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European Road Safety Day What makes a road a safe road ?

European Road Safety Day What makes a road a safe road ?. Brussels / 13 october 2010 Rodolphe CHASSANDE-MOTTIN. Service d’études sur les transports, les routes et leurs aménagements. www.setra.developpement-durable.gouv.fr. Introduction. 3. Seven criteria for Road Safety. 4.

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European Road Safety Day What makes a road a safe road ?

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  1. European Road Safety DayWhat makes a road a safe road ? Brussels / 13 october 2010 Rodolphe CHASSANDE-MOTTIN Service d’études sur les transports, les routes et leurs aménagements www.setra.developpement-durable.gouv.fr

  2. Titre et sous-titreWhat makes a road a safe road ? Introduction 3 Seven criteria for Road Safety 4 Global procedures 12 Conclusion 19 Outline Pages

  3. Titre et sous-titreWhat makes a road a safe road ? Introduction • Sustainable Road Safety means systemic approach HUMAN Ergonomics Comfort Biological rules VEHICLE INFRASTRUCTURE Physics laws

  4. Titre et sous-titreWhat makes a road a safe road ? Seven Criteria for Road Safety (1/8) • Linked to the infrastructure HUMAN Visibility Road legibility Road coherence Traffic management VEHICLE INFRASTRUCTURE Vehicle dynamics Road shoulders Roadside obstacles

  5. Titre et sous-titreWhat makes a road a safe road ? Seven Criteria for Road Safety (2/8) • Visibility • Do the road users have enough time (= distance), without obstruction, to see an event, a traffic sign, a junction ? Junction in a curve Bend after a hilltop

  6. Titre et sous-titreWhat makes a road a safe road ? Seven Criteria for Road Safety (3/8) • Legibility • Do the information sent by the infrastructure are enough clear and unambiguous to be understood by road users ? For this curve, trust the road, not the sign ! Which sign do you see and understand in 1 second ?

  7. Titre et sous-titreWhat makes a road a safe road ? Seven Criteria for Road Safety (4/8) • Vehicle Dynamics • Do the road characteristics (crossfall, grip, surface) avoid vehicle dynamics problems (skidding…) ? Surface with long waves Bad surface grip due to bleeding

  8. Titre et sous-titreWhat makes a road a safe road ? Seven Criteria for Road Safety (5/8) • Road shoulders • Can an user, running off the road, takes back control of its vehicle, using road shoulders ? High difference > 6 cm between the road and the verge Loose gravels = Loss of grip on the road shoulder

  9. Titre et sous-titreWhat makes a road a safe road ? Seven Criteria for Road Safety (6/8) • Obstacles • Are roadside obstacles deleted, or moved, or isolated in order to reduce the consequences of run-off-road accidents ? Natural obstacles (trees) and artificial ones (pipe head) When road equipments become obstacles

  10. Titre et sous-titreWhat makes a road a safe road ? Seven Criteria for Road Safety (7/8) • Road coherence • Are all the road elements (speed limitation, traffic signs, road marking, cross section) coherent with the function of the road ? High speed limit with cycle path, parking area and build-up area. Rural environment, no transition area but a city sign => speed limit is 50 km/h

  11. Titre et sous-titreWhat makes a road a safe road ? Seven Criteria for Road Safety (8/8) • Traffic management • Do the road design allows all categories of users to walk, drive or ride safely ? Footway near a college Cars are parked on the footway  pedestrians must walk on the carriageway

  12. Titre et sous-titreWhat makes a road a safe road ? Global procedures (1/7) • Two complementary methodologies: • - Preventive methodologies (Road Safety Impact Assessment, Road Safety Inspections, Road Safety Audits) • - Reactive methodologies (Network Safety Management) • Methodologies developed and improved with international exchanges (PIACR, CEDR, Bilateral cooperations) • Included in the spirit of the EU Directive 2008/96/EC

  13. Titre et sous-titreWhat makes a road a safe road ? Global procedures (2/7) • The European Directive on Road Infrastructure Safety Management • - should be transposed on National Law before 19 December 2010 • - technical guidelines should be published before 19 December 2011 • - This Directive, for France, will be transposed for the National Road Network (> 20 000 km)

  14. Titre et sous-titreWhat makes a road a safe road ? Global procedures (3/7): RSIA

  15. Titre et sous-titreWhat makes a road a safe road ? Global procedures (4/7): RSA

  16. Titre et sous-titreWhat makes a road a safe road ? Global procedures (5/7)

  17. Titre et sous-titreWhat makes a road a safe road ? Global procedures (6/7): RSI

  18. Titre et sous-titreWhat makes a road a safe road ? Global procedures (7/7): NSM

  19. Titre et sous-titreWhat makes a road a safe road ? Conclusion • What makes a road a sustainable safe road ? • - A systemic approach (on the infrastructure / the driver / the vehicle) • - Complemantary methodologies (preventive / reactive) • - A structured reasoning (stake analysis / diagnosis / action plan / evaluation) • - An action based on the understanding of accidents, adapted to the local context • - An optimisation of public money (benefit/cost ratio) • - A mix of a self-explanatory road (easy to understand) and a forgiving road (which gives users a chance to avoid an accident or to reduce the gravity of an accident)

  20. Titre et sous-titreWhat makes a road a safe road ? • Thank you for your attention ! • Publications in English are downloadable for free at • http://www.setra.equipement.gouv.fr/-In-English.html • Contact : setra@developpement-durable.gouv.fr Obstacles Railway crossings Landscape and legibility Stake analysis Road Safety Inspections

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