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GEO4-1438 Paleomagnetism

GEO4-1438 Paleomagnetism . Fort Hoofddijk. What is Paleomagnetism? (including geomagnetism, rock magnetism) geophysics, (bio)geology, geochemistry . Study of system Earth - Deep Earth (geodynamo, field behaviour) - Lithosphere (plate tectonics)

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GEO4-1438 Paleomagnetism

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  1. GEO4-1438 Paleomagnetism

    Fort Hoofddijk
  2. What is Paleomagnetism?(including geomagnetism, rock magnetism)geophysics, (bio)geology, geochemistry Study of system Earth - Deep Earth (geodynamo, field behaviour) - Lithosphere (plate tectonics) - Earth’s surface (e.g. dating, basin development) - Earth & Life (e.g. climate, environment)
  3. Paleomagnetism at Fort HoofddijkSolid Earth (i.e. geodynamo) We show that, on average, geomagneticsecularvariation (the field variations producedbynormalgeodynamo action) during the late Archaeanandearly Proterozoic (2-3 Ga) was different fromthat of the past 200 millionyears.
  4. Paleomagnetism at Fort HoofddijkShallow Earth (i.e. plate tectonics) We report new paleomagnetic data from 50 sites (1109 drilled cores) from Marine sediments of the Cretaceous Organyà Basin in the southern Pyrenees, to constrain the timing and magnitude of the rotation of Iberia.
  5. Paleomagnetism at Fort HoofddijkEarth surface (i.e. dating, climate change) Here we use magnetostratigraphy and cyclostratigraphy to show that aridification, which is indicated by the disappearance of playa lake deposits in the northeastern Tibetan plateau, occurred precisely at the time of the Eocene–Oligocene transition. Our findings suggest that this global transition is linked to significant aridification and cooling in continental Asia.
  6. Paleomagnetism at Fort HoofddijkEarth & Life (i.e. environment, archeomagnetism) Magnetotactic bacteria produce chains of magnetite and/or greigite crystals within their cell bodies called magnetosomes that are permanently magnetized. We find in Pliocene rocks from Romania greigite crystals that are consistent with an intracellular origin.We show that these crystals are magnetosomal in origin, which places them among the oldest greigite magnetofossils identified so far.
  7. GEO4-1438: Paleomagnetism Teachers Mark Dekkers, Lennart de Groot, RodericBosboom, WoutKrijgsman (in April) Course Material Available on website: http://www.geo.uu.nl/~forth/ (Click on: Teaching > Paleomagnetism) plus class handouts & articles
  8. GEO4-1438: Paleomagnetism Course structure – week 1 to 6: Lectures (Mondays 9:00-11:00) Geomagnetism, Statistics & models, Anisotropy & tectonics, Magnetostratigraphy, Rock magnetism, Paleointensity Assignments (Wednesdays 9:00-11:00, odd weeks) Geomagnetism, Tectonics, Rock magnetic carriers Discussions (Wednesdays 11:00-13:00, even weeks) Secular variation & climate, Indo-Asia collision, Paleointensity
  9. GEO4-1438: Paleomagnetism Course structure – week 7 to 10: Hands-on project Central Anatolian crystalline complex (tectonics) Slanicul de Buzau (magnetostratigraphy) Secca Grande (tectonic rotations in a basin) MSc Research proposal Fort introductions: Monday week 7 Abstract: Wednesday week 8 Presentations & proposal: week 10
  10. GEO4-1438: Paleomagnetism Grading Assignments & Discussions 30% Hands-on project 20% MSc Research Proposal 40% Class performance 10% N.B. There is no exam !
  11. GEO4-1438: Paleomagnetism Assignments 3 assignments, 3 topics: Geomagnetism Tectonics Rock magnetic carriers Assignments and data are provided on the website Software is (should be…) installed in the `Computerleerzalen’ and the `studielandschappen’ in BBL and Earth Sciences buildings
  12. GEO4-1438: Paleomagnetism Discussions 3 sessions, 3 topics: Secular variation & climate Indo-Asia collision Paleointensity 4 papers per session, presented by… you (in couples)! Followed by a class discussion based on the papers/presentations Considered in grading: Your presentation AND Your participation during discussions (also (especially!) when you are not presenting a paper in that session!) TO DO: find a partner, scan through the papers and tell us your preference (top-3) this Wednesday!
  13. GEO4-1438: Paleomagnetism Hands-on project Choose from one of the following topics: (real problems dealt with at the Fort…) Central Anatolian crystalline complex (tectonics) Slanicul de Buzau (magnetostratigraphy) Secca Grande (tectonic rotations in a basin) Data-sets will be provided in due time Interpret the data using your skills acquired in the first 6 weeks Write a (scientific) report including you findings, interpretations and implications for the regional geology (with some background on the problem)
  14. GEO4-1438: Paleomagnetism MSc research proposal Write your own MSc proposal, present and defend it including research outline, budget aspects, etc. Two options: Select your own topic of interest but a paleomagnetic project is required Select a Fort 2012 project Possible projects (on-going studies) will be presented by staff - dealing with planned (field) research projects - suitable for MSc research project (individual research project)
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