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Bitterness Avoidance Oix Zuqc Simv Im Nyei Hnyouv. Ephesians 4:17-32 E^fe^so 4:17-32. 17 Weic naaiv yie dengv Ziouv Yesu nyei mbuox kuinx meih mbuo, yangh naaiv jiex maiv dungx yiem hnangv maiv sienx nyei mienh yiem wuov nor. Ninh mbuo hnamv nyei sic maiv lamh longc.
Bitterness AvoidanceOix Zuqc Simv Im Nyei Hnyouv Ephesians 4:17-32 E^fe^so 4:17-32
17 Weic naaiv yie dengv Ziouv Yesu nyei mbuox kuinx meih mbuo, yangh naaiv jiex maiv dungx yiem hnangv maiv sienx nyei mienh yiem wuov nor. Ninh mbuo hnamv nyei sic maiv lamh longc. 17 Therefore, I tell you and insist on in the Lord not to live any longer like the Gentiles live, thinking worthless thoughts.
18 Ninh mbuo nyei hnyouv hmuangx, maiv mengh baeqc Tin-Hungh ceix bun nyei maengc yaac maiv maaih ninh mbuo nyei buonc weic zuqc ninh mbuo nyei hnyouv ngaengc haic ziouc hngongx mi'aqv. 18 They are darkened in their understanding and separated from the life of God because of their ignorance and hardness of heart.
19 Ninh mbuo hmien-beih hoz, maiv hiuv duqv nyaiv, sueih binc ei ganh nyei hnyouv hanc zoux nyungc-nyungc maiv cing-nzengc nyei sic. 19 Since they have lost all sense of shame, they have abandoned themselves to sensuality and practice every kind of sexual perversion without restraint.
20 Mv baac meih mbuo zuotc Giduc nyei nyungc se maiv zeiz hnangv naaic. 20 However, that is not the way you came to know Christ.
21 Meih mbuo ndongc haaix zungv haiz gorngv jiex ninh nyei jauv-louc yaac gan ninh ziouc hoqc jiex ninh njaaux nyei zien leiz. 21Surely you have listened to him and have been taught by him, since truth is in Jesus.
22 Oix zuqc guangc nqoi ganh nyei loz-maengc, dongh bun meih mbuo yiem hnangv zinh ndaangc meih mbuo yiem wuov nyungc loz-maengc. Meih mbuo nyei loz-maengc zuqc nduov ei ganh nyei hnyouv hanc zoux, manc-manc ziouc waaic nzengc mi'aqv. 22 Regarding your former way of life, you were taught to strip off your old man, which is being ruined by its deceptive Desires.
23 Oix zuqc bun Tin-Hungh goiv meih mbuo nyei hnyouv, yienc meih mbuo nyei eix, benx siang nyei daaih. 24 Yaac oix zuqc duqv siang-maengc. Naaiv nyungc maengc Tin-Hungh zeix daaih zuangv ninh ganh, meih mbuo ziouc zien-zien nyei zoux duqv horpc yaac cing-nzengc nyei. 23 to be renewed in the spirit of your minds, 24and to clothe yourselves with the new man, which was created according to the likeness of God in righteousness and true holiness.
25 Hnangv naaic, meih mbuo oix zuqc guangc, maiv dungx gorngv-baeqc nduov mienh. Laanh caux laanh kungx oix zuqc gorngv zien waac hnangv, weic zuqc mbuo dauh dauh benx Giduc nyei sin nyei yietc nyungc. 25Therefore, stripping off falsehood, “let each of us speak the truth to his neighbor,” for we are members of one another.
26 Se gorngv "Meih mbuo qiex jiez, maiv dungx qiex jiez daaih baamz zuiz." Yaac maiv dungx ziangh hnoi qiex jiez taux mba'hnoi ndortv. 27 Yaac maiv dungx bun mienv nyei hungh maaih qangx bieqc. • 26“Be angry, yet do not sin.” Don’t let the sun go down on your wrath, 27and don’t give the devil an opportunity to work. 28The thief must no longer steal. Instead, he must work hard and do what is good with his own hands so that he will have something to give to the needy.
28 Zinh ndaangc zoux zaqc nimc ga'naaiv wuov deix oix zuqc guangc, maiv dungx aengx nimc. Daaux nzuonx oix zuqc longc ganh nyei buoz zoux maaih lamh longc nyei gong yungz ganh nyei maengc yaac nzie mienh jomc mienh. 28The thief must no longer steal. Instead, he must work hard and do what is good with his own hands so that he will have something to give to the needy.
29 Maiv dungx bun meih nyei nzuih gorngv cuotv maiv benx nyei waac. Oix zuqc gorngv haih tengx mienh nyei waac hnangv, dongh haih ceix mienh puix ninh mbuo qiemx zuqc weic bun muangx nyei mienh duqv longx. 29 Let no filthy talk come out of your mouths, but only what is good for building up as the need may be. This way you will give grace to those who hear you.
30 Yaac maiv dungx bun Tin-Hungh nyei Singx Lingh nzauh. Tin-Hungh bun Singx Lingh meih mbuo, hnangv nqaapv jienv yienx nor, zuov Tin-Hungh oix zuoqc meih mbuo nzuonx nyei hnoi-nyieqc taux. 30Don’t grieve the Holy Spirit by whom you were marked with a seal for the day of redemption.
31 Oix zuqc guangc im nyei hnyouv, maiv dungx nouz mienh, maiv dungx qiex jiez, maiv dungx nauc-nauc nyei nzaeng jaax, maiv dungx gorngv doqc mienh. Yaac oix zuqc guangc nzengc nyungc-nyungc nzorng mienh nyei sic. 31Let all bitterness, wrath, anger, quarreling, and slander be put away from you, along with all hatred.
32 Daaux nzuonx, laanh oix zuqc zoux longx bun laanh, laanh korv-lienh laanh, yaac oix zuqc guangc laanh zoux dorngc laanh nyei sic hnangv Tin-Hungh longc Giduc guangc meih mbuo nyei zuiz wuov nor 32 And be kind to one another, compassionate, forgiving one another, just as God has forgiven you in Christ.
Introduction Naaiv douc Ging-Sou njaaux mbuo, oix zuqc guangc Nqoi im nyei hnyouv, maiv dungx nouz mienh, maiv dungx qiex jiez, maiv dungx nauc-nauc nyei nzaeng jaax, maiv dungx gorngv doqc mienh. Yaac oix zuqc guangc nzengc nyungc-nyungc nzorng mienh nyei sic. This messages teaches us, to let all bitterness, wrath, anger, quarreling, and slander be put away from you, along with all hatred.
I. SAA^DAAN NYEI GONG - THE WORK OF SATAN 1. Saa^daan gengh maaih za’eix oix mietc mbuo nyei lingh wuonh. The devil is an expert in spiritual destruction (I Pet. 5: 8, 2 Cor. 2: 11, I John 2: 16). 2. Mienh mau haaix nyungc Saa^daan ziouc zoux hoic. He makes use of weakness (Matt. 4: 2, 3, I Cor. 7: 5). 3. Maiv hlo nyei mienh se maiv maaih sienx fim yiem Tin-Hungh. The immature may experience doubt (cp. Heb. 5: 13, 14). 4. Lingh wuonh hlo nyei mienh se haih hingh jiex im nyei fiem-fingx fai im nyei hnyouv. The mature may be more vulnerable regarding “bitterness.”
5. Hnyouv im nyei jauv se zoux bun mienh qiex jiez, nzorng mienh. Nzorng mienh nyei jauv zungx jienv hnyouv gu’nyuoz, nzorng mienh nouz mienh. Gikc waac gorngv (pikraino) eix-leiz se gorngv waac doqc bun mienh. Haaix zanc yaac haiz qiex jiez jien yiem (E^fe^so 4:31; Hipv^lu 12:15). “To embitter, exasperate, i.e. render angry, indignant, to be embittered, irritated – Col. 3: 19 (Greek, pikria)” (Thayer, pg. 509, said regarding the verb translated bitter, see Eph. 4: 31 and Heb. 12: 15, Greek pikraino).
II. Bitterness, Avoidance 1. Ging-Sou gorngv, “Nqox oix zuqc hnamv ganh nyei auv, maiv dungx zoux hnyouv im bun ninh.”Husbands, love your wives, and be not bitter against them” (Col. 3: 19). 2. Tin-Hungh hiuv duqv, m’sieqv dorn se gauh piex, yaac gau mau (1 Bide 3:7).“God knew how petty women and weaker in physical ways (1 Peter 3:7).
3. Se gorngv meih hnyouv im, mueic jieqv, kungx douh ganh duqv longx hnangv, maiv dungx ceng ganh maaih cong-mengh. Maiv dungx gorngv-baeqc ngaengc zien leiz. 15 Naaiv nyungc cong-mengh se maiv hnangv yiem gu'nguaaic daaih nyei cong-mengh. Se baamh gen nyei, dongh yiem mienh nyei hnyouv cuotv daaih nyei, yaac yiem mienv cuotv daaih nyei cong-mengh.” (Yaagorpc 3:14-15). But if you harbor bitter envy and selfish ambition in your hearts, do not boast about it or deny the truth. Jas 3:15 Such "wisdom" does not come down from heaven but is earthly, unspiritual, of the devil. James 3:14-15 = Yaagorpc 3:14-15
4. Im nyei eix-leiz se benx kouv-naanc nyei jauv. Maiv gunv mbuo zoux bun mienh fai mienh zoux bun mbuo, fai baengc zingh nyei jauv, ging-borqc nyei jauv, fai seix hnyouv nyei sic. Weic naaiv Tin-Hungh cingx daaih heuc mbuo laanh maiv dungx zoux bun laanh zuqc kouv, maiv hmuangv doic guh nyuoz fai jiu baang doic yaac zeiz. The meaning of bitter is trials and difficulties, whether what we do to the people or people do to us, hardship and difficulty situation. That’s why God told us don’t do anything harm our brothers.
III. Do Not Embitter People 1. “Oix zuqc longc hnyouv caux zuangx mienh horpc fim dongh eix nyei yiem yaac longc hnyouv zoux cing-nzengc mienh. Haaix dauh maiv cing-nzengc, maiv haih duqv buatc Ziouv. 15 Oix zuqc faix fim, maiv dungx bun meih mbuo haaix dauh bungx ndortv Tin-Hungh nyei en, yaac maiv dungx bun mienh maaih hnangv im haic nyei miev-nzungh baetv cuotv hlo daaih bun mienh lunc, hoic mienh camv waaic. (Hipv^lu 12:14-15) “Make every effort to live in peace with all men and to be holy; without holiness no one will see the Lord. See to it that no one misses the grace of God and that no bitter root grows up to cause trouble and defile many.” (Hebrews 12:14-15).
2. “Oix zuqc guangc im nyei hnyouv, maiv dungx nouz mienh, maiv dungx qiex jiez, maiv dungx nauc-nauc nyei nzaeng jaax, maiv dungx gorngv doqc mienh. Yaac oix zuqc guangc nzengc nyungc-nyungc nzorng mienh nyei sic.” (E^fe^so 4:31). “Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice.” (Ephesians 4:31).
3. Mienh zoux gong kouv, bun ninh mbuo I^yipv Mienh hoic I^saa^laa^en maiv benx haaix nyungc maengc aqv. Aapv ninh mbuo zoux nie-zun, naetv nie-zun, yaac hoic ninh mbuo zoux nyungc-nyungc liangx-ndeic gong. Ninh mbuo zuqc hoic zoux gong kouv taux ndoqv. (Cuotv I^yipv 1:14). They made their lives bitter with hard labor in brick and mortar and with all kinds of work in the fields; in all their hard labor the Egyptians used them ruthlessly. (Exodus 1:14).
Conclusion – Setv Mueiz Waac 2. “Yie nyei gorx-youz aac, yie aengx gorngv deix setv mueiz waac. Haaix nyungc zien nyei, horpc zuqc taaih nyei, baengh fim nyei, cing-nzengc nyei, horpc zuqc hnamv nyei, mengh dauh longx nyei, naaiv deix longx haic, horpc zuqc ceng nyei yietc zungv oix zuqc zanx jienv hnyouv.” (Fi^lipv^poi 4:8).“Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.” 1. “Oix zuqc seix mangc nyungc-nyungc. Longx nyei oix zuqc ei jienv zoux. Nyungc-nyungc orqv nyei oix zuqc simv nqoi.”“Test everything. Hold on to the good. Avoid every kind of evil.” (1 Thessalonians 5:21-22).