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Cannabis As A Herbal Medicine In SF

Cannabis is used by people from all walks of life, from kids through to people in their seventies or older.

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Cannabis As A Herbal Medicine In SF

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Cannabis As A Herbal Medicine In SF For More Info: Herbal Benefits of Medical Marijuana

  2. INDEX • Herbalism • Uses Of Herbal Medicine • Marijuana As An Herbal Medicine • Why Cannabis? • Green World

  3. Herbalism • Herbalism is also known as Herbal medicine which is the study and use of plant’s medical properties. • Plants have the capability to produce a large number of chemical substances that are used to do significant biological action, and to protect against predators attack such as fungi, insects and herbivorous mammals. • Many of these chemical substances have useful effects on human health when used by them, and can be used to treat human diseases.

  4. Uses Of Herbal Medicine • Herbal medicines have both short-term and long-term usage. The leaf, stem, resin, flowers and roots of various plants are used as medicine for various diseases in several countries. • Some of the short-term health problems like cold, fever, headache and minor wounds can be treated using homemade herbal medicine holy basil, Fenugreek and raisin. • Herbal medicines can treat any illness and they are having fewer side effects than modern medicine. They are low-cost when compared with prescription medications.

  5. Marijuana As An Herbal Medicine

  6. Why Cannabis? • Cannabis is used by people from all walks of life, from kids through to people in their seventies or older. • Most of these older people were around in the 1950’s which was a time of hippie culture, ‘flower power’ and drugs such as cannabis. So it is true that they will still be smoking the infrequent ‘joint’ or two. • Since cannabis is having a lot of medical usage as well as industrial usage, the legalization of cannabis is needed all over the world. Some of the countries like Australia, US, Netherland etc. were legalized it but some countries not yet.

  7. Green World • Researchers around the world accept that we all must do our share to take care of our earth. This means making changes to our day-today life to cut global warming and the use of chemicals that produce hole in the Earth’s protective ozone layer. • Growing cannabis plant in the forest can reduce soil erosion which is major reason for the global warming, so for Green World Greenish cannabis is the necessary one.

  8. Contact Us For More Info: Herbal Benefits of Medical Marijuana

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