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This document provides an overview of the funding allocated to NOAA Fisheries for FY 2003 and the budget request for FY 2004, including major changes, initiatives, and funding breakdowns by line office.
NOAA FISHERIES FY 2003 APPROPRIATION TOTAL FUNDING = $ 853.1 MILLION • $580.1 million for Operations, Research, and Facilities (operating level of $599.6 million including carryover) • $90.0 million for Pacific Coastal Salmon Recovery Fund and $40.0 million for the Pacific Salmon Treaty • $100.0 million for fisheries disasters • $27.0 million for construction • $16.0 million for other accounts OVERALL • $45.7 million (or 5.7%) above the FY 2002 approp.
FY 2003 APPROPRIATION • Increase of $15.0 million for expanding stock assessments ($17.0 million total) • New fisheries survey vessel to replace the ALBATROSS in the Northeast • Increase of $3.2 million ($10.0 million total) for Atlantic right whale recovery • $6.2 million in adjustments-to-base • $100.0 million for fisheries disasters • Many other smaller increases . . . . • Additional funding for New England groundfish observers not provided • NMFS Steller sea lion funding reduced by $11.2 million
Summary of Major Changes ($ in millions) FY 2003 NOAA Request $3,136.0 Mandatory Costs $52.0 Program Increases $ 238.5 Program Decreases ($ 100.0) ------------- Net Change $190.0 FY 2004 NOAA Total $3,326.0 % Change + 6% * Compared to the FY 2003 President’s request TOTAL NOAA FY 2004 REQUEST*
NOAA FY 2004 INITIATIVES INFRASTRUCTURE, MAINTENANCE, SAFETY AND HUMAN CAPITAL $17.8 million in adjustments-to-base and $3.0 million in decreases for NOAA Fisheries ECOSYSTEM FORECASTING AND MANAGEMENT $17.6 million in increases and $21.8 million in decreases for NOAA Fisheries
NOAA FISHERIES FY 2004 REQUEST TOTAL FUNDING = $737.9 MILLION • $621.0 million for Operations, Research, and Facilities • $90.0 million for Pacific Coastal Salmon Recovery Fund • $14.0 million for construction • $12.9 million for other accounts OVERALL • $10.6 million (or 1.5%) above FY 2003 President’s Budget • $115.2 million (or 14.5%) below the FY 2003 appropriation
APPROPRIATION SUMMARYFY 1992 to FY 2004 President’s Budget Request ($ in millions)
FY 2004 REQUEST: OVERVIEW Operations, Research, and Facilities $621.0 million • A net increase of $33.0 million (or 5.6%) above the FY 2003 President’s budget request of $587.9 million: + $17.2 million in adjustments-to-base + $17.6 million in programmatic increases • $1.8 million in programmatic reductions, terminations & transfers • An increase of $40.9 million above the FY 2003 appropriation (or $21.4 million above the FY 2003 operating level)
FY 2004 REQUEST: OVERVIEW Other Accounts $116.9 million • A net decrease of $22.4 million (or 15.2%) below the FY 2003 President’s budget request of $139.3 million: + $0.6 million in adjustments-to-base - $23.0 million in programmatic reductions, terminations & transfers • An decrease of $116.1 million below the FY 2003 appropriation
NOAA FISHERIES PEOPLE AND INFRASTRUCTURE REQUEST • $10.8 million for adjustments-to-base • $7.0 million funding transfer from NOAA for agency attorneys • $12.0 million for reconstruction for the Honolulu, HI, lab (a $3.0 million decrease) • $2.0 million for Galveston, TX, lab renovations
ECOSYSTEM FORECASTING AND MANAGEMENTScience Increases • $3.0 million to expand stock assessments around the country - total request of $14.9 million • $2.0 million and 10 FTE to support ESA Section 7 pesticide consultations • $2.0 million for Climate Regimes and Ecosystem Productivity
ECOSYSTEM FORECASTING AND MANAGEMENTScience Increases • $3.0 million for Northeast Multi-species Observers • $0.2 million additional economic and social science research and data collection - total funding of $4.2 million
ECOSYSTEM FORECASTING AND MANAGEMENTScience/Management Increases • $3.1 million ($1.6 million for research and $1.5 million for management activities) to continue implementation of measures required by the Columbia River Biological Opinion • $20.0 million decrease for the Pacific Salmon Treaty (Northern & Southern Funds are fully capitalized)
ECOSYSTEM FORECASTING AND MANAGEMENTManagement • $1.5 million for the regulatory streamlining initiative to improve and increase capabilities and capacity in the regional offices • $2.8 million for reducing bycatch through research and testing