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Two-sided markets strategy

Two-sided markets strategy. Facebook. Determine the current strategy Prizing the two sides of the markets? Direct / indirect network effect Winner-take-it-all Potential threats, potential partnerships How did facebook become a market leader? Imagine a different price strategy       

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Two-sided markets strategy

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Two-sidedmarketsstrategy

  2. Facebook • Determine the current strategy • Prizing the two sides of the markets? • Direct / indirect network effect • Winner-take-it-all • Potential threats, potential partnerships • How did facebook become a market leader? • Imagine a different price strategy        • Subscription fee? (5$, 20$..?) • Affiliate program • Etc.

  3. Long tail • A little video • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Yku0GTrcuw&feature=player_detailpage - t=21s

  4. Long tail • Image the strategy within other industries. Not necessarily already on the internet • Shoes • Cars, vintage cars • Furniture • Jewelies, watches • Etc…

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