Tappert DPS Research Seminar 2

  2. Agile Approach to Dissertation Process Methodologies and Tools • Agile Methodology • Team and Cohort Groups • Socratic Method • Dissertation Notebook • Writing Emphasis • Writing Tools Agile Dissertation Process

  3. Agile Methodology • Similar to agile software development • Uses XP method of small releases and fast turnarounds (~2-week iterations) • Makes incremental advances in the dissertation work Agile Dissertation Process

  4. Team and Cohort Groups • Class teams – usually 3-4 teams per year group • Teamwork enhances learning • Creates an “active learning process” • The norm for employees in most organizations • Cohort year group contributes frequently • Through their extensive knowledge and experience • Make suggestions in the research seminar meetings • Help find relevant literature/related material • The power of the community is strong! Agile Dissertation Process

  5. Socratic Method • Clarification through confrontational dialogue • Students must vigorously defend their position • Works best if students adequately prepare for research seminar sessions • Wikipedia definition: “… asking a series of questions surrounding a central issue, and answering questions of the others involved. Generally this involves the defense of one point of view against another and is oppositional.” Agile Dissertation Process

  6. Dissertation Notebook • Maintain a dissertation notebook • As a repository of ideas, thoughts, and data • Only place that you write, diagram, or doodle about your dissertation • (see Dr. Ron Frank’s presentation slides for more information about the notebook) Agile DPS Dissertation Process

  7. Writing Emphasis • Expressing your ideas in writing gives you a good grasp on them • The written form of your ideas is amenable to iterative refinement • Allows you to communicate your ideas to your advisor and discuss them point by point • We recommend writing a conference/journal paper summarizing your ideas/work Agile Dissertation Process

  8. Writing Tools • Microsoft Word • Formatting, spell checking, and other benefits of a word processor • Microsoft PowerPoint for presentations • Endnote • Bibliography management software • Always spell check documents/slides • We teach the Strunk and White style of writing clearly and succinctly Agile Dissertation Process

  9. Research Seminars 1 and 2 (fall and spring year 1) • Learn about research and dissertation process • What research is and how to do it • Conduct literature search/analyze research papers • Faculty members present their research • Traditional versus agile dissertation process • Select a suitable research area • Best to choose an area where you have knowledge and expertise – makes completion possible in 3 years (saves several years over traditional method) Agile Dissertation Process

  10. Research Seminars 3, 4, 5 (summer year 1, fall-spring year 2) • Choose/analyze a paper: essence, methodology, etc. • Select a suitable research area and problem • Independent work by the student • Present/discuss/refine in research seminars – Socratic method • Choose advisor and committee • Interact with advisor • Review the related literature • Independent work by the student • Refined through research seminar interactions • Write the idea paper • Revise through the agile evolutionary process of presentations/discussions in research seminars • Begin the research Agile Dissertation Process

  11. Dissertation Work(summer year 2, fall-spring year 3) • Select a suitable research approach/plan • Idea paper grows to include approach/plan • Conduct the research • Interact with advisor using XP methodology • Idea paper grows into dissertation • Present status at Saturday sessions • Committee meetings • Preliminary committee meeting (if necessary) • Defense Agile DPS Dissertation Process

  12. Agile Dissertation Completion Rate Agile Dissertation Process

  13. Agile Dissertation Completion Agile Dissertation Process

  14. Agile vs. Traditional Completion Agile Dissertation Process

  15. Conclusion • Agile completion rate – 62 of 118 = 52% • Average years to completion = 3.2 years • Agile dissertation process works! Agile Dissertation Process

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