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INTERNET ACCESS. In this room : Go to Westin meetings. Enter access code: ascccbr In meeting rooms later : If you already logged on in here, it will work there. Otherwise, codes vary by room. Find the new code when you get to your breakout room. D iscipline I nput G roup Meetings
INTERNET ACCESS In this room: Go to Westin meetings. Enter access code: ascccbr In meeting rooms later: If you already logged on in here, it will work there. Otherwise, codes vary by room. Find the new code when you get to your breakout room
Discipline Input Group Meetings (DIGs) Fall 2012 Jane Patton C-ID Faculty Coordinator
Preview • Senate Bill 1440: Associate Degrees for Transfer (AA-T and AS-T) • The role of C-ID • Tasks for today’s “DIG”
Dawn of a new era. . . SB 1440 • Goal: increase CCC transfers with associate degrees • Increase number of associate degrees awarded • Reduce units/cost before & after transfer • Smoother path to transfer to a CSU • A guarantee at CSU
Ed code §66745-49 says: • All CCCs must offer associate degrees for transfer (to CSU) • Degrees include: • 60 sem./90 qtr. CSU-transferable units • Completion of IGETC or CSU GE-Breadth (Note: GE = 27-33 units) • Minimum 18 sem./27 qtr. units in major • No additional local requirements allowed • GPA---2.0
“the CSU shall guarantee admission with junior status” • “. . . does not guarantee admission for specific majors or campuses” • “priority admission ---to local CSU campus and to a program or major that is similar . . . as determined by the CSU campus”
What couldhave happened. . . 112 colleges develop unique degrees in each major. . . OR A concerted, statewide, intersegmental transfer model curriculum (TMC)
“Transfer Model Curriculum” Appropriate courses for an associate degree (CCC) and Preparation for transfer (CSU) “Double-counting” encouraged 60 units total including GE
Features of TMC Common “core” – typically 6 units Additional courses selected from list (s) Total 18 units (minimum) Some courses may be in related fields
Example TMC: Psychology Total units 18-21 Required Core: (9-11 units) • Elementary Statistics (3-4 units) • General Psychology (3 units) • Research Methods in Psychology
List A: Select one of: • Intro Biology (3-4) • Human Bio (3-4) • Intro Bio Psych (3-4) List B: Select one of: (3 units) • Any List A course not used above or • Any course has articulation as lower division major prep for the psych major at a CSU
List C (up to 3 units) • Any courses not selected above, *any CSU transferable psychology courses, and/or other courses that are lower division preparation for the psychology major at a university - in or outside of the discipline.
A common course identification system • Similar to CAN • Faculty created and approved course “descriptors” • Individual CCCs submit courses for C-ID approval • Contact your articulation officer for information. www.c-id.net
Is Intersegmental • Is Faculty-driven
The C-ID Connection to AA/AS-T ? • C-ID courses---the foundation for TMCs • Faculty (CCC and CSU) agree upon course content • C-ID ensures rigor and quality of curriculum • C-ID courses accepted at other CCCs with approved C-ID courses
Course Descriptors include Course description Units; labs Prerequisites Content Objectives Evaluation Texts
“ Descriptors” • Identify the essential, common components of a course • Provide enough detail to serve as the basis for articulation • Inform course updates • Permit identification of comparable courses • Provide consistency for the TMC
Process • Develop draft descriptors in 2 ways: • At DIG meetings • In FDRG • Vet draft descriptors www.c-id.net • Finalize descriptors • Seek articulation with universities • Seek COR submissions from CCCs
Steps in TMC & descriptor development 1. Faculty discipline groups (intersegmental : CCC & CSU and some UC involvement, too • Review brainstorming from DIGs • Identify common lower division major preparation (TMC) • Define content for courses (C-ID course descriptors) continued. . .
Steps. . . 2. Draft TMCs are vetted statewide (www.c-id.net) 3. Drafts of Course descriptors (C-ID) vetted statewide 4. CCCs develop TMC- aligned degrees (AA-T/AS-T) 5. CSU determines if TMC is “similar” to their program/s
Statewide progress so far • 22 final TMCs (+4 in the queue) • 500 degrees approved in Chanc. Office so far • >300 C-ID descriptors in 30 disciplines • More C-ID descriptors in the works • CCC Chan. Office: pressure to develop more AA-T & AS-T degrees • CSU Chan. Office: pressure to deem TMCs as “similar” to more majors
22 TMCs Available And MORE Coming Soon!
So why are we here today? To brainstorm To listen and share ideas To consider students’ pathways and needs
Questions to Discuss:The Big Picture What is/are the CSU major(s) in this field? What lower division courses do they require? Do CCCs teach those courses? Does an existing TMC meet the needs for that pathway? Are there C-ID descriptors already for these lower division courses? Is a new TMC beneficial for students?
Tasks for today TMC 1. Discuss possible components of TMC in your major Review existing TMCs for overlap & examples 2. Discuss whether a TMC is justifiable 3. Draft a TMC Your role: to provide your perspectives and insights; we’re here to brainstorm.
Tasks for today C-ID course descriptors 1. Review/edit existing draft descriptors (if any exist) 2. Review, modify existing TCSU descriptors (if any) 3. Draft new C-ID course descriptors 4. Identify any appropriate courses outside your major that are needed for TMC Your role: to provide your perspectives and insights; we’re here to brainstorm.
Resources and Contacts www.C-ID.net www.SB1440.org www.ASCCC.org info@c-id.net (email) www.ADegreeWithAGuarantee.com.
Challenges today. . . • Some disciplines overlap with others, e.g. • Kinesiology/Exercise Science/Health Science • Child/Adolescent Development/Early Childhood Ed • Graphic Arts/Graphic Design • Hospitality/Hotel Mgt/ Nutrition/Food Science/Dietetics
Challenges today. . . • Why were these particular disciplines invited today? • Student demand • CSU’s “similar” determinations & program alignment • Increasing pressure to offer and confer AA-T/AS-T degrees for more students • Desire to expand degrees in CTE fields
TipsIt helps if we can. . . Maintain statewide perspectives. Local campuses always have idiosyncrasies. Think of student pathways—not only pathways for your current programs. Consider challenges of smaller colleges Consider allowing for some local options Seek double-counting opportunities Ensure you + colleagues are on your listserv
Legislative Background “Existing law requires the Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges to develop, maintain, and disseminate a general common course numbering system for use by community college districts.” SB 1415 (2004)