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Additional Notes. Modalities and Procedures for Afforestation and Reforestation. N.B. 1 t C = 3.667 t CO 2. Carbon Sequestered. CDM Sink Project tC sequestered (observable). Real , measurable and long-term. Additional tC sequestered. Baseline Scenario tC sequestered (that would occur).
Additional Notes Modalities and ProceduresforAfforestation and Reforestation
Carbon Sequestered CDM Sink ProjecttC sequestered (observable) Real, measurable and long-term Additional tCsequestered Baseline Scenario tC sequestered (that would occur) Years LULUCF additionality and baseline
LULUCF M&P • Definitions for Afforestation and Reforestation • Modalities and Procedures for Afforestation and Reforestation • Still be negotiated at COP9, Dec 03
Definitions • Not clear if current definitions for forest and afforestation will apply. Some Parties are interested in changing: • The minimum height or canopy cover for the definition for forest • The reference year for reforestation, to 1999
Non-permanence • Temporary nature of removals • Accounting issue • How to equate a temporary removal with a permanent emission reduction • Options proposed: • Temporary credits (a unit that requires replacement after expiry) • Insured credits (an insured unit that is replaced by the insurance in case of an emission.) • Projects to choose between these, or others, as appropriate
Baselines, additionality and leakage • How to estimate removals [and emissions] that are a direct consequence of the project • Estimation/accounting issue • Issues under discussion: • Approaches to baselines (restricting baseline methodologies) • Inclusion or not of emissions in the baseline and from the project • Accounting of pools (above and below-ground biomass, litter, soil organic carbon and dead wood) mandatory, likely not for those that are not sources.
Proposed LULUCF baseline methodologies • Existing actual or historical changes in carbon stocks • Greenhouse gas removals by sinks from a land use that represents an economically attractive course of action, taking into account barriers to investment • Greenhouse gas removals by sinks from the most likely land use at the time the project starts
Proposed LULUCF baseline methodologies • The average actual net removals by sinks of similar afforestation or reforestation project activities undertaken in the previous five years, in similar social, economic, environmental and technological circumstances • Control plots outside the project area with ecological and management conditions similar to those of the project area, chosen to represent the baseline net greenhouse gas removals by sinks
Proposed EIA and SIA • See Appendix E of Negotiating Text of LULUCF M&P