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Novel Secret Sharing and Commitment Schemes for Cryptographic Applications. Contents of the Thesis. Head/Tail. Secret = 1. Cryptographic Primitives. Alice. Bob. Head. can not change it, just reveal it. Commitment Scheme:
Novel Secret Sharing and Commitment Schemes for Cryptographic Applications
Head/Tail Secret = 1 Cryptographic Primitives Alice Bob Head can not change it, just reveal it • Commitment Scheme: • Commit: in a commitment scheme, the first party (Bob) initially commits to a value while keeping this value hidden. • Reveal: then, he reveals the committed value to the second party (Alice) in order to be checked. • Secret Sharing: • Sharing:a secret is divided into n shares in order to be distributed among n players. • Reconstruction:an authorize subset of players then cooperate to reveal the secret, e.g., t players where t < n is the threshold.
Rational Secret Sharing Pj 11 Pi Pk only Pk learns the secret “3” 11 6 18 6 selfish unknown real recovery round fake secret recovery rounds … • Problem: the players deny to reveal their shares in the secret recovery phase, therefore, the secret is not reconstructed at all. Example: f (x) = 3 + 2 x + x2 t=3 shares are enough for recovery. • Model: players are selfish rather than being honest or malicious. If all players act selfishly, secret recovery fails. • Solution:
0.4 A1 0.5 A4 A2 A3 0.6 Trust and Reputation 0.5 Bad Pi (D) Bad Pi (C) Good Pi (D) Good Pi (C) Newcomer Pi (D) Newcomer Pi (C) Trust vs Reputation:trust is a personal quantity, created between “2” players, whereas reputation is a social quantity in a network of “n” players. If all players have an equal view, trust = reputation. Our Functionis not just a function of a single round, but of the history:
1. Social Secret Sharing • Motivation:components of a secure system may have different levels of importance (weight) as well as reputation (in terms of availability), therefore, a good protocol should balance these two factors respectively. • Contribution:we propose a social secret sharingscheme where shares are allocated based on each player's reputation. It is similar to human social life where people share more secrets with whom they trust and vice versa. • Review:we use two different secret sharing schemes: • Proactive Secret Sharing: to update shares without changing the secret in order to deal with a mobile adversary. • Weighted Secret Sharing: to assign multiple shares to some specific players rather than a single share.
Application: Self-Organizing Clouds 1= 3 2= 2 1= 4 2= 2 Amazon Google Amazon Google s4 s4 s3 s3 s3 s5 s5 s5 s1 s1 s1 s6 s6 s6 s2 s2 s2 Dealer Dealer Free s13 Microsoft Yahoo Microsoft Yahoo s11 s11 s11 s14 s9 s9 s9 s13 s13 s10 s10 s10 3= 3 4= 2 4= 1 3= 3 • Cooperation Pi (C): is available during secret recovery and sends correct shares. • Defection Pi(D): is not available at the required time or may respond with delay. • Corruption Pi(X):has been compromised by a passive or active adversary.
2 2 6 3 8 8 2 2 P2 P2 P1 P1 1 5 1 1 P3 P3 P1 6 3 6 1 2 * C1+ * C2+ * C3 = 13 5 1 7 7 P2 27 5 2 8 * C1+ * C2+ * C3 = -7 P3 7 3 1 * C1+ * C2+ * C3 = 21 Subprotocol: Enrollment P3 P1 P2 P4 11 6 ? 18 • Share Enrollment: How to enroll a new share without having access to the original secret sharing polynomial f(x)? Example:f (x) = 3 + 2 x + x2 (we need at least t = 3 players) C1= (4-2)(4-3) / (1-2)(1-3) = 1 C2= (4-1)(4-3) / (2-1)(2-3) = -3 Lagrange constants C3= (4-1)(4-2) / (3-1)(3-2) = 3
Subprotocol: Share Update s3 and s4 are now useless P1 P2 3 5 1 12 9 6 6 1 mobile adversary secret = 3 P4 P3 6 8 s1 s2 s3 s4 9 5 Proactive Secret Sharing f’ (1) = 9 f’ (2) = 6 f’ (3) = 6 f’ (4) = 8 g (1) = 3 g (2) = 5 g (3) = 1 g (4) = 12 f (1) = 6 f (2) = 1 f (3) = 5 f (4) = 9 f (x) = 3+ 4x + 7x2+ 5x3 Z13 [x] + g (x) = 0 + 4x + 2x2 + 10x3 f’ (x) = 3 + 8x + 9x2 + 2x3 Share Update:adding a polynomial with zero constant term to the original secret sharing polynomial.
