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Decline of Rome: Rise of the Second Empire

Explore the military pressures faced by the Roman Empire in the 3rd century, including the rise of the Sassanid Empire and Germanic tribes. Learn about the military revolution and the reorganization of the empire under Diocletian. Discover the battle for succession and the rise of Constantine as the sole emperor. Witness the shift of the capital to Constantinople and the impact of Christianity.

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Decline of Rome: Rise of the Second Empire

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  2. DECLINE OF ROME: "Second" Empire from 3rd C.     military pressures: in East, Persian Sassanid Empire 260 Emperor Valerian dies in captivity  in NW,   Germanic tribes (Goths, Franks, Alemanni) tribes elect chiefs (kings, koenig) 250 AD first raids   Symbol & response building of Aurelian wall around Rome, 271 AD Result: military revolution, Germanization of army, increase in taxation to support army

  3. 271 Aurelian wall in red Servian wall in black

  4. Military revolution of 3rd Century begins with temporary measures under Marcus Aurelius: resorts to conscription of slaves, gladiators, criminals, barbarians (Germans)Septimus Severus 193-211 opens Praetorian Guard to Germansincreasing militarization, rise in taxes rise of provincials and Germans in army: Diocletian: son of freedman from Dalmatia social revolution in army and ruling class

  5. Diocletian 284-305

  6. TETRARCHY 284-305 AD “rule of four” DIOCLETIAN’S REORGANIZATION OF EMPIRE: Motive: military defense of frontiers orderly succession Four rulers: two Augusti (Diocletian as Senior Augustus)they choose two Caesars (adopted successors, not their own sons) Four Prefectures and four capitals:  none at Rome

  7. WHERE IS ROME? Four Prefectures and their capitals:   GAUL             ITALY            ILLYRICUM         ASIA Capitals:                   |                        |                       |         Trier             Milan             Sirmium           Nicomedia                                              (near Belgrade)      (on Bosphorus Straits                                                                             near Byzantium) Imperial government under Diocletian: 4 prefectures, each divided into 12 dioceses, which are then divided into100 provinces for local government and tax collection

  8. Western Empire: capitols – Trier and Milan Eastern Empire: capitols –Sirmium and Nicomedia

  9. Four Prefectures and their capitals:  (none at Rome) •  GAUL             ITALY            ILLYRICUM         ASIA • Capitals:                   |                        |                       | •         Trier             Milan             Sirmium           Nicomedia                                          (near Belgrade)   (on Bosphorus                                                                              near Byzantium) • Rulers:     West      East                                                      Senior     Caesar            Augustus            Augustus          CaesarConstantius         Maximian          Diocletian        Maximianus | |(abdicate in 305 AD)          Son             Son | |Constantine     Maxentius

  10. PALACE OF DIOCLETIAN, SPLIT (modern Croatia)

  11. Split (in modern Croatia) site of Diocletian’s palace


  13. Basilica of SanMarco Venice 11-12th C.

  14. Rulers:     West      East  | |                           Senior     Caesar            Augustus            Augustus          Caesar | | | | Constantius         Maximian          Diocletian        Maximianus | |(abdicate in 305 AD)          son             son | |Constantine     Maxentius

  15. 305 Abdication of Diocletian and Maximiantheir Caesars become AugustiNew Caesars chosen: Italy: Flavius Valerius Severus (under Constantius)        Illyricum: Galerius Valerius Maximinus Daia (under Maximianus) • 306 -  312 battle for succesion among all of the above, except Diocletian, including sons of western Augustus (Maxentius) and western Ceasar (Constantine) plus  addition of Licinus in 308;

  16. 312 Constantine invades Italy: defeats & kills Maxentius at Battle of Milvian Bridge: vision of cross in Sun voice: “In this Sign you will conquer.” 313 Edict of Milan: toleration of Christianity in Empire 313 Licinius consolidates military hold on East 323 Battle of Adrianople: defeat of Licinius by Constantine 324 Constantine sole Emperor in East & West




  20. Constantinople as "new Rome" and "capital of Christianity":330 capital moved to Byzantium/Constantinople – religious,  military & administrative reasons remains capital until 1453 (Ottoman Turks) 390 Christianity  becomes official religion of Empire                           under Emperor Theodosius I (378-395)        pagan sacrifices outlawed, including in city of Rome


  22.  |  |

  23. CHRISTIANITY IN ROME Christ as Jewish prophet: born under reign of Augustus crucified under Tiberius 33 AD Early Christian martyrs (those who died for the faith) St. Peter: first of the Apostles “Thou art Peter and upon this Rock I will build my Church.” Gospel of St. Matthew St. Paul: Jewish, Roman citizen Apostle to the Gentiles (= non-Jewish people) converted on road to Damascus author of Epistles (Letters) to Romans, Corinthians

  24. 15th C. Crucifixion of St. PeterLippi

  25. 17th C Caravaggio Crucifixion of St. Peter

  26. Characteristics of Christian religion: • cosmopolitan, universalist (= catholic in Greek) anyone can join • scripture (writings) as basis of Christian identity: Gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke, John Epistles (letters): especially those of Paul • egalitarian: ignore distinctions of “slave” vs “free” • communal: social support for poor, widowsrituals define who belongs: Baptism, Communion 260-302 period of toleration of Christians 303-305 persecutions of Diocletian

  27. 325 COUNCIL OF NICEA:       1st ecumenical (world-wide) council of Christian Church      called by Constantine acting as head of church CAESAROPAPISM: Caesar acts as Pope, fusion of Church and State       council condemns as heresy (incorrect doctrine) the view of the Trinity taught by ARIANS: followers of Arius hold that Christ as son is lesser being than Father Nicene Creed :       orthodox definition of Trinity stated by Council of Nicea      Son is of “same substance” with the Father (Greek = homo-ousia)

  28. Basilica of St. Petersbuilt on siteof Nero’sCircus

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