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This program aims to strengthen the economic and social prosperity of the Meuse-Vesdre area in Belgium through diversifying the economic base, joining the knowledge society, promoting employability and know-how, consolidating international roles, and promoting sustainable urban development.
Welcome to Objective 2 programme Meuse-Vesdre Belgium DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL
1. Introduction DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL
1.2 The map of the eligible area DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL
1.3 Description of the eligible area The eligible area covers twelve municipalities in the Liège industrial area and the Verviers agglomeration, with populations of 404 500 and 67 300 respectively. It also covers 21 municipalities which are not included in the new programming but are eligible for transitional support (phasing-out). Per capita GDP in the province of Liège is higher than in Wallonia in general, but still remains below the Belgian and European averages. Only the district of Huy is above the Belgian average. On top of this relatively unfavourable positioning on the European stage, rates of growth in the area are below the various reference rates, resulting in a more or less permanent deterioration over the past twenty years. The latest available data are for 1997 and show growth 0.5 points above the Belgian average in that year. DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL
1.4 Main regional indicators in EU and in Belgium, 1988-1998-9 Economy Labour market GDP/head Empl. rate%,1999 Unempl. rate% 1988 1998 Agri. Indust. Servi. 1989 1999 EU 15100,0 100,0 4,5 29,2 66,0 8,4 9,4Belgique 103,2 111,3 2,4 25,8 71,8 7,2 8,8 Bruxelles-Capital 162,3 168,8 0,2 13,4 86,4 9,2 14,0 Vlaams Gewest 104,4 115,1 2,5 28,0 69,5 5,5 5,6 Antwerpen 123,8 138,5 2,2 28,1 69,8 6,4 6,5 Limburg (B) 102,6 108,5 2,1 34,5 63,4 8,5 7,0 Oost-Vlaanderen 99,0 104,1 2,7 30,4 66,9 5,3 5,9 Vlaams-Brabant 81,4 96,1 1,5 20,7 77,8 4,0 3,9 West-Vlaanderen 103,9 116,2 3,8 27,5 68,7 3,9 4,6 Region Wallonie 83,4 87,9 2,8 24,7 72,5 9,9 13,3 Brabant-Wallon 75,5 86,8 2,0 24,0 74,1 5,8 8,8 Hainaut 77,0 79,2 2,6 27,3 70,2 11,9 16,6 Liège 94,9 98,6 2,4 23,9 73,7 10,1 12,8 Luxembourg (B) 85,3 95,0 6,8 24,7 68,5 6,1 7,3 Namur 80,4 85,7 3,0 20,3 76,7 9,2 12,6 DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL
2. Development strategy The Walloon Region’s general aim is to use the SPD to strengthen the economic and social prosperity of the eligible area by reaffirming its metropolitan status. three priorities: diversifying the economic base and consolidating know-how, consolidating the international positioning of the Liège area, sustainable urban development. DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL
2. Development strategy Three priorities result in five types of assistance: diversifying the economic base (Priority 1), joining the knowledge society (Priority 1), boosting expertise - human resources (Priority 1), consolidating the area’s international role (Priority 2), promoting sustainable urban development (Priority 3). DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL
3. Priorities, measures and expected impactPriority 1. Diversifying the economic base: supporting investment projects; improve conditions for the development of SMEs through services relating to management, the new ICT, electronic commerce, internationalisation and economic action through networking. DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL
3. Priorities, measures and expected impactPriority 2.Joining the knowledge society: focus on the development and transfer of the results of scientific research at the level of industrial development, direct support for private sector R&D projects, strengthening the centres of excellence, follow-up service provision to the area’s firms and, the establishment of support infrastructure for training in new technologies. DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL
3. Priorities, measures and expected impactPriority 3. Promoting employability and know-how: To provide the local labour force with fresh knowledge and better skills, to promote social and economic redeployment in these two districts and for the metropolisation process, to meet the specific needs of the area, so complementing the more horizontal assistance provided under Objective 3. to supplement Priority 5 by appropriate accompanying measures for people in districts in difficulty in order to cut unemployment levels, poverty and marginalisation. DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL
3. Priorities, measures and expected impactPriority 4. Consolidating the area’s international role: focuses on positioning the area as a European business centre, developing leisure functions with an international outlook, improving the image of the area and, seeking external complementarities. DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL
3. Priorities, measures and expected impactPriority 5. Promoting sustainable urban development: improving the environmental situation, cleaning up industrial sites, regenerating urban districts, and improving mobility. DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL
