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ASSET/LIABILITY RISK MANAGEMENT WITH REINSURANCE AND ASSET STRATEGIES - A P/C Insurance Company Application. Casualty Actuarial Society Dynamic Financial Analysis Seminar July 19, 1999 Manuel Almagro, Stephen W. Philbrick, Eric Thorlacius

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  1. ASSET/LIABILITY RISK MANAGEMENTWITH REINSURANCE AND ASSET STRATEGIES - A P/C Insurance Company Application Casualty Actuarial Society Dynamic Financial Analysis Seminar July 19, 1999 Manuel Almagro, Stephen W. Philbrick, Eric Thorlacius Swiss Re Investors - Falcon Asset/Liability Management

  2. Today’s Agenda • Company’s Objectives • Approach to Asset/Liability Risk Management • Profile of Company • Analysis of Current Strategy • Design and Evaluation of Alternate Strategies • Conclusions

  3. ALMCO’s GOALS AND OBJECTIVES • ALMCo is concerned about: • Expected value and volatility of operating income • Specific focus is on GAAP income • Exposure to insolvency risk • Absolute level and variability of Statutory Surplus • Cost effectiveness of its reinsurance purchase • Measured by impact on Economic Value of ALMCo • Constituents include: • Owners • Policyholders • Rating Agencies & Regulators

  4. ALMCO’s GOALS AND OBJECTIVES • ALMCo’s goal is to better manage its risk/return profile • Alternatives include: • Re-underwrite/shift type of business • Change rates/terms of coverages provided • Restructure its ceded reinsurance for existing and future liabilities • Revise its asset allocation profile and investment style • ALMCo has chosen to evaluate alternative reinsurance and asset strategies • Alternative reinsurance structures for prospective business were considered in conjunction with • Alternative asset allocation strategies

  5. APPROACH TO ASSET/LIABILITY RISK MANAGEMENT • Build financial model of ALMCo • Identify drivers of financial risk • Decomposition of financial statement variability • Design potential alternate Reinsurance/Asset strategies • Analyze distributions of: • Economic Value, GAAP Income and Statutory Surplus • Modify alternative covers to achieve desired objectives

  6. APPROACH TO ASSET/LIABILITY RISK MANAGEMENT • Build model of ALMCo to reflect • The financial risks to which ALMCo is exposed • The risks are multi-period and integrated • The impact of each strategy on financial results • Therefore the model of ALMCo should: • Simulate Gross loss experience • Able to evaluate alternative reinsurance structures • Include candidate asset categories being considered • Including only asset classes acceptable to ALMCo • Cover a three year projection period • Reflects ALMCo’s planning horizon and existing business plan

  7. APPROACH TO ASSET/LIABILITY RISK MANAGEMENT • Model organization is important for accurate reflection of risks ALMCo Investment Strategy Capital Markets ALMCo Assets Economy ALMCo Financials Insurance Market ALMCo Liabilities ALMCo Reinsurance Strategy Liability Cashflows

  8. APPROACH TO ASSET/LIABILITY RISK MANAGEMENT • Each simulation component produces 500 - 20,000 scenarios • Each scenario represents a single path through time for all variables • A cascade structure allows dependency between selected variables Simulation Components Capital Markets ALMCo Assets Economy Insurance Market ALMCo Liabilities Liability Cashflows

  9. APPROACH TO ASSET/LIABILITY RISK MANAGEMENT • The financial component transforms scenario results into financial statements • Economic, GAAP and Statutory bases are produced • Earnings, cashflows, surplus, etc. - based on the particular characteristics of ALMCo (tax laws, accounting rules….) Simulation Components Capital Markets ALMCo Assets Economy ALMCo Financials Insurance Market ALMCo Liabilities Liability Cashflows

  10. APPROACH TO ASSET/LIABILITY RISK MANAGEMENT • The strategy components apply management decisions to scenario results • Alternate strategies can be evaluated using desired reward/risk measures • Searching a range of strategies for the best reward/risk combinations produces an efficient frontier ALMCo Investment Strategy Capital Markets ALMCo Assets Economy ALMCo Financials Insurance Market ALMCo Liabilities ALMCo Reinsurance Strategy Liability Cashflows

