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Targeting bacterial virulence mechanisms for antibiotic development: challenges and opportunities. Stephen Lory Harvard Medical School, Boston. History of antibiotic discovery. Sales in Billion € . Antibiotic resistance follows their introduction into therapy. Rafael Cantón, 2006.
Targeting bacterial virulence mechanisms for antibiotic development: challenges and opportunities Stephen Lory Harvard Medical School, Boston
Antibiotic resistance follows their introduction into therapy Rafael Cantón, 2006
Genome derived, target based strategy for discovery of novel drugs Essential targets: Required under all conditions Conditional essential: Virulence factors Mutability and depleteability Fitness in an infection model “Genome” Broad vs. narrow spectrum Bioinformatics Interspecies complementation
Genome derived, target based strategy for discovery of novel drugs Essential targets: Required under all conditions Conditional essential: Virulence factors Mutability and depleteability Fitness in an infection model “Genome” Broad vs. narrow spectrum Bioinformatics Interspecies complementation
Molecular Koch’s postulates (Proof that a gene product is an essential virulence factor) The pathogenic trait should be associated with the pathogenic members of the genus, species or strains. Inactivation of the gene associated with the pathogenic trait should result in a measurable loss of pathogenicity or virulence. Reversion, allelic replacement (complementation) of the mutated gene should restore pathogenicity. Koch’s postulates (Proof that a specific organism caused a disease) The organism occurs in every case of the disease and under circumstances and conditions which can account for the pathological changes and clinical course of the disease. The organism occurs in no other disease as a fortuitous and non-pathogenic colonizer. The organism is isolated, grown in pure culture and it can induce disease anew.
New approaches towards drug discovery Model organisms: Pseudomonas aeruginosa - extracellular pathogen can be genetically manipulated Chlamydia pneumoniae - obligate intracellular parasite - no genetic system
Infections caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa VAP Neutropenia (malignancy, immune suppression) Burns Ocular, ear infections Prolonged hospitalization Acute- invasive, cytotoxic Cystic Fibrosis E n v i r o n m e n t a l R e s e r v o i r Chronic - biofilms
Chlamydia pneumoniae Causative agent of acute and chronic respiratory tract infections Bronchitis Pneumonia Association of with diseases of unknown etiology Atherosclerosis Multiple sclerosis Reactive arthritis Lung cancer Macular degeneration Alzheimer’s disease Asthma Schizophrenia Stroke
Functional assays Biological relevance Drug screen Inhibition of target activity restores normal growth Screen chemical inhibitors of target Drug optimization Drug discovery based on expression of virulence factors in yeast Target selection Normal growth Dividing yeast cells Effect on viability and infectivity Growth inhibition Identification of targets ORFs encoding potential targets Bacterial target Effect on target activity
Two mechanism of killing of mammalian cells by Pseudomonas aeruginosa P.aeruginosa ExoS ExoS ExoA Ras inactive Ras NAD+ ExoA* NAD+ ExoS EF-2 EF-2 (Active) (Inactive) FAS (cofactor) Protein synthesis Protein synthesis Human epithelial lung cells
The type III secretion system Chlamydia in inclusions P. aeruginosa attached to an epithelial cell
System for expression of bacterial genes in yeast pGAL pGAL pGAL pGAL Yeast viability gfp CP orf gfp CP orf CEN6 2µ Mechanism of yeast killing Use yeast to screen for inhibitors CP orf CP orf CEN6 2µ High copy Low copy/ Integrated (LEU2) S. cerevisiae W303 S. cerevisiae PDR1-, PDR3-
Lethality of P.aeruginosa protein expressed in yeast 505 essential protein and virulence factors screened in yeast- 9 were lethal
The two activities of ExoS GTPase activation ADP-ribosyl transferase
The ADP-ribosyl transferase activity of ExoS is responsible for yeast lethality
Over-expression of the target leads to resistance to killing
Compounds capable of rescuing yeast cells from killing by ExoS Compound library screened: 56,000 molecules
Exosin is a competitive inhibitor of the ExoS-catalyzed ADP-ribosylation reaction
Inhibitors of ExoS protect CHO cells from killing by P. aeruginosa Dead Live Staining with 7-Amino- actinomycin D ExoU
Summary (I) Expression of a number of P. aeruginosa essential genes leads to a lethal phenotype in yeast Over-expression of candidate yeast genes can be used to identify the target of cytotoxic proteins A screen of compound libraries can be used to reverse the lethal phenotype in yeast Active compounds protect mammalian cells from the cytotoxic activity of a P.aeruginosa toxin Yeast =Model for human infection?
Chlamydia developmental cycle Genome sequences of most strains available No means of genetic manipulation No virulence factors identified to date
The genetic organization of the type III secretion system in selected bacteria
62 62 62 62 62 62 124 123 123 123 123 124 186 185 185 185 184 185 248 247 247 247 245 246 310 308 309 309 307 308 372 370 371 371 369 370 399 397 398 398 418 421 Amino-acid Sequence Alignment and Comparison of SctW Homologs Identity 100% 67% 64% 64% 45% 45%
Expression of C. pneumoniae genes in yeast GFP Vector GFP-CP0358p (prot. phosphatase) GFP-CopN GFP-CP0679p (S/T kinase) GFP-CP0833p (TTSS effector) GFP-CP1062p (TTSS effector) High copy GFP-CopN GFP-CP1062p Low copy Integrative GFP-CopN CopN High copy (non-GFP) C. trachomatis GFP-CopN Y. enterocolitica GFP-YopN P. aeruginosa GFP-PopN High copy
Expression of C. pneumoniae CopN protein blocks yeast cell division GFP-CopN GFP
gfp dapi merge % of cells * Strain Time (h) No bud Small bud Large bud GFP-CopN Vector 22 30 48 2 h 4 h 77 14 9 90 5 6 h 4 50 2 h 19 31 30 4 h 43 27 26 52 22 6 h Expression of CopN in yeast results in cells with large buds and abnormally positioned nuclei
Expression of CopN disrupts microtubules and causes G2/M cell cycle arrest gfp anti--tubulin merge CopN Vector No detectable spindle in CopN expressing cells 1N 2N 0 h Flow cytometry Normal spindle detected in GFP control cells (Integrated GFP-CopN or GFP vector) 2 h 4 h
Expression of CopN in mammalian cells GFP-CopN e g f h Vector a a c d b Anti-tubulin GFP DAPI Overlay Vector CopN 2N 4N 0 h 10 h Cell cycle arrest at G2/M 12.5 h 15 h 17.5 h
High throughput screen of a compound library for the rescue of the CopN-induced growth defect in yeast Screen: Monitor growth (OD at 600 nm) of S. cerevisiae (PDR1-, PDR3-)in 384 well microtiter dishes following induction of CopN expression. Library: 50,000 compounds Primary hits: 28 compounds Validated hits: 12 compounds Available compounds: 8 compounds Confirmed: 2 compounds
0433YC1 0433YC2
Inhibitors of CopN block the formation of large inclusions in infected cells CP0433YC1 DMSO Cm CP0433YC2
Conclusions (II) Expression of certain Chlamydia proteins leads to lethality in east CopN function by disrupting microtubules and causing a cell division arrest inG2/m phase Compounds that rescue yeast from CopN lethality prevent infection of mammalian cells by Chlamydia Chemical knockouts vs. genetic knockouts Yeast as a tool for drug discovery
Acknowledgments Chlamydia Jin Huang Cammie Lesser ExoS Anthony Arnaldo Igor Stagljar