Our Construction 1= 3 1 = 4 Amazon 1= 4 Amazon Amazon s4 s3 s1 s4 s2 s3 s1 s3 s2 Update & Disenrollment s1 s2 Enrollment Microsoft Microsoft Microsoft s14 s13 s14 s13 s13 4= 2 4= 2 4= 1 • Social Secret Sharing:sharing and reconstruction phases are similar to Shamir’s scheme, the only difference is the social tuning step. • Tuning: based on the availability, reputation and consequently i are adjusted. • Enrollment: players jointly cooperate to generate s14f(x); original polynomial. • Update & Disenrollment: players update shares except s4 where new sif’(x).
2. Socio-Rational Secret Sharing • Motivation: we would like to consider a repeated secret sharing game where players enter into a long-term interaction for executing an unknown number of independent secret sharing schemes. • Contribution:we propose a socio-rational secret sharingscheme where a public trust network is constructed to incentivize the players to be cooperative, i.e., they can gain extra utility if they cooperate. • Reminder:the concept of socio-rational secret sharing is new. • Social Secret Sharing: to update weightsof players in a setting with “honest” and “malicious” players. • Rational Secret Sharing: to deal with secret recovery in a rational setting with “selfish” players.
Application: Repeated Games • Sealed-Bid Auctions: repeated secret sharing game, where • Bidders select “n” out of “N” auctioneers based on their reputation. • Each bidder then acts as an independent dealer and shares his bid. • Auctioneers simulate a secure MPC protocol to define the outcome. • In the last round of the MPC, they need to recover the selling price. • Only auctioneers who learn (report) the selling price are rewarded. • At the end of each game, the reputation of each auctioneer is updated.
Utility Assumption Socio-Rational Rational • Rational vs Socio-Rational Secret Sharing: : whether Pi has learned the secret or not, and let . • The first preference illustrates that whether Pi learns the secret or not, he prefers to stay reputable. • The second assumption means Pi prefers the outcome in which he learns the secret. • The third one means Pi prefers the outcome in which the fewest number of other players learn the secret.
Utility Computation assume Pi has contributed in two consecutive periods p and p-1 i [1 , 3] [-3 , -1] or [1 , 3] suppose = $100 Sample Function: which satisfies our utility assumptions
Comparison (2,2)- Secret Sharing with Selfish Players (2,2)- Socio-Rational Secret Sharing (2,2)-Socio-Rational Secret Sharing: despite rational secret sharing, cooperationis always the best strategy even if the other party defects. Utility Comparison: where
3. Dynamic Secret Sharing • Motivation:in a threshold scheme, the sensitivity of the secret as well as the number of players may fluctuate due to various reasons. • Over time, mutual trustmight be decreased: perhaps due to the organizational problems or security incidents, and vise versa. • The structure of the organization to which the players belong might be changed: new players may join the organization or current parties may leave the organization. Therefore, modifying the threshold and/or changing the secret might be required throughout the lifetime of a secret • Contribution: we analyze the re-sharing technique in both passive and active adversary models, provide a simple dynamic scheme for changing the secret and threshold, and proposesequential secret sharing.
Threshold Modification (passive) P3 generates Example: using Lagrange/Vandermonde method, let
2 1 1 3 3 3 1 2 P2 P2 P1 P1 2 3 1 1 P3 P3 3 1 2 3 2 2 Threshold Decrease (passive/active) P3 P1 P2 P4: Public Share 7 3 ? 8 ^ P1 3 1 2 * 1 + * -3 + * 3 = 4 P2 ^ ^ 6 3 1 3 * 1 + * -3 + * 3 = 1 P3 2 1 2 * 1 + 2 * -3 + * 3 = 1 ^ • Public Evaluation: remember how players could enroll a newcomer. We use the same approach, let f(x) = 9 + 2x + 5x2 13 f(1) = 6 – 4 () = 2 f(2) = 6 – 4 () = 8 f(x) = 9 + 6x 13 f(3) = 6 – 4 () = 1
Threshold Increase (passive/active) • Zero Addition: let f(x,i) be the share of belonging to Pi (threshold is t). • Initially, t’ players are selected at random; each might be honest or malicious. • Each Pishares a secret i using a VSS scheme, where threshold is t’-2. • Each Pi adds shares of the accepted i-s together; the new secret is.
4. Multicomponent Commitment • Motivation: to construct a commitment scheme suitable for sealed-bid auctions, where the bidders decide on their bids ahead of time and independent of whatever info they may gain during the auction. • Contribution: a new multicomponent commitment scheme with several committers & verifiers, and three unconditionally secure first-price auction protocols with a decreasing price mechanism, i.e., Dutch-style auction. • Review: the goal of a sealed-bid auction is to protect different parameters. • Secrecy of the selling price and winner’s identity are optional. • To have a fair auction, confidentiality of the losing bids is important: They can be used in future auctions and negotiations by different parties, e.g., auctioneers to maximize their revenues or competitors to win the auction.
Our Construction … g1 … g2 n-1 points … … gn • Multicomponent Commitment Scheme:we assume that majority of players are honest. Our proposed scheme consists of a trusted initializer T and n players P1… Pn (T leaves the scheme after the initialization). • Initialize: T selects n polynomials of degree n-1 and sends gi(x) to Pi and also n-1 distinct points on each gi(x) to other players: • Commit: each player Picomputes yi = gi(xi) as a committed value and broadcasts yi to other players, where xi is the secret of Pi. That is, y1…yn are committed values and x1…xn are secrets of players accordingly. • Reveal: each Pidiscloses gi(x) and his secret xi to other parties through the public broadcast channel. Other players Pjinvestigate the validity of yi = gi(xi). They then check to see if all n-1 points are on gi(x), i.e., voting.
Application: Secure 1st-Price Auction x=1→[7,13) x=0→[0,7) • Verifiable Protocol with Non-Repudiation:i[,] and = -+1 • Initialize: trusted initializer T randomly selects polys for each bidder, where B1…Bn. He sends n-1 distinct points on each poly to other parties. • Commit: suppose i[0,7], = 8, i = 7 - 5 = 2, and Z13. Bi first converts i to a specific binary vector and then converts it to a non-binary vector as shown below. Finally, he commits to the resulting field elements. • Reveal: auction starts with and continues by a decreasing price mechanism. The winner proves his claim by revealing all commitments. Losers also prove that their bids have been less than the winning price. E.g., if win= 4, Bi reveals (7- 4 +1)= 4 values in [7,13), i.e., i has been at most 3
Application: Secure 1st-Price Auction x=1→[7,13) x=0→[0,7) • Efficient Verifiable Protocol with Non-Repudiation: ≈ log2 • Initialize: T randomly selects polynomials for each bidder. He then sends n-1 distinct points on each polynomial to other parties. • Commit: suppose i[0,7], = log28 = 3, i = 7- (101)2 = 2, and Z13. Bi first converts - i to a binary vector and then converts it to a non-binary vector as shown here. Finally, he commits to the resulting field elements. • Reveal: auction starts with and continues by a decreasing price mechanism. The winner proves his claim by revealing all commitments. Losers also prove that their bids have been less than the winning price. E.g., if win= 5, Bi reveals the 3rd value: 7-(1??)2 = 3, i.e., i has been at most 3 if win= 3, Bi reveals 1st and 3rd values: 7-(1?1)2 = 2, i.e., i has been at most 2
Final Remarks • There still exist many untouched areas in cryptography that need to be explored, specially from a multidisciplinary perspective, e.g., social and socio-rational secret sharing schemes. • The sealed-bid auctions are just an instance of financial functionalities. A similar privacy preserving approach can be used in other problem instances such as investment agreement, stock exchange, strategic negotiations, etc.
