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FAMOUS QUOTES ON SUCCESS. Desire- A burning desire is the starting point of all accomplishment. Just like a small fire cannot give much heat, a weak desire cannot produce great results.
FAMOUS QUOTES ON SUCCESS • Desire- A burning desire is the starting point of all accomplishment. Just like a small fire cannot give much heat, a weak desire cannot produce great results. • Commitment- The quality of a person's life is in direct proportion to their commitment to excellence, regardless of their chosen field of endeavor. • Responsibility- Responsible people accept and learn from their mistakes. Vince Lombardi
QUALITIES THAT MAKE A PERSON SUCCESSFUL • Hard Work- To succeed in your mission, you must have single-minded devotion to your goal --A.P.J. Kalam Character:
QUALITIES THAT MAKE A PERSON SUCCESSFUL • Give more than you get - Winners put in 100% and then some more.
Guaranteed Secrets of Success Inspired from Shiv Khera AUTHOR OF You can win Inspired from Robin Sharma • AUTHOR OF The Monk who sold his Ferrari
How To Be Successful at Whatever You Do • Sleep less • Set aside every morning one hour for personal development – meditate • Visualize – read some motivational text. • Ask yourself – Is it the best use of time & energy? • Use Rubber band method to condition your mind • Answer your phone with enthusiasm
How To Be Successful at Whatever You Do • Record inspirational ideas/text in a dairy • Set aside every Sunday one hour for reading a new book • Quality of your life is quality of communication. • Stay on purpose not on outcome • Laugh for 5 min in the mirror every morning • Light a candle beside you when you are reading in the evening • To increase concentration count the steps while you walk • Learn to meditate effectively
How To Be Successful at Whatever You Do • Learn to be still in silence and tranquility for 30 min. • Enhance your will power – keep focused on one at all times. • You are like a muscle – first exercise and push it before it gets stronger • Speak less – use 60/40 principle • Develop sense of humour • Become highly disciplined time manager
How To Be Successful at Whatever You Do • Associate with only positive minded people • You must have a mission statement in your life • Develop speed reading • Remember people’s names and call them by name • Be soft as flower when it comes to kindness and be tougher as thunder when it comes to Principle • Never discuss your health, wealth & personal matters outside your immediate family • Learn the power of breathing
How To Be Successful at Whatever You Do • Maintain a dairy to measure your progress and expression of thought • Empty your cup. A full cup cannot accept anything more. • Drink a cup of warm water before your speech. • When you stand and meet someone, stand firm and steadfast. • Master the art of public speaking. • Cultivate the art of walking after evening meal for half an hour. • Never argue the person you work for. • In terms of business attire, dark suits reflect power.
How To Be Successful at Whatever You Do • Spend time with nature • Make a list of all your weaknesses and work on it. • Never complain and overlook the weaknesses of your friends • Think of three people who can inspire, motivate and support your goals • Sow an action – reap a benefit • Make a new friend or acquaintance every day • If you conquer your mind, you can conquer the world
Shortcuts to Success • PLAN while others are playing.STUDY • while others are sleeping.DECIDE • while others are delaying.PREPARE • while others are daydreaming.BEGIN • while others are procrastinating
Shortcuts to Success • WORK while others are wishing.SAVE • while others are wasting.LISTEN • while others are talking .SMILE • while others are frowning.COMMEND • while others are criticizing.PERSIST • while others are quitting.
The Secret of success is– doing things not merely because they are popular, but because you deeply believe in them.
The Secret of success is – non-attachments to results; doing you best at the moment. And letting the results take care themselves.
The Secret of success is - enthusiasm! Without it, nothing worth while was ever achieved.
The Secret of success is – seeing your work primarily as a service to others and not as a means of personal gain.
The Secret of success is—blaming no one when things go wrong, but doing whatever you can to improve matters.
The Secret of success is—being crystal-clear as to your purpose and directions, and having the courage to act accordingly.
The Secret of success is—developing your will power, by setting yourself increasingly difficult goals, and perservering, until each of them has been achieved
The Secret of success is—not limiting your self-identity to present realities, but expanding it to include your highest potentials.
The Secret of success is—never making emotional decisions, but maintaining your heart’s feelings in a calm state of reason.
The Secret of success is—being grateful for what you have, however little, and not resenting life for what it hasn't given you.