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Pregnancy is the most beautiful stage in a woman’s life. For a woman, getting pregnant is the most emotional phase. It is that exciting time of life when you realise there is a life growing inside you. One life in a womb is the reason for the happiness of the whole family. Everyone gets attached to the baby even before his/ her coming into the world.
Pregnancy is the most beautiful stage in a woman’s life. For a woman, getting pregnant is the most emotional phase. It is that exciting time of life when you realise there is a life growing inside you. One life in a womb is the reason for the happiness of the whole family. Everyone gets attached to the baby even before his/ her coming into the world.
So, it important to take care of yourself and your baby! Here are some precautions one should follow during her pregnancy. Care to be taken during 1 trimester: 1.Smoking: As everyone knows smoking is injurious to health, but in pregnancy it can prove to be a great curse for both. It can cause breathing problems, low oxygen to the infant. It decreases the chances of healthy delivery and harms the development of foetus. So, say a big no from right now to the cigars and live a tobacco free life if u want a healthy pregnancy.
2. Caffeine and Alcohol: Consumption of Alcohol can lead to a lexicon functions in the foetus and taking too much caffeine can lend up to pre mature births and many birth defects. So, avoid taking alcohol and excessive caffeine during pregnancy. 3.Pain killers and Herbal additives: If you are on medication during pregnancy, then take the medicines only by the prescription of your doctor because excessive use of pain killers and herbal supplements can cause harmful side effects to the foetus.
4. Hot Showers: In early stages of pregnancy, high temperature is not good for foetus. So, if you are in high pain use only heating pads wrapped in a towel and temperature which must be under 37 degree celsius. Careto be taken during 2 and 3 trimester: 1.High on veggies: During this stage, veggies must be your best friend. One can make a delicious dish out of veggies. They provide high protein, iron, potassium, magnesium and more essential vitamins and minerals which are non-negotiable during pregnancies.
2. Exercise: In pregnancy, you should not be in stress and exercise is a best way to reduce your stress. Moreover exercise keeps you active and improves your metabolism but you should consult your doctor before doing any exercise. 3. Keep an eye on weight: Try to maintain a healthy BMI before getting pregnant because heavy weight can cause a risk towards healthy pregnancy. Consult your nutritionist or dietician to get your pregnancy diet plan.
Apart from the above, one must also have careful sex during pregnancy so as to avoid any mishaps to the foetus. Pregnancy is one-of-a-kind experience. So, cherish every moment of it while keeping the various precautions in mind.