Thank You Very Much Special Thanks to Douglas Stinson, Ian Goldberg (UW), UrsHengartner (UW), Christos Papadimitriou (UCBerkeley), Charles Rackoff (U of T), Omer Reingold (Microsoft), Ronald Cramer (CWI), defense committee members, my friends in the CrySP lab, and my deepest gratitude to my father who passed away on July 13 and loved to see this moment.
Review of a Well-Known Solution T(p) > 0 T(p) < 0 T(p) > 0 T(p) < 0 T(p) = 0 T(p) = 0 Previous Solution:trust value T(p+1) is given by the following equations and it depends on the previous trust rating where: 0 and 0 [CIA’00].
Intuition and Motivation Impact of the brain’s history There exist some common principles for trust modeling A lies to B for the 1st time: defection A lies to B for the 2nd time: same defection + past history A cheat on B: costly defection
P2 C: Quiet D: Confess C: Quiet 0 , 0 -2 , +1 P1 D: Confess +1 , -2 -1 , -1 Non-cooperative Games • Prisoner’s Dilemma: is a well-known non-cooperative game. • Players: P1and P2 • Actions:Confess or Keep Quiet • Payoffs: • Nash Equilibrium: no matter Pi selects “C” or “D”, Pj chooses “D”. the ideal outcome +1 : Free 0 : Jail for 1 year -1 : Jail for 2 years -2 : Jail for 3 years P1: “what if I defect” P2 P2 P2 P2 0, 0 -2, +1 0 , 0 -2 , +1 0 , 0 -2 , +1 0 , 0 -2 , +1 P1 P1 P1 +1 , -2 -1 , -1 +1, -2 -1, -1 +1 , -2 -1 , -1 +1 , -2 -1 , -1 P1: “what if I cooperate” P1
STOC’04 Paper 0 0 1 0 1 s1 s2 s3 all players are selfish 0 P1 P2 P3 0 1 0 0 3 1 0 , 2 • Problem: 3-out-of-3 rational secret sharing. • Solution: a multi-round recovery approach. • In each round, dealer initiates a fresh secret sharing of the same secret. • During an iteration, each Pi flips a biased coin ci with Pr[ci = 1] = . • Players then compute c* = ci by MPC without revealing ci-s. • If c* = ci = 1, player Pi broadcast his share. There are 3 possibilities: • If all shares are revealed, the secret is recovered and the protocol ends. • If c* = 1 and 0 or 2 shares are revealed, players terminate the protocol. • In any other cases, the dealer and players proceed to the next round.
Our Construction in Nutshell decision making $ despite all the existing protocols • Utility Estimation Function: is used by a rational foresighted player. • Estimation of the future gain/loss due to the trust adjustment (virtual). • Learning the secret at the current time (real). • The number of other players learning the secret at the moment (real). • Prominent Properties: our solution • Has a single reconstruction round. • Provides a stable solution concept. • Is immune to rushing attack. • Prevents the players to abort.
Protocol: Socio-Rational SS Secret Sharing: Secret Recovery:
Threshold Modification (active) P1 generates 9 + 2 (23) + 7 (23)2?=?3 + 12 (22) + 2 (22)2 473 83 5 (mod 13) fails to increase the threshold Example:using bivar-poly
Application: Sequential SS Sharing : in the first phase,
Application: Sequential SS 2 is uniquely determined 1 is uniquely determined (original secret) Reconstruction: in the second phase,
Disjunctive [Crypto’88] 2 users at L0 is enough 3 users at L0 | L1 is enough 4 users at L0 | L1 | L2 is enough 6 users at L0 | L1 | L2 | L3 is enough Application of Our Dynamic Scheme • Sequential Secret Sharing: generating multiple secrets with various t-s • Conjunctive [TCC’04] At least 2 users at L0 At least 3 users at L0 | L1 At least 4 users at L0 | L1 | L2 At least 6 users at L0 | L1 | L2 | L3 L0: t0= 2 original Secret0 intermediate Secret1 L1: t1= 3 L2: t2= 4 intermediate Secret2 L3: t3= 6 last Secret3
