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Comparing & Contrasting. - Rubber is flexible, whereas glass is brittle. - Carbon is an element, while carbondioxide is a compound. Difference & similarity. What is the difference between ... and...? How do ....... and…….... differ ?.
Comparing & Contrasting - Rubber is flexible, whereas glass is brittle. - Carbon is an element, while carbondioxide is a compound. Difference & similarity What is the difference between ... and...? How do ....... and…….... differ ? Iron is a solid, whereas mercury is a liquid.
- Glass is transparent, whereas wood is opaque. - Glass is brittle, but wood is not.- Wood is a natural material, whilst glass is a manufactured material. - Mercury is a metal, but it is liquid at room temperature. ‑ Although mercury is a metal, it is liquid at room temperature
is widely used as a conductor. can be toughened by tempering can be detected with lime water are not widely used for lab work cannot be created or destroyed can be made more resilient by toughening.
Rubber is flexible. However, glass is brittle. Mercury is a metal. However, it is liquid at room temperature. We can say: ‑ Rubber is flexible. Glass, however, is brittle. Mercury is a metal. It is, however, liquid at room temperature.
Carbon is an element, but/while/where ascarbon dioxide is a compound.- Although/Even though/Though mercury is a metal. It is liquid at room temperature.- Copper is very ductile. However, it will break if subjected to a high tensile force.
Although/Even though/Though 1 . …………………………… the quantity of carbon dioxide in the earth's atmosphere is relatively small, the gas is essential for supporting life. Plants require carbon dioxide, and they remove it from the air in a process known as photosynthesis………………………… …………. carbon dioxide is being removed from the atmosphere continuously, it is,…………… ,continuously replaced by animal and plant respiration and decay. Although/Even though/ Though however
Compare and contrast Thai language and Chinese language. • Compare WWI to WWII, • identifying similarities in the • causes, development, and • outcomes of the war. .- Contrast Wordsworth and Coleridge; what are the major differences in their poetry?
The word compare is sometimes used to mean “look at both similarities and differences, not just similarities.” If you are asked to compare two subjects, check to see if you should look for differences as well as similarities.
Telling a Similarity Both copper and aluminium are metals, Copper and aluminium are both metals. Copper is both malleable and ductile. Water is both colourless and odourless. two things are similar - Both carbon dioxide and hydrogen are gases - Carbon dioxide and hydrogen are both gases. Copper is not only malleable, but also ductile as well. Copper is not only malleable, but also ductile.
Copper and aluminium are both good conductors. Therefore, either copper oraluminium can be used in electrical wires. - Solids have definite volume and shape. However, gases have neither definite volume nor definite shape.
Either .. or are used where there are different possibilities or alternatives.Neither ... nor are used where there are no alternatives. Both of these constructions can be used to list several things.. - Insulators can be made of either glass or porcelain or mica, or different form of plastic. - Neither copper nor zinc nor tin are alloys of other metals.
Sentence Pattern in Comparison and Contrast Magnesium is like, similar to aluminium comparable to as same as alike Magnesium and aluminium are similar the same resembles Magnesium parallels aluminium in many ways Comparing similarities
Contrasting differences is unlikeIron is different from aluminium differs from Unlike iron, In contrast to iron, aluminium is light.Compared to iron, In comparison to iron,heavier thanIron is less abundant than aluminium.not as soft asrelativelyIron is a comparatively soft metal.
a. Comparison Signals Danai jumped into the river and Peter did likewise like (adj, prep), likewise (adv.), similarly (adv), just like, just as equally resembles similar, similarities, alike (adj., adv.), also (adv) in the same way, parallels, same (adj)
b. Contrast Signals In contrast to her mother, she is short and plump however (adv) unlike (adj, prep)on the other hand instead (adv) differ different differently as opposed to in contrast (to) , but