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City Vision College. TMC Replicable Project Presented by Rachael Jarboe July 9, 2009. To explain what website diagram program City Vision College is running the college web site. To explain that my project is putting together the documentation of how to administer this program
City Vision College TMC Replicable Project Presented by Rachael Jarboe July 9, 2009
To explain what website diagram program City Vision College is running the college web site. • To explain that my project is putting together the documentation of how to administer this program • As a course developer • As a site administrator What is the purpose of my presentation?
City Vision College is set up on a system called Moodle. • “Moodle is an Open Source Course Management System (CMS)” (Moodle 7/8/2009 at http://www.moodle.org) • This system is meant to be a program diagram support for an online education institution. (Moodle 7/8/2009 at http://www.moodle.org) How does the City Vision College education system work?
“Moodle is a software package for producing Internet-based courses and web sites. It is a global development project designed to support a social constructionist framework of education…Moodle is provided freely as Open Source software…The word Moodle was originally an acronym for Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment....” (Moodle 7/8/2009 http://docs.moodle.org/en/About_Moodle) (Clip art is creative commons from http://www.christianet.com/freeclipart/graduationcap.htm ) What is Moodle?
Course development in the Moodle system is basically learning how to be able to add new materials as well as course topics. To understand more about developing a course in the Moodle system for City Vision College go to my last years TMC replicable project located online at http://www.urbanministry.org/wiki/creating-courses-city-vision-college-rachael-jarboe-07-08 The next couple of slides are example of how City Vision course system works. Where do I find the full explanation of how to create course for City Vision College?
This is the opening page of City Vision College where all the current courses are listed. In the top right corner is the web link to the college’s student log in. Example of student basic usage of City Vision College’s course system in Moodle’s program.
This is the log in page for the college. It also serves to remind future students to go through the registration process. Example of the course site log in page
This is what a course weekly layout looks like. At the bottom are the assignments that the students have to do during the week. Example of what a course looks like
Site Administration is taking care of the general site corrections like missing materials or broken audio/video materials. • The Moodle system is set up that there are Administration access blocks located on the left side of the course system page. An example the of this is the picture on the left. • The Site Administrative block is broken down into folders that are of specific topics of different layers of the educational website. (Important note: when using this Admin block be careful of how you change materials, since it changes the whole website) What does it mean to do Site Administration for City Vision College?
As you can see, the system breaks everything related to administration down into folders, as is noted by the red arrow. • In this case the main folder is City Vision Administration Users Accounts Browse list of Users How does the Moodle system break down the course site into folder architecture?
Finally this the administrative system is mean to be user friendly and at the same time a framework that a computer engineer is able to easily keep running. • The further down in the file system in the Site Administration block it is connected to the framework for the computer engineers to set up the course system. • Meanwhile, the documentation for my final project is meant to connect the course developers with the computer engineer technology teams. • (All screen pictures are from City Vision College http://www.cityvision.edu/courses) Thank you for your time!