  11. APPROACH TO ASSET/LIABILITY RISK MANAGEMENT • Different strategies are compared using the company’s selected measures for reward and risk • Ideal strategies have higher reward and lower risk

  12. APPROACH TO ASSET/LIABILITY RISK MANAGEMENT • The “efficient frontier” is the set of possible strategies that either maximizes reward for a given level of risk or minimizes risk for a given level of reward

  13. APPROACH TO ASSET/LIABILITY RISK MANAGEMENT • This framework can be used to evaluate the current strategy and find others that reduce risk or increase reward

  14. APPROACH TO ASSET/LIABILITY RISK MANAGEMENT • In order to decide which of the efficient strategies to choose, we need to analyze the entire distribution of results

  15. OBJECTIVES & APPROACH - Recap • ALMCo has completed three steps in Asset/Liability Risk Management: • Identified goals and objectives • Developed an approach to a stochastic model which accurately represents the risks from assets, liabilities, and their interaction; and their impact on financial results • Laid out a framework for analyzing these risks and strategies for modifying them in light of the expressed objectives • Now ALMCo can proceed to applying this process to their specific circumstances

  16. Today’s Agenda • Company’s Objectives • Approach to Asset/Liability Risk Management • Profile of Company • Analysis of Current Strategy • Design and Evaluation of Alternate Strategies • Conclusions

  17. Expected Loss & LAE Ratio: Gross: 54% Net: 58% Expenses (to Net Prem): Commissions: 16% Taxes, Lic & Fees: 4% General Expense: 26% Expected Combined Ratio: Net: 104% PROFILE OF COMPANY - Premium & Expenses

  18. Characteristics: Duration: Liquidation Basis: 2.3 Ongoing Basis: 3.3 Note: For this analysis the reinsurance on balance sheet liabilities was not restructured PROFILE OF COMPANY - Loss & LAE Liabilities

  19. PROFILE OF COMPANY - Expected Liability Cashflow

  20. PROFILE OF COMPANY - Current Reinsurance Program • Liability Lines of Business • Net Retention of $1.0 Million • 25% Quota Share on Net • Miscellaneous covers reduce certain lines to a $500 K Net • Cost: 40% of Direct WP • Property Lines of Business • Net Retention of $100K per risk • Cat protection of $140 Million Excess of $10 Million • Cost: 55% of Direct WP

  21. Characteristics: Duration: 4.3 Expected Return: 5.2% Current Investment Style: Buy and hold Assets marked as available for sale High quality - Investment grade Conservative - very low risk of loss of principal Preferred PROFILE OF COMPANY - Assets

  22. PROFILE OF COMPANY - Historical Experience • Actual historical experience provides evidence of volatility and relatively low returns • Ten year average Return On Equity = 8.9%

  23. CURRENT STRATEGY - Projection of GAAP Income • Current strategy reduces income volatility, but • Significant probability of low/negative income in any given year

  24. CURRENT STRATEGY - Statutory Surplus Projection • In any given year there is a significant potential of decline in statutory surplus

  25. CURRENT STRATEGY - Decomposition of Risk • Total variance before reinsurance = 46.4 Billion • 45.1 from Liabilities, 2.1 from Assets, (0.8) Covariance • Total variance after current reinsurance = 12.5 Billion • 11.6 from Liabilities, 1.3 from Assets, (0.4) Covariance

  26. CURRENT STRATEGY - Reinsurance Strategy Efficiency • Reinsurance in Current Strategy: • Approximate $105 Million reduction in Standard Deviation, but • Economic cost of $80 million over three year period

  27. CURRENT STRATEGY - Efficiency of Asset Allocation

  28. PROFILE & CURRENT STRATEGY - Recap • Mid-sized Company with Property and Liability Exposures • Risk Exposure is Virtually all Underwriting • Significant Reinsurance • Provides protection but at a healthy cost • Conservative Asset Mix - But not Efficient • Yet, results are still volatile • Conservative Reinsurance coupled with Conservative Assets is not enough to eliminate volatility

  29. Today’s Agenda • Company’s Objectives • Approach to Asset/Liability Risk Management • Profile of Company • Analysis of Current Strategy • Design and Evaluation of Alternate Strategies • Conclusions

  30. ALTERNATE STRATEGY 1 - Design • Alternate Strategy 1: • