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Autism Strategy for Children and young people 0 - 25 2018 – 2021 Portsmouth Autism Community Forum

This strategy addresses education, health services, employment, and support for children with autism in Portsmouth. It aims to enhance identification, provide quality education, improve health services, and ensure effective transition to adulthood.

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Autism Strategy for Children and young people 0 - 25 2018 – 2021 Portsmouth Autism Community Forum

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Autism Strategy for Children and young people 0 - 25 2018 – 2021 Portsmouth Autism Community Forum Liz Robinson Principal Educational Psychologist 6th July 2018

  2. Governance of the strategy • There is joint governance of this strategy between the SEND Board (as part of the Children's Trust) and the newly established Portsmouth Autism Community Forum

  3. What does the strategy cover?

  4. What does the strategy cover? • Education • Pre-school learning • Post-16 learning • Employment • Health services • Care services • Short breaks and activities • Information, advice and guidance • Support for parents and carers - informal and formal

  5. Improvement Work-streams 2018 - 2021 • Effective identification, assessment and diagnosis of autism • A range of accurate and timely information and advice for parents of children and young people with autism

  6. High quality education provision and support for children with autism • Accessible health services to improve physical and mental health

  7. Effective transition arrangements for young people moving into adulthood • A good level of understanding, knowledge and skills relating to supporting CYP with autism, and neurodiversity across the workforce

  8. Systems and culture that enables us to understand children and young people's lived experience so that services and the community have a better understanding of neurodiversity

  9. What does successful implementation of the SEND reforms look like? 2. All parties meet their statutory duties 1. Co-production with children, young people and parents 3. Increased satisfaction with access to local services 8. Improved parental confidence 4. Accurate and timely identification of SEN and disability 7. More YP go on to post-16 education, training & employment 5. Improved attainment and narrowing of gap for CYP with SEND 6. Strong focus on those at SEN Support

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