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Labrador Current

The Labrador Current, fed from the north by the Baffin Current, follows the Labrador coast to the Grand Banks. Originating from the cold Arctic waters, it carries nutrient-rich flows that support abundant marine life. The current splits at Hamilton Bank, with a largely barotropic, very low salinity, cold water profile. It is intercepted by the Gulf Stream and feeds the Gulf of Maine and Bay of Fundy. The currents exhibit seasonal variability with the strongest flow between March and May, leading to significant warming in the region. The deep Labrador Current has historical significance, once being home to a strong cod industry.

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Labrador Current

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Labrador Current Tyler Adams

  2. Fed from the north by the Baffin Current Follows the Labrador coast to the Grand Banks Splits at Hamilton Bank Intercepted by Gulf Stream Feeds Gulf of Maine and Bay of Fundy Geographically

  3. Average currents are 0.3-0.5 m/s Cold water current Very low salinity Largely barotropic Transport nearly twice as much as calculations would indicate Physical Attributes

  4. Seasonal Variability Mar - Apr - May Sept - Oct - Nov

  5. Cold Arctic waters are nutrient rich Abundance of life near the end of the Labrador current Depends on both it and the Gulf Stream Once was home to the a strong cod industry Biodiversity

  6. Secondary current below 2,500 meters Strongest flow between March and May Significant warming Deep Labrador Current

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