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Updates on campus reports, standing committees, and new business discussions. President's report on retirement benefits. Details on upcoming events and construction projects.
Agenda I. Call to Order and Roll Call - James Martin, Secretary • Approval of October 14, 2010 meeting minutes • Campus Reports and Responses IV. Reports of Standing and Special Committees V. Old Business VI. New Business and Announcements VII. Adjourn
Agenda I. Call to Order and Roll Call - James Martin, Secretary • Approval of October 14, 2010 meeting minutes http://facultysenate.mst.edu/documents/fsminutes/FS.Minutes.10.14.10.pdf • Campus Reports and Responses IV. Reports of Standing and Special Committees V. Old Business VI. New Business and Announcements VII. Adjourn
Agenda I. Call to Order and Roll Call - James Martin, Secretary • Approval of October 14, 2010 meeting minutes III. Campus Reports and Responses IV. Reports of Standing and Special Committees V. Old Business VI. New Business and Announcements VII. Adjourn
Agenda Campus Reports and Responses President’s Report K.M. Isaac Administrative Report J. Carney Administrative Report K. Wray Staff Council Report J. Singleton Student Council M. Schwartz Council of Graduate Students V. Gandikota
President’s ReportNovember 18, 2010 • RP&A discussed implementing electronic teaching • evaluations this semester • We recommended to wait till next semester to go • electronic. IT needs lead time to prepare • Faculty Senate will discuss this early next semester • There is strong support among faculty to go electronic • IFC is continuing to discuss retirement benefits • President Forsee was on campus Nov. 2 for town halls • Board of Curators met Nov. 1 to discuss retirement benefits • A new committee has been formed with 4 members from IFC • Michael Davis is on the committee
President’s ReportNovember 18, 2010 • Committee will meet in Columbia Nov. 18 and 19. • IFC will have telepresence meeting, AM, Nov. 19 • All indications are that the President and the Board are still • not decided about any change in retirement benefits • The discussions at IFC, town halls and Board meetings have • been open and covered a wide range of options • The president is committed to keeping employees • on DB “harmless.” • -if DC is implemented for new employees, • its costs will be tracked separately and not • linked with DB.
Agenda Campus Reports and Responses President’s Report K.M. Isaac Administrative Report J. Carney Administrative Report K. Wray Staff Council Report J. Singleton Student Council M. Schwartz Council of Graduate Students V. Gandikota
Faculty Senate John F. Carney III November 18, 2010 2010 Incoming Freshmen Class
Upcoming Events • Open House at the Residence, Dec. 14 • 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. • 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. • State of the University, Jan. 19, 2011 • noon • Leach Theatre
Upcoming Events • Special Board of Curators’ Meeting on Nov. 22 to consider bonding projects for University of Missouri System
Schrenk HallBiological Sciences, Chemical and Biological Engineering, and Chemistry • Built in 1938 and 1973 • 141,854 GSF Schrenk Hall is in terrible condition.
Construction Project Opportunity205,354 Gross Square Feet • New Construction $22 M • Chemical and Biological Engineering • 63,500 GSF • Rehabilitation $29 M • Schrenk Hall East • 58,960 GSF • Schrenk Hall West • 82,894 GSF
Construction Project Opportunity205,354 Gross Square Feet • $51M project • $43M in bonds • $8M must be raised from private sources for new building
Net Assignable Square Footage *classrooms, prep rooms, storage, etc.
Agenda Campus Reports and Responses President’s Report K.M. Isaac Administrative Report J. Carney Administrative Report K. Wray Staff Council Report J. Singleton Student Council M. Schwartz Council of Graduate Students V. Gandikota
Faculty Senate Report Warren K. Wray Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs November 18, 2010
Office of Academic Affairs • Curriculum • “Notification of significant change” regarding civil and electrical engineering degrees provided to ABET for cooperative engineering program with MSU in Springfield. • Review of the sustainability minor by the VPAA has been completed. Proposal forwarded to Provost for consideration. • Faculty Activities • Congratulations to the following recipients of the 2010 Faculty Excellence Award: Joel Burken, Scott Grasman, John Myers, Matthew O’Keefe and Hai Xiao. • Provided draft Non-Tenure Track Faculty promotion policy document to Personnel committee for review and recommendation.
Global Learning The Engineering Education Center (EEC) in St. Louis: The EEC will offer 24 courses in the spring 2011 semester for students both on the Rolla Campus and distance students. In addition, one face-to- face course will be offered for St. Louis based students only.
