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Massage Therapist in Dallas TX

Dallas is a major city in the state of Texas and is the largest urban center of the fourth most populous metropolitan area in the United States. DFW Massage Doctor is located in 3419 Westminister Ave, Dallas, TX 75205. DFW Massage Doctor owner Kendahl Airey is a body-worker, public speaker, educator, avid runner and entrepreneur with a true passion for healing the mind and body.

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Massage Therapist in Dallas TX

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  1. Massage Therapist in Dallas TX Dallas Massage Therapist

  2. Deep Tissue Massage DFW Massage Doctor deals with muscle tension, soreness, injuries and neurological performance.

  3. Thai Fusion Massage • Thai Fusion massage is full of deep, passive, full body stretches as well as active communication. Gain Flexibility, improve your life.

  4. Post Surgical Massage • Lymphatic Massage with light strokes with lymphatic tapping to speed up recovery. Usually used after cosmetic surgery, it is also useful with sports surgeries and oncology recovery.

  5. Source • Address: 3419 Westminster Ave, Dallas, TX 75205 • Email:Kendahl@KendahlAirey.com • Telephone: 972-514-2825 • Website:www.dfwmassagedoctor.com

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