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P o s i t i o n e d f o r P e a k P e r f o r m a n c e

7/29/2012. Aligned Development Strategies, Inc.. - 2-. C a p a b i l i t i e s . Project Management

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Presentation Transcript

    2. 7/30/2012 Aligned Development Strategies, Inc. - 2- Project Management & Strategic Planning Web Development & Section 508 Internet & Project Management Training e-Learning, Courseware Development & Instructional Systems Design Information Security & Network Management Health Care and HIPAA Compliance Services Document Management & Imaging Hardware and Software Sales

    3. 7/30/2012 Aligned Development Strategies, Inc. - 3- C o n t r a c t i n g S u m m a r y

    4. 7/30/2012 Aligned Development Strategies, Inc. - 4- P a r t i a l C l i e n t L i s t

    5. 7/30/2012 Aligned Development Strategies, Inc. - 5- Support planning and implementation of organizations’ enterprise-wide program and project offices Review and update existing clients’ Project Management framework to meet PMBOK standards Define program goals, objectives and performance measurements Support management in aligning project goals and objectives with corporate mission Support implementation of GPRA, Clinger-Cohen, GPRA, and the Sarbanes-Oxley Acts Provide support in WBS development, Earned Value Management (EVM), deliverables management, reporting procedures, requirements and configuration management Implement our PMO ePartner web-based Project Management tool to promote team collaboration, management oversight, and to integrate effective project portfolio performance.

    6. 7/30/2012 Aligned Development Strategies, Inc. - 6-

    7. 7/30/2012 Aligned Development Strategies, Inc. - 7-

    8. 7/30/2012 Aligned Development Strategies, Inc. - 8-

    9. 7/30/2012 Aligned Development Strategies, Inc. - 9-

    10. 7/30/2012 Aligned Development Strategies, Inc. - 10-

    11. 7/30/2012 Aligned Development Strategies, Inc. - 11- W e b D e v e l o p m e n t S e r v i c e s

    12. 7/30/2012 Aligned Development Strategies, Inc. - 12- S o f t w a r e E n g i n e e r i n g S u p p o r t

    13. 7/30/2012 Aligned Development Strategies, Inc. - 13- I n t e r n e t S k i l l s T r a i n i n g

    14. 7/30/2012 Aligned Development Strategies, Inc. - 14- O f f i c e P r o d u c t i v i t y T r a i n i n g Microsoft Word Microsoft Excel Microsoft PowerPoint Microsoft FrontPage Microsoft.NET Programming Microsoft Access MS Project MS SQL Server Acrobat PageMaker

    15. 7/30/2012 Aligned Development Strategies, Inc. - 15-

    16. 7/30/2012 Aligned Development Strategies, Inc. - 16- E – L e a r n i n g a n d C o u r s e w a r e D e v e l o p m e n t

    17. 7/30/2012 Aligned Development Strategies, Inc. - 17- A D S I L e a r n i n g M a n a g e m e n t S y s t e m

    18. 7/30/2012 Aligned Development Strategies, Inc. - 18-

    19. 7/30/2012 Aligned Development Strategies, Inc. - 19-

    20. 7/30/2012 Aligned Development Strategies, Inc. - 20-

    21. 7/30/2012 Aligned Development Strategies, Inc. - 21- H e a l t h c a r e a n d H I P A A S e r v i c e s

    22. 7/30/2012 Aligned Development Strategies, Inc. - 22-

    23. 7/30/2012 Aligned Development Strategies, Inc. - 23-

    24. 7/30/2012 Aligned Development Strategies, Inc. - 24- H I P A A C o m p l i a n c e R e s o u r c e s

    25. 7/30/2012 Aligned Development Strategies, Inc. - 25- D o c u m e n t I m a g i n g

    26. 7/30/2012 Aligned Development Strategies, Inc. - 26- H a r d w a r e & S o f t w a r e P r o c u r e m e n t S u p p o r t

    27. 7/30/2012 Aligned Development Strategies, Inc. - 27- C o n t a c t I n f o r m a t i o n

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