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Values & The Helping Professions. Complete Self Assessment - How do your views compare with others in this class? Complete Self Assessment #2 - pg 221. Share with a triad of 3 Discuss answers to questions 5, 8, 9,14, 16. The Role Of Values In Therapy.
Values & The Helping Professions Complete Self Assessment - How do your views compare with others in this class? Complete Self Assessment #2 - pg 221. Share with a triad of 3 Discuss answers to questions 5, 8, 9,14, 16
The Role Of Values In Therapy Certain basic values important in maintaining mental/physical health. Responsibility for one’s actions. Sensitivity toward others Self-control Self-awareness Positives ways of managing stress Commitment to relationships Being honest, genuine Give & receive affection Healthy physical habits
Exposing Vs. Imposing Values Greatest debate among helpers!! Some see therapy as a process to influence the client. Instilling new values part of it. Other helpers work hard not to expose their own values. Very noncommittal. Each helper must decide for themselves the importance of values in the client / counselor relationship.
A Perspective On Values Points To Ponder - ACA code of ethics clearly state that discrimination toward a specific group of people in unethical. At times - your personal values WILL have an influence on what you think, say or do with a client. YOU ARE HUMAN! Important to respect the right of client to hold different values. Main task - provide opportunity for client exploration. Is what they’re doing consistent with THEIR values. Is their current behavior getting them what they want?
Value Issues In Therapy • The following are some common issues the will test a helper’s value system. We will look at each and discuss case studies: Divide into groups of 3 to 4. • LGB Case Study (Art) What’s your initial reaction to Art’s situation? Would you be able to respect his decision not to change orientation? What are some things you would focus on in session?
Issues Cont’d Family Issues - Restless mother case study - If she asked for you advice, what would you be inclined to say? What are your thoughts about her leaving four children? Are there some basic values that come into to play here? What would you say if she decided, after much thought, she was going to leave?
Issues Cont’d Gender-Role Identity Traditional family case study - How would your own views on gender play into this? Would you challenge his traditional views? Would you call attention to the differing views on gender roles between the couple?
Issues Cont’d Spirituality - Case study 1 - What reactions do you have to his strong fundamentalist beliefs? If you have personal disagreements with his beliefs, could you still be helpful to him? Would you challenge him to think for himself? Would you encourage him to question his religion?
Issues Cont’d Abortion - Case study 1 What are some things you would say to her?Would you dissuade her from having an abortion and suggest other options? T o what extent could you keep your values out to this session?
A Perspective Cont’d. There are times when it is appropriate to reveal your own values. (client request) Important to communicate to client that he/she does not need to adopt your values!