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Advances in High Energy Physics Grid Systems

Explore the evolution of HEP and HENP grids into Web Services with enhanced functionalities in metadata, security, and caching. Learn about Grid activities including data management, job scheduling, collaboration, and more.

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Advances in High Energy Physics Grid Systems

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Status of Grids for HEP and HENP May 21 2004 GlueX Workshop Bloomington Indiana Geoffrey Fox gcf@indiana.edu

  2. Griphyn iVDGL PPDG VDT EDG EGEE LCG ATLAS CMS ARDA GT-3 and Gt-4 NMI OMII Semantic Grid Some Grid Activities

  3. File Transport Datasets (linked files) Data Management Running and monitoring jobs Data Provenance and Curation Caching Batch Processing – Monte Carlo and Data transformations Physics Analysis Collaboration Topics Covered

  4. Grids are today structured as “services” – packaged distributed programs System Services: Security, File and database access, Collaboration, Service catalog, Metadata repository, Notification, Fault tolerance Application Services: Run a job, Define a PWA model, do a maximum likelihood fit Condor and Globus are critical job scheduling/running services in early HEP Grids All future Services will be built as Web Services Grid Portals with component interfaces Structure of Grids

  5. Remote Grid Service Remote Grid Service 1: Plan Execution 4: Job Submittal Data Data 10: Job Status 1: Job Management Service (Grid Service Interface to user or program client) 2: Schedule and control Execution 8: VirtualData 3: Access to Remote Computers 6: File and Storage Access 7: CacheDataReplicas 5: Data Transfer 9: Grid MPI

  6. Griphyn iVDGL PPDG VDT Package Globus 2 and Condor Deliver US counterpart to LCG EDG EGEE LCG Starting with Globus/Condor, deliver as Web Services with various enhancemed services as in metadata, security and caching ATLAS CMS Experiment specific software linked to ARDA ARDA EGEE led project to produce physics analysis (as opposed to batch processing system) Grid Some Grid Activities in Detail I

  7. ARDA

  8. ATLAS CMS ARDA Integration

  9. Globus Toolkit GT-3 and GT-4 Produce enhanced Web Services as OGSI (GT-3) or WSRF (GT-4) Produce Grid Service version of Globus (GT-2) NMI NSF Middleware Initiative Package Internet-2 Security, Globus, Condor and Portal technologies OMII Open Middleware Infrastructure Institute Funded by UK e-Science program to produce generally useable Grid software Semantic Grid Support metadata about services and data (provenance) Data curation uses to look after data – digital libraries Some Grid Activities in Detail II

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