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Interior Design I. Mrs. Stevens. Career PATHWAYS – Which path are you on?. Click for link. FAMILY AND CONSUMER SCIENCES. Below are the eight Pathways in Family & Consumer Sciences Education: Child Development Consumer Economics Services Family and Human Services
Interior Design I Mrs. Stevens
Career PATHWAYS – Which path are you on? Click for link
FAMILY AND CONSUMER SCIENCES Below are the eight Pathways in Family & Consumer Sciences Education: Child Development Consumer Economics ServicesFamily and Human Services Fashion Design, Manufacturing and MerchandisingFood Science, Dietetics and NutritionFood Service and Culinary ArtsHospitality ServicesInterior Design
This course enables students to explore their Interest and creativity in the field of interior design. = Design and Presentation = Identification and application of the elements and principles of design are emphasized throughout. = Also included is an introduction to housing floor plans, Design, symbols, and circulation patterns. = Students will compile all of these concepts into a One Room Final Presentation board.
The STATE required performance objectives (assignments) are: • Demonstrate professional lettering and mounting techniques. • Present examples of the elements of design and explain each concept in writing. • Create a color wheel identifying primary, secondary, and tertiary/intermediate colors • Create tints, tones and shades. • Create or present visual examples of major color schemes. • Present examples of the principles of design and explain each concept in writing. • Identify and Label common floor plan symbols. • Label a floor plan with the three basic living zones and indicate the functions of each zone. • Using a floor plan, create a furniture arrangement incorporating principles and elements of design and space planning.
Supplies • Supplies Needed By_________: • Pen/Pencil every day • 1.5-2” binder—to be used for this class only • 6 Dividers (Labels: Class procedures, Unit 1, Unit 2, Unit 3, Unit 4, Unit 5) • Lined notebook paper • 1 small bottle rubber cement OR 2 glue sticks • Scissors • 1 Black FINE TIP Sharpie marker • 2 Housing Magazines (can be new or used, can bring more for extra credit!) • Good eraser (pink pearl or kneaded eraser) • Sharp pencil (mechanical is fine) • 1 set of colored pencils • 12 inch ruler • Mat or Foam Core Presentation Board DUE by end of semester for FINAL PROJECT • Optional: Construction Paper (I have some basic colors) • ***If there are issues purchasing supplies, PLEASE see me!*** • *MARK ALL EQUIPMENT WITH YOUR NAME!
Student Expectations • Each student will come to class prepared with supplies needed & something to write with. • Clean up after yourself!!! • Students are responsible for all information and work presented in class whether here or not. When absent, check the blog for updates. It is YOUR responsibility to let the teacher know ahead of time if you know you will be absent or to get work off of blog when sick, etc. • Check assignment board often for assignments & due dates. • Come to class ON TIME! Late students need to sign the tardy sheet before going to their seat. If you are more than 20 minutes late, you are marked absent. Citizenship will correspond with school attendance policy. • Follow all other school rules and policies: • No hats, cell phones, ipods, headphones, food/drink (except water), etc.
Grading Grading will consist of projects, portfolio checks, tests, participation, and other assignments. • Grade Scale: • 93 - 100 A 90 - 92 A- 87 - 89 B+ • 83 - 86 B 80 - 82 B- 77 - 79 C+ • 73 - 76 C 70 - 72 C- 67 - 69 D+ • 63 - 66 D 60 - 62 D - 59 - 0 F • ***Always keep every scored item until you have completed the class and received your final grade.***
Other Stuff! • Extra credit will be limited. Students can redeem “vouchers” that the end of each quarter. Each student receives 4 vouchers at the beginning of each quarter that can either be used as a hall pass or as a “Late-work” pass that will void the 50% deduction. If these vouchers are not used by the end of the quarter, extra credit will be awarded. • Late Work Policy: Any assignment turned in after grading is late. Students may turn in late work within ONE week of original due date with a voucher for full credit. Any late work turned in without a voucher or after the 1 week period will be deducted 50%.
► Due to recent concern regarding the Family Education Right to Privacy Act (FERPA), this is to let you know that some of the student’s assignments might be corrected by other students under the direction to the teacher. Students are advised that confidentiality and honesty are of the utmost importance. Any violation of such will be dealt with administratively. We might be looking at each other’s work.
Due Dates! • Disclosure & Supplies Due: September 13(A-day)/14(B-day)
Get-to-Know You • On your 3x5 card, fill out the following: • Full Name • Name Preferred • Birthday • Favorite Color • 1-2 Hobbies • 2 People in this class you would LOVE to take a vacation with! • A few sentences on why you took this class, what you hope to learn, etc. • Anything else important I need to know. (Accommodations, prefer to sit in front, etc.)