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Eichman 1 , J.K.C., C. Apse 2 , G. Lester 3

Impacts of a Small Dam Removal on Diatom Assemblages in the Neversink River, Delaware River Drainage, New York. Eichman 1 , J.K.C., C. Apse 2 , G. Lester 3 1 EcoAnalysts, Inc, Neosho, Missouri, 2 Eastern U.S. Freshwater Program, The Nature Conservancy, 3 EcoAnalysts, Inc, Moscow, Idaho.

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Eichman 1 , J.K.C., C. Apse 2 , G. Lester 3

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Impacts of a Small Dam Removal on Diatom Assemblages in the Neversink River, Delaware River Drainage, New York. Eichman1, J.K.C., C. Apse2, G. Lester3 1 EcoAnalysts, Inc, Neosho, Missouri, 2 Eastern U.S. Freshwater Program, The Nature Conservancy, 3EcoAnalysts, Inc, Moscow, Idaho

  2. A small dam on a tributary to the Delaware River was slated to be removed by The Nature Conservancy in conjunction with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in the fall of 2004. Five upstream sites and five downstream test sites were compared using diatom species composition and community metrics. Although some differences between sites were observed, confounding storm and flood effects during the time of the dam removal, made determination of impacts difficult.

  3. The best laid plans of mice and Men? Always go astray

  4. Table 1. Median bed substrate size near Cuddebackville Dam Transect Location Median Diameter 1999 Median Diameter 2000 Median Diameter 2004 640m downstream 178.5mm 143mm Did not survey 320m downstream 113mm 124 114mm 160m downstream 136.5mm 142.5 118 80m downstream 141mm 121 153 40m downstream 105.5mm 140 156 20m downstream 45mm 67.5 Did not survey 20m upstream 42.5mm 62.5 73 40m upstream 63mm 65 75 80m upstream 40mm 60 74 160m upstream 124mm 90 154 320m upstream 115mm 125 95 Table 1. Median bed substrate size near Cuddebackville Dam

  5. Grab sample location

  6. CS1 Control Site Downstream

  7. Neversink River Control Site 1 6/30/2004 9/2/2004 8/12/2004 11/4/04

  8. Nitzschia capitellataDominant Species 6/30/04

  9. Neversink River Control Site 1 6/30/2004 9/2/2004 8/12/2004 11/4/04

  10. Cocconeis placentula var. lineataDominant Species 8/12/04 and 9/2/04

  11. Neversink River Control Site 1 6/30/2004 9/2/2004 8/12/2004 11/4/2004

  12. Synedra ulna

  13. 80m Upstream from Dam

  14. 120M Upstream 6/30/2004 8/12/2004 9/2/2004 11/4/2004

  15. 160m Downstream from Dam

  16. 180M Downstream 6/30/2004 8/12/2004 9/2/2004 11/4/2004

  17. 320m Downstream from Dam

  18. 320M Downstream 6/30/2004 8/12/2004 9/2/2004 11/4/2004

  19. Shannon Weaver 6/30/2004 8/12/2004 9/2/2004 11/4/2004

  20. A Few Selected Organisms Observed

  21. Achnanthes lanceolata var apiculata

  22. Navicula hintzii

  23. Navicula germainii

  24. Encyomema minutum

  25. Gomphonema parvulum

  26. Nitzschia filiformis

  27. Eunotia major

  28. Tabellaria flocculosa

  29. Nitzschia dissipata

  30. Nitzschia communis

  31. Hippodonta capitata

  32. Fragilaria vaucheriae

  33. Diatoma anceps

  34. Nitzschia palea

  35. Nitzschia amphibia

  36. Special Thanks • Dr. Loren Bahls, QC/QA, and photos • Gary Lester and Scott Lindstrom for putting up with my continuous excitement • Sharon Harris, EcoAnalysts, Computer Guru • Lisa Anderson, Assistant Extraordinaire • Colin Apse, for samples and locations • Cameron Christensen for making me a believer

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