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Rocket Equation and Orbital Mechanics for Satellite Missions

Explore Newton’s thought experiment and mission analysis with the Rocket Equation, orbital velocity calculations, and escape velocities for orbiting satellites. Understand the dynamics behind orbital mechanics and performance metrics for space missions.

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Rocket Equation and Orbital Mechanics for Satellite Missions

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Newton’s thought experiment: orbital velocity

  2. Surface escape velocities Planet Vescape, ft/sec

  3. Rocket Equation delta V = g Isp ln (Mo/Mf) where: delta V = rocket velocity change (m/s) g = gravitational constant (9.81 m/s2) Isp = rocket specific impulse (s) Mo = initial rocket mass (kg) Mf = final rocket mass (kg) • Equation is for ideal conditions, with no strong gravity fields, as with near a planet. Corrections can be made by accounting for gravity “losses.”

  4. Rocket Equation, Mission Analysis and Performance

  5. ORBITING SATELLITES Vehicle range Burnout velocity (thousands of ft/sec)

  6. STS launch

  7. Earth Orbit Definitions • Apogee: the farthest point from the Earth. • Perigee: the closest point to the Earth. Because of the Earth's atmosphere, this cannot be less than about 80 miles above the surface. • For circular orbits, the apogee and perigee are the same. • Period: the time it takes to go around the Earth once. (The apogee and perigee determine the period.) • Inclination: the angle the orbital plane makes with the Earth's equatorial plane.

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