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Nissan Pathfinder

Nissan Pathfinder. 2012 Media Plan Prepared by: Dana R. Pugh. Situational Analysis. Product The Nissan Pathfinder is a capable luxury SUV with advanced safety and entertainment features. Target market

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Nissan Pathfinder

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Nissan Pathfinder 2012 Media Plan Prepared by: Dana R. Pugh

  2. Situational Analysis • Product • The Nissan Pathfinder is a capable luxury SUV with advanced safety and entertainment features. • Target market • Active, educated men and women between the ages of 25-44 with a household income $40,000-$49,000 or $75,000+. • Sales • .9% Market share in 2011 • Distribution • Nationwide Nissan dealerships • Competition • Toyota 4Runner, Ford Expedition and Jeep Grand Cherokee

  3. Marketing Objective • Sales Environment • Price of fuel and environmental concerns leading to declining Sports Utility Vehicle sales • Saturated market; Many SUV choices • Sales Goal • To increase sales by 5% from 2011

  4. Advertising Objective • Increasing Awareness • Increase brand awareness and recognition by 3% • Distinguish from competition • Highlight safety and technology features • Increase value associated with the Nissan brand

  5. Media Objective • Target Audience • Active, educated men and women • Ages 25-44 • Geography • National • Seasonality • Magazine and Fringe TV on a continuity schedule • Prime time TV on a pulsing schedule with special attention to sports schedules • Digital year round/once per quarter

  6. Media Objective • Combined Reach and Frequency • TV & Magazine during May • R: 97% F: 7.5x • Budget • $92,000,000 • TV: $76,252,000 • Magazine: $13,800,000 • Digital: $1,948,000

  7. Media Strategy • National Advertising • TV • High GRP’s • Extremely high Reach • Demonstrate product visually as it is being used • Magazine • Highly targeted • Image quality and ability to communicate features in detail • Digital • Low cost • Very targeted • Traffic directed to website

  8. Allocation of funds

  9. Media Tactics • TV - 5,000 GRP’s • 2,400 GRP’s during prime time • Grey’s Anatomy and football and basketball games • 2,600 GRP’s during Fringe TV • ESPN Classic, Food Network, HSN and HGTV • Magazine • 5,460 GRP’s • Family Circle • The Oprah Magazine • Sports Illustrated • Full page color ad Q1, Q3, Q4 • 4th Cover in FC and O Q2 • 2nd Cover spread in SI Q2 • Digital • 248 GRP’s • Webmd.com – 16% Reach • Rectangle (180x150) • Youtube.com 41% Reach • Pre-roll • CBS March Madness 23% Reach • Rectangle (180x150)

  10. Flowchart

  11. Budget Worksheet

  12. Summary • In 2012, the goal is to increase market share by 3% • Increase brand value and awareness through high broad reach and targeted frequency • Demonstrate product features and overcome the challenge of high fuel costs • Accomplish goals through TV, Magazine and Digital advertising nationwide

  13. Exhibits • Combined R&F for May

  14. TV Data • GRP’S • COST / CPP = GRP Combined • May Combined Reach & Frequency

  15. Magazine Data • Total Audience = Circulation x Readers per copy • Family Circle 3,872,671 x 2.13 = 8,248,789 • O 2,380,782 x 2.08 = 4,963,930 • Sports Illustrated 3,178,760 x 3.455 = 10,982,616 • Reach = Total Audience / Universe • Family Circle 8,248,789 / 60,000,000 = 14% • O 4,963,930 / 60,000,000 = 8% • Sports Illustrated 10,982,616 / 60,000,000 = 18% • GRP’s (R x F = GRP; Freq = 1) / CPM (Cost x 1000 / Circulation) • Family Circle 1.4 / $1, 239.61 • O 0.8 / $934.12 • Sports Illustrated 1.8 / $1,946.23

  16. Magazine Data

  17. Digital Data

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