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Short mark question. Mark out of 9. • meaningfulness (cultural proximity/relevance to audience) • reference to elite persons • reference to elite nations • threshold/size of event • threat • importance • expectedness/unexpectedness • negativity • clarity of events .
Mark out of 9 • meaningfulness (cultural proximity/relevance to audience) • reference to elite persons • reference to elite nations • threshold/size of event • threat • importance • expectedness/unexpectedness • negativity • clarity of events. Two further marks for each of three satisfactory explanations such as: • meaningfulness: news that is thought to be more relevant to the audience of the newspaper/programme is more likely to be selected • reference to elite persons: stories and pictures about the celebrities, the famous and powerful always have strong news values • reference to elite nations: stories about elite nations, such as the USA, the United Kingdom, Germany, France, etc are more newsworthy than those about so-called lesser nations – eg Chile, Benin, Finland.
Zombies, sheep or choosers? LI: to evaluate the effect that the mass media has on its audiences.
LO: Work towards answering this as a timed essay… What would we need in our success criteria? Who…..? What/How……..? Judgement……..?
What do the three main theories say? Which SC? Do they agree or disagree with the statement? How can we A02 evaluate each approach? Marxist (Pg 205-207). Pluralist (P208) Post-modernist (Pg91 – 193)
What should we want to consider now? Which SC? How? Do sociologists agree on how the mass media effects its audience? What models should we consider in this answer? The hypodermic syringe model The two-step flow model The cultural effects model The uses and gratifications model The interpretivist selective filtering approach
A02 evaluation and analysis - what are the limitations of researching media effects? • Discuss any drawbacks you can think of. • Hawthorne effect • Gauntlett – direct effects not valid as research participants aware and change behaviour. • What is the link to question?
Introduction • Six paragraphs • Conclusion • POINT – A02 = Evaluation and analysis • EVIDENCE – A01 = knowledge and understanding • EXPLANATION – A01 = knowledge and understanding • EVALUATION – A02 = Evaluation and analysis Your evaluation sentence should show how your point answers the question (does it show agreement or disagreement with the statement)