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This report presents the results of a survey conducted at Jefferson school regarding the importance of various projects. The survey revealed that Chromebooks and playground equipment were the most important items for both parents and teachers. The report also highlights the common themes and comments provided by respondents.
Q1) What best describes your role at Jefferson? The survey was open for two weeks from September 23rd through October 5th. Parents and Teachers were notified through three communications starting with the Jefferson Journal on September 23rd and followed by two survey specific communications on September 26th and October 3rd. We had very good participation in the survey with nearly 200 Parents and over 25 Teachers providing responses.
Q2) Below is a list of projects we are currently reviewing. Rank each item 1 - 8 according to how important it is for you. 1 is the most important and 8 is the least important. Respondents were asked to rank a list of projects from 1 through 8 based on how important the project was to them.
Question 2 Results: (the lower the score, the more important)
Question 2 Results: • Chromebooks is clearly the most important item for both Parents and Teachers. • Chromebooks represented 65% of first place Teacher rankings and 31% of first place Parent rankings. • Technology, in general, is most important to Teachers as Ipads made up another 12% of first place rankings (20 out of 26 teachers ranked either Chromebooks or Ipads as their most important item). • The comments submitted back up the importance of Chromebooks and Technology. • For Parents, the 2nd most important item was playground equipment which received 25% of Parent first place rankings. • Comments also back up the importance of playground equipment and recess related items in general. • For Teachers, there is a drastic drop off in average rankings after Chromebooks and Ipads. • For Parents, while Chromebooks was clearly ranked highest, Playground equipment, the Garden, and Ipads are grouped together. • There was then a large drop off in average rankings for the other items.
Q3) Comments Question #3 was an open-ended comments box. We received 53 comments – 42 comments from Parents and 11 comments from teachers. Some common themes include: • The most two common themes were technology and playground equipment / recess. • Commentary backs up the rankings that Technology is the most important item for focus. At least 12 of the 53 comments mentioned technology. Comments indicated that technology is a “given” and “essential”. • Playground equipment / recess was the most common theme of the comments section (the “feel” of the commentary was that this was not necessarily addressed with the items for ranking). The commentary included the state of playground equipment, lack of lunch tables, and concern about recess. This commentary leads to the conclusion that we need to focus on the space available for lunches, quality of playground equipment, and structure of our lunches/recess. Recess was mentioned 13 times, playground equipment and blacktop areas 11 times and lunch / picnic tables 6 times. • Drainage of the Jefferson field was mentioned 4 times with fencing / walkways around the field another 3 times. • Other items mentioned more than once included improving the budget planning process, improving the library, makerspaces, and desire for more special programs.
Next Steps The PTO Exec Board will develop action steps in response to the survey rankings and issues raised via the survey. Specific next steps are: • This powerpoint will be discussed at PTO Exec Board meeting, published to the PTO General membership, posted to the Jefferson PTO website, and discussed at the next available General PTO Meeting. • The PTO Exec Board will develop and publish a specific annual process for obtaining feedback from the General PTO membership, including that feedback in annual budget discussions, and publishing results. • A list of other items mentioned in the survey will be published to the General PTO membership with a request for any parent volunteers to pursue any ideas of interest. • 3 standing committees will be instituted to review the 3 main topics raised by the survey and submit proposal to the PTO Exec Board for review: • Technology – a committee chaired by at least 1 parent and 1 teacher will assess current state at Jefferson, review best practices within at least the district, and provide a multi year recommendation, including budget, to the PTO Exec Board. • Field / Drainage – a committee will be formed to review the Field condition and provide a recommendation to the PTO Exec Board with a focus on district funding opportunities. • Playground Equipment / Lunch Tables / Recess - a committee chaired by at least 1 parent and 1 teacher will assess current state at Jefferson, review best practices within at least the district, and provide a multi year recommendation, including budget, to the PTO Exec Board.