(15 , 3) (14 , 1) 5 e + 6 g (14) = 1 e = 6 5 e + 6 g (15) = 3 g = 13 Disjunctive Secret Sharing • Example:t0 = 2 < t1 = 3 < t2 = 4 < t3 = 6 : max threshold • f (x)=2+3 x1+1 x2+5 x3+6 x4+13 x5 Z19Secretis the leading coefficient • idsare in monotonically decreasing order by level (can be random) 14 15 L0: t0 = 2 f (6-2 = 4) (x) = 11 + 2 x 11 12 13 L1: t1 = 3 f (6-3 = 3) (x) = 11 + 11 x+ x2 7 8 9 10 L2: t2 = 4 f (6-4 = 2) (x) = 2 + 11 x+ 15 x2 + 13 x3 1 2 3 4 5 6 L3: t3 = 6 f (6-6 = 0) (x) = 2 + 3x+ 1x2 + 5x3 + 6x4 + 13x5 f (0) (x) = a + bx + c x2 + d x3 + e x4 + g x5 f (1) (x) = b + 2 cx + 3 d x2 + 4 e x3 + 5 g x4 f (2) (x) = 2 c + 6 dx + 12 e x2 + gx3 f (3) (x) = 6 d + 5 ex + 3 g x2 f (4) (x) = 5 e + 6 gx
(1 , 11) (2 , 14) f (t0 = 2) (x) = 2 + 11 x+ 15 x2 + 2 x3 (3 , 15) (6 , 8) f (t1 = 3) (x) = 11 + 11 x+ 6 x2 f (t2 = 4) (x) = 11 + 12 x (10 , 17) (11 , 10) a + b + c + d + e + g = 11 a + 2 b + 4 c + 8 d + 16 e + 13 g = 14 f (0) (x) = a + bx + c x2 + d x3 + e x4 + g x5 a = 13 b = 3 c = 1 d = 5 e = 6 g = 2 f (2) (x) = 2 c + 6 dx + 12 e x2 + gx3 2 c + 18 d + 13 e + 8 g = 15 6 d + 11 e + 13 g = 8 f (3) (x) = 6 d + 5 ex + 3 g x2 5 e + 3 g = 17 5 e+ 9 g = 10 f (4) (x) = 5 e + 6 gx Conjunctive Secret Sharing • Example:t0 = 2 < t1 = 3 < t2 = 4 < t3 = 6 : idsare in increasing order or random • f (x)=13+3x +1 x2+5 x3+6 x4+2 x5 Z19Secretis the constant coefficient 1 2 L0: t0 = 2 f (x) = 13+3x +1 x2+5 x3+6 x4+2 x5 3 4 5 L1: t1 = 3 6 7 8 9 L2: t2 = 4 10 11 12 13 14 15 L3: t3 = 6
Security of the MCS dishonest minority guessing one point of honest players honest majority Hiding: each receiver is computationally unbounded and cannot learn secrets before the reveal phase except with a negligible probability Binding: each sender is computationally unbounded and cannot cheat by revealing a fake secret except with a negligible probability Validating: with the honest majority assumption, players can validate all secrets correctly during the reveal phase in the presence of colluders.
Dutch-Style Auction 3 2 1 2 1 • Decreasing Mechanism: starts from the highest price and continues by a decreasing mechanism. This is secure without using any crypto techniques but we are looking for other properties. Example:1 = 2 2 = 1 3 = 1 (2 bits for each bid: 4 options) • Let j = 22 – 1 = 3 possible prices (excluding zero). • Each bidder Bi broadcasts 1 or 0 depending on whether he wants to pay price j or not. • If all agent broadcast 0, set j = j – 1 and go to step-2 otherwise j is the selling price and the bidder who submitted 1 wins. Losing bids are not revealed by losers.
Cost Analysis • Computation & Communication: interpolating a polynomial of degree at most n-1 at n points takes O(C(n) log n), that is, O(n log2 n) using FFT: • MCS:n polynomials(n-1) are evaluated at n points. • VNR:npolynomials(n-1) are evaluated at n points. • EVNR:n=n*log2polynomials(n-1) are evaluated at n points. we have full secrecy, i.e., (n-1) players cannot learn the committed value, and the honest majority assumption is for the correctness.