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Disability Employment Initiative (DEI). Ticket to Work Boot Camp: Foundational Knowledge – 1 DRCs & One-Stop Staff serving as a Resource on TtW. Hosted/Facilitated by: Miranda Kennedy
Disability Employment Initiative (DEI) Ticket to Work Boot Camp: Foundational Knowledge – 1 DRCs & One-Stop Staff serving as a Resource on TtW Hosted/Facilitated by: Miranda Kennedy Presented by: Kevin Nickerson & Jamie Robinson, NDI Technical Assistance Team Members March 6, 2012
Disability Employment Initiative (DEI) • DEI Projects at the state level and/or local level participating LWIBs are required to become Employment Networks (EN) under Social Security Administration’s (SSA) Ticket to Work Program (TtW). • Training and Technical Assistance to DEI Projects in attaining Employment Network status and implementing effective EN operations is provided under U.S. DOLETA contract with NDI Consulting, Inc. and the National Disability Institute (NDI). • Evaluation of the impact of the DEI Projects implementation and outcomes as Employment Networks will be provided under U.S. DOL ODEP contract with Social Dynamics.
Upon completion of this webinar, DEI Project staff will: Understand how the TtW Program compliments the objectives of the DEI project Have a clear picture of the DRC role in expanding the workforce system’s capacity to serve as an EN Understand the learning models & partnerships that ensure benefits planning services to Ticket holders served within workforce system as an EN Have sample Desktop Guides & downloadable TOOLKITs to help build knowledge of One-Stop staff & customers on TtW & benefits-related resources Ticket to Work/Benefits Basics Learning Objectives
Ticket to Work/Benefits Basics Agenda • Ticket to Work as Major Component of DEI • Expanding Services • Sustainability • Ticket to Work & SSA Disability Benefits • Ticket Eligibility • Program Design • EN Payments at a Glance • DRC Role: Effective EN Models and Partnerships • Ticket to Work Operations – Overview • TtW Models • Review of Sample Desktop Guides & Downloadable TOOLKITs for One-Stop Staff & Customers
Ticket to Work as Major Component of DEI
Ticket to Work as Major Component of DEI: Expanding Services • DEI pilot sites are required to become ENs to expand services to individuals with disabilities who receive either SSI or SSDI benefits within the One-Stop system • One-Stop Career Centers serve ALL customers, including individuals with disabilities, many of whom are Ticket holders • One-Stop Career Centers are able to provide the services expected of ENs, which can lead Ticket holders to greater levels of self-sufficiency
Ticket to Work as Major Component of DEI:Expanding Services • Ticket holders often need additional assistance in the return to work due to periods of unemployment that can sometimes be lengthy • ENs can provide a more individualized approach in assisting Ticket holders that adds another layer of service beyond the core services of the One-Stop Career Center • DRCs can greatly enhance the likelihood of increased employment and training opportunities for Ticket holders within the workforce system
Ticket to Work as Major Component of DEI: Sustainability • Becoming an EN not only expands services to SSI/SSDI beneficiaries, it also produces a source of revenue that can help to maintain disability-related staffing/supports within the One-Stop setting • EN revenue is flexible and can also supplement the needs of Ticket holders not otherwise covered by other program related funding (i.e. as an incentive, or for the purchase of goods or services that promote the achievement of EN Milestones & Outcome payments)
Ticket to Work & SSA Disability Benefits Partnership Plus
Ticket to Work Basics – Ticket Eligibility • Ticket Holders are qualified Social Security Disability Beneficiaries ages 18 to 64, receiving Title XVI and/or Title II benefits (SSI or SSDI) • Now both Medical Improvement Expected (MIE) and Medical Improvement Not Expected (MINE) groups are eligible due to changes in TtW regulations from 2008 • At the time of Ticket assignment, Ticket holders must be in current pay for Social Security benefits
Creates opportunity for any entity (other than a Federal Department) to become a TtW ‘Employment Network’ and begin receiving payments for supporting ‘Ticket holders’ as they work at increasing their earning capacity Offers long-term funding to ensure Ticket holders receive ongoing return to work support Increases choice for Ticket holders and Employment Networks, allowing both to choose who they work with under the program With growing number of ENs, TtW provides even greater choice for beneficiaries, highlighting the need for more meaningful services to Ticket holders Ticket to Work Basics
Ticket to Work Basics – Program Design • The TtW Program is an employment placement and support program driven by Outcomes and Milestones which follow the Work Incentive package provided to SSDI beneficiaries • Understanding the basic elements of SSDI Work Incentives is important in understanding how you can achieve Milestone and Outcome payments • It is critical that Ticket holders you serve receive disability benefits counseling BEFORE assigning a Ticket, in order to ensure informed choice (whether provided in-house or referred out)
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DRC Role: Effective EN Models & Partnerships Partnership Plus
Resource Model - DRC with Expertise inTtW ONLY & Partnering with Benefits Counselors • DRCs have expertise in TtW Program, but rely on other providers for SSA benefits counseling of Ticket holders • DRCs partner with the Work Incentive Planning Assistance (WIPA) project staff or Community Work Incentive Coordinators (CWICs) to provide benefits counseling to Ticket holders • DRCs maximize partnerships by assisting CWICs in coordinating Work Incentive Seminar Events (WISE), which bring together CWICs, ENs and Ticket holders with assistance from the Beneficiary Access and Support Services (BASS) contractor
SSA Benefits Counseling Resources • For more information about WIPA: http://www.workworld.org/wwwebhelp/wipa.htm • To find your WIPA project: https://secure.ssa.gov/apps10/oesp/providers.nsf/bystate • To learn more about WISE events: http://www.chooseworkttw.net/ • NOTE: WISE events, starting in 2012, are hosted via Webinar platform
Resource Model - DRC with Expertise in TtW ONLY & Partnering with Benefits Counselors • ADVANTAGES: • DRCs can focus on understanding the TtW program and operations of an EN, and do not have to be the experts in understanding complex SSA disability benefits • Provides an opportunity for collaboration with the local WIPA provider and incorporation of WISE events in the One-Stop Career Centers • If one of your State’s DEI Strategic Delivery Components is “Partnership & Collaboration”, this model naturally promotes DRCs in achieving this objective
Resource Model - DRC with Expertise in TtW ONLY & Partnering with Benefits Counselors • DISADVANTAGES: • Ticket holder will wait longer to receive services from your EN, as the referral process for benefits counseling will require additional time • There may still be some level of disconnect for DRCs coordinating EN operations in understanding how benefits are impacted by work, and therefore, how to predict future revenue based on TtW Milestones and Outcomes • For Ticket holders receiving long-term follow up supports, DRCs will continue to need to coordinate referrals to benefits counseling services, rather than provide directly
Expert Model - DRC with Expertise in BOTH TtW & SSA Benefits Counseling • DRC has understanding of how the TtW Program operates AND has training in SSA disability benefits (SSI/SSDI) and work incentives • Example: NYS, Maine, and NJ are working toward this model • DRC’s will be involved in EN operations AND are required to utilize disability benefits training available through NYS Medicaid Infrastructure Grant (MIG), or through Work Incentive Planning Assistance project to become certified as CWICs (Community Work Incentives Coordinator) • Trained benefits planners through MIG will continue to be supported through the Work Incentive Information Network (WIIN: http://www.ilr.cornell.edu/edi/nymakesworkpay/m-impact.cfm#1)
Expert Model - DRC with Expertise in BOTH TtW & SSA Benefits Counseling • ADVANTAGES: • DRC provides benefits planning services immediately to Ticket holders, providing a rapid response to their interest in returning to work – Reduces time required from initial contact, to Ticket assignment • Ticket holders continue to receive follow-up supports which includes SSA benefits counseling, in order to address any issues that arise • DRC’s with benefits counseling expertise are well equipped to recognize when, and know how, to utilize Work Incentives of Ticket holders, and therefore may be more likely to help EN achieve Phase 2 Milestone payments
Expert Model - DRC with Expertise in BOTH TtW & SSA Benefits Counseling • DISADVANTAGES: • DRCs have many responsibilities under the DEI, and adding a layer of training and expertise may be challenging • In order to be an effective benefits counselor, you must regularly use this knowledge; therefore, DRCs will have to dedicate some time to this task, which may be difficult to balance with other responsibilities • Not every state has benefits training available, so there may be an additional expense in seeking out this training for DRCs
Other Models - TtW Liaison • DRC and One-Stop staff member (who is assigned as designated TtW Liaison) both have knowledge of TtW Program, but rely on partnerships for benefits counseling with Ticket-holders • ADVANTAGES: • Provides back-up to DRC in the event that Ticket holder needs immediate attention or assistance, and further ingrains the TtW Program as a service provided in the workforce system • Either the TtW Liaison or the DRC can assist a Ticket holder that utilizes One-Stop services, and both understand how to connect the Ticket holder for benefits planning services • Both the DRC and TtW Liaison understand how to assign a Ticket by completing the required IWP & Prior Earnings Worksheet
Other Models - Purchasing Benefits Planning Services • While the WIPA project is a valuable resource, the number of CWICs available to assist SSA disability beneficiaries is limited (some states, extremely limited) • In many states, benefits planners utilize a fee for service approach, sometimes due to the lack of available CWICs • Due to the flexible nature of TtW funds, it is possible to use these funds to purchase needed items, or, in this case, benefits planning services • Example: Develop contract with a private certified benefits planner, whereby payment is provided if and when the Ticket holder returns to work at a level which would qualify the EN for payment • The payment to the private provider could be a percentage of EN payment(s), or a set amount provided after the first payment is achieved by the EN
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TtW & Social Security Disability BenefitsDesktop Guides & TOOLKITs • SNAPSHOTS • Desktop Guide on TtW & Disability Benefits • Disability Resource Referral Guide • READY FOR MORE…. • TOOLKITS • For One-Stop Career Centers • For One-Stop Customers Who Need Information on Applying for SSA Benefits Customers • For One-Stop Customers Who Are Ready To Work
Next Steps Ticket to Work Boot Camp: Foundational Knowledge – 2: SSA Work Incentives & Other State & Federal Work Incentive Programs • This webinar will cover the following information: • The basics of SSA disability benefits, SSA Work Incentives, and the importance of benefits planning for success with Ticket holders and ENs. • Federal Work Incentive programs through Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and State programs that expand health coverage for working people with disabilities. Registration (Note that all NDI hosted webinars are based on Eastern Time) • Thursday, March 8th (3:00pm – 4:30pm EST) • Registration: In order to register go to: • https://ndi.webex.com/ndi/onstage/g.php?t=a&d=969012636
Contact Information Kevin Nickerson Program Associate NDI Technical Assistance Team knickerson@ndi-inc.org Jamie Robinson Program Associate NDI Technical Assistance Team 617-467-4195 jrobinson@ndi-inc.org