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  1. Broadsides • Broadsides were used from the early days in the colonies to spread news in the form of print. A broadside was a poster printed something like a newspaper article and designed to attract the attention of people passing by. It would have been "published" by nailing it to a tree, a pole, or the side of a building. Broadsides spread important news, made announcements of public interest, and recruited men for military service. They also advertised products, services, and upcoming entertainments.

  2. Broadsides were also posted to argue for or against controversial issues. Many broadsides encouraged the colonists to stick together against the British. For example, broadsides were posted arguing against the Stamp Act that so many colonists hated.

  3. Colonial Broadside

  4. Colonial Broadside

  5. Broadside Activity • In groups of three. • 25 minutes to produce your Broadside

  6. Broadside Activity • Each Broadside must: • Include (big) title and the date. • Be a propaganda poster. Your job is to stir people up, to foment revolutionary fervor. • Explain the Act or event it is making propaganda about. • Include a drawing/illustration. • Be done in 25 minutes. You will then present your broadside to the class. Good luck.

  7. The Acts and Events • The Sugar Act • The Currency Act • The Stamp Act • The Quartering Act • The Townshend Acts • The Tea Act • The Boston Tea Party • The Boston Massacre • The Intolerable Acts • Continental Congress

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