Office of Graduate Studies • Hosted S&T Graduate Fair on Oct 27 • Hosted a seminar on “How to write successful Graduate Research Fellowship proposals” on Oct 29
Office of Sponsored Programs FY11 activities through the end of October and a year-over-year comparison are as follows: Proposals awarded in total dollars: $23.8M (down 2.2%) Number of proposals awarded and amendments: 118 (down 7.1%) Proposals submitted in total dollars: $47.9M (down 35.9%) Number of proposals submitted: 177 (down 6.8%) Research expenditures: $17.1M (up 1.4%) F&A recovered: $2.9M (up 4.7%) Number of active awards: 635 (up 6.7%)
Office of Undergraduate Studies Residential Showcase: The students in the Residential College Learning Communities showcased their class projects during a Residential College Showcase on November 10 in the Havener Center. The event included poster displays and student project presentations.
Office of Undergraduate Studies The Curators’ Teaching Summit 2010: Balancing Teaching and ResearchHeld November 15 in Havener Center this session highlighted the campus perspective as panelists included Bob Schwartz, vice provost for Academic Affairs; Kelvin Erickson, chair of the department chairs committee, and Steve Clark, former chair of the campus promotion and tenure review committee. Undergraduate Research Day at the Capitol - March 3, 2011, Jefferson Capitol. For more information, visit: http://ugs.mst.edu/ugrdc.html. Nominations for Student Ambassadors are due by December 15, 2010 Save the Date! 6th Annual Undergraduate Research Conference- April 6, 2011, Missouri S&T Havener Center. For more information, visit: http://ugs.mst.edu/ugrc.html
CBHE/MDHE Low Degree Productivity Review • AUGUST 17 GOVERNOR JAY NIXON called together presidents/chancellors, provosts and governing board chairs of Missouri’s state-supported 4-year and 2-year institutions of higher education • Nixon believes higher education is the key to Missouri’s growth and prosperity. • Governor Nixon’s four initiatives for higher education: • Enroll, retain, and graduate more students with post-secondary degrees • Conduct a systematic, statewide review of all academic programs so that Missouri can strategically deploy its limited resources to meet educational and workforce priorities • Insure that state institutions of higher education become more efficient and more collaborative, both administratively and in the delivery of academic programs • Fund our institutions of higher education in a sustainable way that coordinates missions, addresses strategic needs, and rewards better performance
IN RESPONSE to Governor Nixon’s request to conduct the degree program review prior to the next legislative session, the Missouri Department of Higher Education (MDHE) forwarded to each institution a list of the degree programs that did not meet the Coordinating Board of Higher Education’s (CBHE’s) criteria for minimum numbers of degrees awarded. • These minimum criteria, based on an average number of degrees awarded per year over a 3-year period, are: • 10 baccalaureate degrees • 5 master’s degrees • 3 doctoral degrees These criteria have been in effect since 1992 and, apply to all 4-year institutions. • Missouri S&T had a total of 29 degree programs that did not meet the minimum degrees-awarded-per-year criteria: • 6 baccalaureate programs • 10 master’s programs • 13 doctoral programs
RECOMMENDATIONSsubmitted to MDHE at the end of October for degree programs to be terminated and our justifications for retaining those not to be terminated: • We recommended terminating six programs, primarily based on no or extreme lack of enrollment over periods exceeding the CBHE/MDHE 3-year period. • Justifications submitted for retaining 23 degree programs. • Expectations going forward is that all degree programs will have to achieve the CBHE minimum degrees-awarded criteria, or nearly achieve those minimums, in order to continue. • Many of the low-productivity degree programs are near the minimum and the enrollment pipeline strongly suggests that the minimums will be met or exceeded in the next year or two. • Other degree programs need to develop and implement plans that will increase enrollment in those programs in order to meet the on-going minimum numbers and currently those departments are taking those steps. • The provosts of the 13 four-year public universities have encouraged MDHE to re-evaluate the 10-5-3 criteria and MDHE has tentatively agreed to do so in the future.
FUTURE MDHE will present its draft recommendations to CBHE at its scheduled December 2 meeting and then its final recommendations to the CBHE at its scheduled February 9 & 10, 2011 meeting and then deliver those same recommendations to Governor Nixon the next day.
Agenda Campus Reports and Responses President’s Report K.M. Isaac Administrative Report J. Carney Administrative Report K. Wray Staff Council Report Stacy Jones for J. Singleton Student Council M. Schwartz Council of Graduate Students V. Gandikota
Agenda Campus Reports and Responses President’s Report K.M. Isaac Administrative Report J. Carney Administrative Report K. Wray Staff Council Report J. Singleton Student Council Stephanie Rostad for M. Schwartz Council of Graduate Students V. Gandikota
Student Council • Looking into parking issues for students • Working on improving the SAFB code • Getting student opinions on dead • week/finals week issues • Looking into parking issues for students • Working on improving the SAFB code • Getting student opinions on dead week/finals week issues
Agenda Campus Reports and Responses President’s Report K.M. Isaac Administrative Report J. Carney Administrative Report K. Wray Staff Council Report J. Singleton Student Council M. Schwartz Council of Graduate Students ChaitriAroskar for V. Gandikota
Council of Graduate Students • ChaitriAroskar – on behalf of Vishwanath Gandikota. • Ms. Edna Grover-Bisker, Dr. Kate Drowne and Ms. Angela Perkins were the guest speakers for the general meetings in Sept., Oct., and Nov. respectively. • Motion has been passed for the graduate student fee. It will stay at $3.30 per student per semester • Conducting survey on average monthly expenditure of graduate students. Results will be discussed in the next FS meeting. • Graduate Research Showcase. • Looking at different possibilities to increase the participation from other UM campuses.
