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Definitions of CSR and SME. Corporate social responsibility: continuing commitment by business to contribute to economic development, while improving quality of life of workforce and their families as well as of the community and society at large". (World Business Council for Sustainable Developmen
1. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Small Firms: Theory and Reality Dr. Athanasios Hadjimanolis
Associate Professor
European University of Cyprus
2. Definitions of CSR and SME Corporate social responsibility: continuing commitment by business to contribute to economic development, while improving quality of life of workforce and their families as well as of the community and society at large. (World Business Council for Sustainable Development)
SMEs: firms with less than 250 employees
3. Nature of CSR Voluntary action / Connection with business ethics
Societal demands/expectations from firms
Obligations of business: economic (be profitable), legal (obey the law, ethical (follow morality principles), discretionary (be a good corporate citizen, e.g. engage in philanthropy)
Stakeholders: groups of people affected by business and affecting business
4. Importance of CSRCSR focus People (employees, community)
Planet (natural environment)
Profit (value to shareholders)
The triple bottom line (profit can not be the only performance criterion has to be supplemented with social and environmental performance criteria)
5. The stakeholder theory Makes CSR practical and comprehensible
Main stakeholders:
primary, i.e. directly affected (employees, shareholders, customers, suppliers) secondary (neighbors, communities, government)
Main stakeholder analysis: Interest in your company, importance, power, urgency of their demands, quality of contact.
6. The SME perspective CSR in small firms (informal, based on personal values)
CSR: Maybe the wrong term! Enterprise social responsibility (ESR) is probably a better term.
Motivation for CSR:
external pressures (customers, government, expectations of local communities)
internal motives (efficiency gains e.g. through staff motivation and retention, must do because it is the right thing)
7. SME differences
Micro firms: less than 10 employees
Small firms: up to fifty employees
Medium size firms: (51-250 employees)
Size of firm matters! CSR activities more visible in medium size firms
Sector of economy important
8. Barriers to CSR adoption in SME Resource constraints
Lack of time
Simple structure (concentration of activities and powers to hands of owner/manager)
Management style (autocratic)
Focus on short term
9. Enablers of CSR adoption in SME Flexibility
Adaptability to changing society and stakeholder demands
SMEs closer to stakeholders
Flatter hierarchy/ faster decisions
10. Nature of CSR in Cyprus Large firms: types of CSR activities in Cyprus (e.g. banks involved in large scale philanthropic activities, large oil firms taking road safety support initiatives). CSR activities carried on a systematic basis and widely publicized.
SMEs: (several CSR activities types like employee training, employee welfare initiatives, environmental measures), but usually not planned and on ad hoc basis.
11. CSR and Strategy CSR integrated into strategic plans
CSR and financial performance
Benefits: opportunities (e.g. in green products), competitive gains, trust in enterprise, corporate reputation, goodwill as insurance cover in periods of crisis
Costs (Managerial and personnel time, expenditure on specific activities)
Budget for CSR/Cost-effect ratio of measures
12. CSR: Knowledge gaps in SME Confusion over exact meaning of CSR
Lack of appreciation of its importance
Belief that only large firms can undertake it
Poorly understood and implemented
Cost considerations, underestimation of benefits
Lack of employee involvement in CSR activities
13. The role of owner/manager Central role of SME owner/manager in human resource management
Personal involvement of O/M in relationships with suppliers and customers
Undertakes usually the role of managing CSR activities among many other tasks since SMEs can not afford to employ CSR manager.
Acceptance of CSR depends on personal attitude of owner/manager
14. The environmental dimension Environmental initiatives
Waste management
Energy saving
Pollution prevention and reduction strategies
Eco-efficiency (reduction of consumption of packaging, etc. )
Design and marketing of green products
15. Public authorities and collective organizations Role of government (legislation, support and promotion of CSR)
Role of NGOs (Non-governmental organizations) advocates of societal demands
Role of business associations (dissemination of CSR awareness among members)
Role of local authorities (supporters & collaborators)
16. Conclusions CSR is essential for SMEs
Appreciation of CSR & Better implementation knowledge are required
Integration of CSR in strategy
Interest/commitment of owner/manager crucial for CSR
17. Recommendations Self-test for current CSR performance
Best practice of others (especially SMEs)
Timetable and budget for implementation
Monitoring CSR activities/ measuring CSR performance
Start from existing actions & adapt CSR activities to nature, needs of particular SME