3. Priorities, measures and expected impactAssessment of the expected impact Indicator Reference Unit By 2006 By 2008 By 2010 Jobs to becreated 0 number 940 1 962 3 118 Unemploy-ment rate 13.5 (1998) % 12.1 11.9 11.6 Unempl.ratewomen 16.5 (1998) % 14.4 14.1 13.8 Unempl.rate young pl. 28.3 (1998) % 23.3 22.5 21.6 Patents/ capt. 78 (1998) Index 81 81 82 (EU15=100) GDPpc 100.3(1997) Index 106.2 107.4 108.3 (EU15=100) Growth in GDP pc comparedto the Unionaverage - 0.4(94-97) % 0.6 + 0.6 + 0.6EU average +1 (1997) DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL
3. Priorities, measures and expected impactQuantification of specific objectives to be achieved Priority 1: creation of 1 450 jobs, 100 firms and 3 business clusters Priority 2: creation of 6 spin-offs, filing of 12 patents by aid recipients, development of 10 new products and processes, establishment of 110 partnerships between firms and training centres. Priority 3: increase the number of adults in training, through around 100 specific assistance measures covering more than 130 000 workers or job seekers. (See Priority 5 also). DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL
3. Priorities, measures and expected impactQuantification of specific objectives to be achieved Priority 4: 10% increase in water transport, 10% increase in number of overnight stays, 700 extra jobs in the tourism sector. Priority 5: 24 000 inhabitants to be involved in reskilling measures, use of public transport in Liège to increase by 10% and the development of environmentally-friendly means of transport to increase to 15%. 20 disused industrial sites are to be cleaned up which will allow the establishment of 5 firms, an additional waste-water treatment capacity of 30 000 Inhabitant Equivalents will cover a part of requirements estimated at 700 000 Inhabitant Equivalents. DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL
3. Priorities, measures and expected impactPresentation of the measures Priority 1 - Diversifying the economic base: 1.1 Aid for industrial and service sector investments 1.2 Financial engineering 1.3 Expansion of local business potential DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL
3. Priorities, measures and expected impactPresentation of the measures Priority 2 - Joining the knowledge society: 2.1 Stimulation and exploitation of technological potential 2.2 Exploitation of centres of technological excellence and networking of expertise 2.3 Development and concentration of human resources in research 2.4 Support infrastructure to bring skills into line with the new technologies DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL
3. Priorities, measures and expected impactPresentation of the measures Priority 3 - Promoting employability and know-how: 3.1 Developing entrepreneurial spirit in the area 3.2 Promoting employability and know-how in the local workforce 3.3 Improving social inclusion and integration into working life in districts in crisis DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL
3. Priorities, measures and expected impactPresentation of the measures Priority 4 - Consolidating the area’s international role: 4.1 Promoting the metropolitan area 4.2 Specialised business platforms 4.3 Development of tourism, heritage and cultural potential DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL
3. Priorities, measures and expected impactPresentation of the measures Priority 5 - Promoting sustainable urban development: 5.1 Strategic restructuring and reskilling in areas becoming centres 5.2 Promoting public transport and environmentally-sound means of transport 5.3 Environmental management 5.4 Restoration and reuse of derelict industrial land 5.5 Aid for restoration and reuse of derelict industrial land DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL
3. Priorities, measures and expected impactPresentation of the measures Technical assistance (ERDF and ESF): Providing human and material resources to ensure the coordination, management and monitoring of part-financed measures, Mid-term and ex-post evaluation of the SPD, Exchange of experiences among public decision-makers, Raising general awareness through promotional measures for the SPD, Promoting synergy between assistance started in this area under Objectives 2 and 3. DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL
4. Management and contact details Gouvernement Wallon - Cabinet du Ministre-PrésidentMinistre-PrésidentVan Cauwenberghe, Jean-Claude25-27 rue MazyB-5100 Jambes-NamurTel.: +32.81.331211Fax.: +32.81.331299E-mail.: vancau@gov.wallonie.beWeb: Gouvernement WallonAides européennes et wallonesSite économie du Ministère de la Région Wallonne DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL
4. Management and contact details Michel WOLF REGIO-D-3 CSM 1 6/68 Tél. : 90449 e-mail : Michel.Wolf@cec.eu.int DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL
5. Financial and technical information Title : Objective 2 Programme for the Meuse-Vesdre basin (Liege)Intervention type : Single Programming DocumentCCI No. : 2000BE162DO008No. of decision : C(2001) Final approval date : 11-DEC-01 DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL
6. Financial breakdown Financial Breakdown by Funds (in millions of Euros): EU Contribution ERDF ESF Total : 158.320 132.743 25.577 100.00% 83.84% 16.16% DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL