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Unit 2 Culture Study Guide What happened as a result of the changing of the boundaries of the countries of Europe that has occurred throughout their history? Many languages and cultures within individual countries in Europe.
Unit 2 Culture Study Guide What happened as a result of the changing of the boundaries of the countries of Europe that has occurred throughout their history? Many languages and cultures within individual countries in Europe. What are some problems that arose as a result of so many languages and diverse cultures throughout Europe? Problems communicating, trading, and lack of common currency. What are some solutions to these problems that Europeans have come up with to deal with the problem of the diversity of cultures? They teach their children one or two languages besides their native language, European Union, and a common currency, the Euro. What are the names of the three major religions in Europe? Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. What are some similarities of the three religions? They are monotheistic, all have holy books, specific places to worship, acknowledge Abraham as their patriarch, and share holy sites. What is the holy book in Christianity? Holy Bible What is the holy book in Judaism? Torah What is the holy book in Islam? Koran or Quran. What is the name of the place of worship for the followers of Judaism? Temple or synagogue What is the name of the place of worship for the followers of Islam? Mosque What is the name of the place of worship for the followers of Christianity? Church What site is holy to all three major monotheistic religions? Jerusalem Who is the patriarch of all three religions? Abraham What is the Christian belief concerning Jesus? He is God, and he is the only way to heaven. What is the Islamic belief of Jesus? He is a prophet but not God. What is the belief in Judaism concerning Jesus? They believe he was just a man not the Messiah. What impact have the three major monotheistic religions had on the people in Europe? Tensions and conflict.
What is the relationship between literacy rate and standard of living? The higher the literacy rate is for a country generally the higher the standard of living for the people. What is the definition of literacy rate? The percentage of people within a country that can read and write. Define standard of living. The level of material comfort as measured by the goods, services, and luxuries available to an individual, group, or nation. Name a couple of days important to the Christian faith. Easter and Christmas. Name some holy days in Judaism. Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, and Passover. Name the holy month in Islam. Ramadan. What is the name of the holy city in the Muslim faith? Mecca. What is a holy site for the followers of Judaism? Wailing Wall Name a holy site for the followers of Christianity. Golgotha’s Hill What has taken place in Europe because of so many different people being located so close together? Ethnic diversity