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Second Language Acquisition. Chapter 1 Introduction. Preliminary. (1)Why study the course?. (1) About SLA/L2A 1) definition : the study of how people learn a language other than their mother tongue. 2)a multidisciplinary field:
(1) About SLA/L2A 1)definition: the study of how people learn a language other than their mother tongue. 2)a multidisciplinary field: related with linguistics, psychology, sociology, etc.
3) It studies ① how L2s are learnt; ② how learners create a new lg. sys; ③ What is learnt of an L2 and what is not learnt; ④ Why most L2 learners do not achieve the same degree of proficiency in an L2 as they do in their L1; ⑤ Why only some learners appear to achieve native-like proficiency in more than one lg.
4) goals: 1.describe how learners learn an L2 and how their language changes over time; 2.explain why learners acquire an L2 in the way they do; identify the external and internal factors that influence learners’ L2A 5) objects of study: 1. external and internal factors that influence L2A; 2. similarities among learners and their individual differences in LA.
(3) some basic terms 1.L1, native language, mother tongue, primary language 2.L2 vs. FL exercise: raise the countries in which English is spoken as an L2 or FL 3.target language 4.learner language 5.LA vs. LL Assignment: Question 4
Reference books: 1.王初明,1990,《应用心理语言学》,湖南教育出版社。 2.蒋祖康,1999,《第二语言习得研究》,外语教学与研究出版社。 3.Ellis, Rod. 1997, 《第二语言习得》,上海外语教育出版社。 4.Lightbown, P. M. & Nina Spada. 1999,《语言学习机制》,上海外语教育出版社。 5.杂志:《中小学外语教学》(北师大) 《中小学英语教学与研究》(华东师大)