Agenda I. Call to Order and Roll Call - James Martin, Secretary • Approval of October 14, 2010 meeting minutes III. Campus Reports and Responses • Reports of Standing and Special Committees A. Curricula B. RP&A C. CET D. Personnel V. Old Business VI. New Business and Announcements VII. Adjourn
Curricula Committee ReportNovember 18, 2010 • The Curricula Committee report includes: • 2 Degree Change (DC) forms • DC0371 – Modifications to BS in Ceramic Engineering • DC0372 – Modifications to BS in Metallurgical Engineering • 8 Course Change (CC) forms • 10 Experimental Course (EC) forms (informational only) • The Curricula Committee moves for the approval of the DCs and CCs in the report.
Agenda I. Call to Order and Roll Call - James Martin, Secretary • Approval of October 14, 2010 meeting minutes III. Campus Reports and Responses • Reports of Standing and Special Committees A. Curricula B. RP&A C. CET D. Personnel V. Old Business VI. New Business and Announcements VII. Adjourn
Agenda I. Call to Order and Roll Call - James Martin, Secretary • Approval of October 14, 2010 meeting minutes III. Campus Reports and Responses • Reports of Standing and Special Committees A. Curricula B. RP&A C. CET D. Personnel V. Old Business VI. New Business and Announcements VII. Adjourn
CET Teaching Evaluations at Missouri S&T Yinfa Ma, Chair Faculty Senate CET Presentation for FS meeting on November 18, 2010
Pilot Study on Electronic Evaluations at Missouri S&T Two electronic evaluation pilots were conducted (by Ad Hoc Committee for Teaching Evaluations chaired by Mrs. Stephanie Fitch) • Fall 2009 and Spring 2010 • Fall 2009 - about 12 instructors used the electronic system • There was a 70% response rate from the students. • Students liked it….especially that they had more time to answer the questions than they had in class writing the responses. • Used an outside agency’s survey. • Spring 2010 --- about 167 sections were evaluated electronically, involving approximately 60 instructors • “in-house” IT survey handle the processing . • The students liked it. • RESULTS WERE THE SAME when the electronic and paper evaluations were compared.
Evaluation Comparison Paper Evaluation Format Electronic Evaluation Format More economical (Obviously) and less labor involved for the process. Students have more time to answer the questions than they had in class writing the responses. The students who missed the class (for valid reasons) will have an opportunity to participate evaluations “In house” IT can handle the evaluations • Costly. About $10,000 per year is only for the paper involved in the process. • A lot of people are involved and many hours spent administering the evaluations, running them through the computer, and so on. • The students who missed the class at the evaluation day will not have an opportunity to participate evaluations • The process takes several weeks and outside agencies are hired to handle the evaluations.
Minor Complaints about the electronic system • The new mail.mst.edu email system was proved to be a problem; however, it was caught early and fixed. • Some students did not hit “submit” and so their evaluations were not recorded. This can be resolved by reminding students to hit “submit” before they close the evaluation.
Recommendation from The FS CET Committee • Based on the discussions at the CET meeting on September 29th, the committee members voted in favor of adoption of electronic evaluation at Missouri S&T (total 11 voting members I have on record, one member did not send me the vote by the deadline). • Now Faculty Senate can act based on the CET’s recommendation
Agenda I. Call to Order and Roll Call - James Martin, Secretary • Approval of October 14, 2010 meeting minutes III. Campus Reports and Responses • Reports of Standing and Special Committees A. Curricula B. RP&A C. CET D. Personnel V. Old Business VI. New Business and Announcements VII. Adjourn
Agenda I. Call to Order and Roll Call - James Martin, Secretary • Approval of October 14, 2010 meeting minutes • Campus Reports and Responses IV. Reports of Standing and Special Committees • Old Business VI. New Business and Announcements VII. Adjourn
Agenda I. Call to Order and Roll Call - James Martin, Secretary • Approval of October 14, 2010 meeting minutes • Campus Reports and Responses IV. Reports of Standing and Special Committees V. Old Business VI. New Business and Announcements VII. Adjourn
Agenda Adjourn