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Simple CRM implementation-Solastis

Implementing CRM is a very important task. Many CRM systems are too complicated to be applied without any consequences on the business. Solastis CRM offers easy and simple CRM implementation, with vast opportunities for growth and no fear of data loss.

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Simple CRM implementation-Solastis

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  1. SIMPLE CRM IMPLEMENTATION SOLASTIS A SIMPLE CRM Solastis is a simple CRM. You will understand the setup steps easily, and it is also easy to implement it in your organization. Once you sign up you can make the system live in a few minutes with basic configuration. Experiment and test it well and then add other business processes. Indeed a simple CRM to implement and to train to your users. WHY CHOOSE THE RIGHT SYSTEM WITH SIMPLE CRM IMPLEMENTATION Implementing a CRM is an organization-wide task. For it to be effectively implemented businesses require every department to be on-board and accommodating to their newer and more thorough data collection, entry and retrieval processes. CRM is not just newer technology, it is a completely new business system and philosophy. For every organization, the basics of implementing new CRM is the same, regardless of their target audience, type of product or services, number of customers or even the number of employees in the organization. Unfortunately, when it comes to implementation efforts, some CRM sucks. They take days to implement, are difficult for users to understand, often involve complex programming, the creation of record types and so on. This saps the energy of your organization and your team. PROBLEMS WITH OTHER CRM SYSTEMS This main advantage (as claimed) of using external clients in CRM is that it allows the users to keep track of their work emails via their personal email addresses. But this advantage quickly takes the back seat as the organization grows. Other CRM systems fall in one of the two categories. They are either simple to implement but also too limited in functionality or those are capable systems but too complex to implement and train users. The issues are normally experienced in the following two areas. EFFORTS IN CONFIGURATION & BUSINESS PROCESS MAPPING Many CRM products in the market today, need significant efforts for implementation. This typically involves selecting the team for implementation, selecting the technical partner, preparing configuration and implementation plan, testing, and related activities after which the company can make system live. The projects may run for a few weeks to months wasting significant efforts of the team. SMB’s often do not have an appetite for this kind of exercise. USER TRAINING AND CHANGE MANAGEMENT Quite often CRM implementation does not produce the desired results. The adoption remains low with the team. Even the most competent employees will baulk away from a system that makes them seem

  2. clumsy, even if it is not their fault. If your employees cannot adopt a CRM despite various training sessions, it is a clear sign that CRM is not user-friendly and will not produce the desired results. A CRM always assists in the day to day tasks of the business and help simplify and outline the tasks, not further complicate the process. SOLASTIS A SIMPLE CRM Solastis CRM has been developed to address all the above-mentioned complications. With a user- friendly interface, Solastis CRM is extremely easy to understand, configure and deploy within your up and running a business. Any competent company manager can be chosen to familiarize him or herself with the software, which hardly takes a few hours. And they can then be entrusted to implement the Solastis CRM to the business processes. LIMITED SETUP STEPS:- INTUITIVE AND EASY TO IMPLEMENT CRM Deploying the Solastis CRM does not require an extensive amount of time, efforts, resources or training. There is no need to push this task to an IT proficient manager, as using the software does not require any programming what-so-ever. Any competent manager can understand the software and its features within a day. Moreover, a company does not require its whole IT department to implement the CRM, experimenting with the Solastis CRM will help to you learn the software quite easily. NO BACKGROUND IN IT REQUIRED TO USE SOLASTIS Not only the deployment does not require any programming, but the end users of the CRM also do not need to be tech savvy to use it. Once the setup is complete and the case types are defined, following through the tasks sequentially makes the employees’ lives very easy. SIMPLIFIED CONFIGURATION The configuration of Solastis involves up to thirteen steps in total. But depending upon the intended use of the CRM, complete configuration can also be done in just six to seven steps. EASY TO DEPLOY AND TRAIN USERS The Solastis user interface is simple and user-friendly. The employees will not need to use their guessing skills to master the software. Every case and its tasks are tackled by the software to minimize any sort of mishandling or loss of information. The basic training about how to use the CRM for a specific task can be given in just one to two hours. As the interface is very simple, the basic concepts behind them are also few and easy to explain and understand. There is little chance of a human error and any error is easy to catch and rectify. With simple and limited navigation settings for employees, Solastis CRM does not require many follow-up training sessions to keep the employees up-to-date.

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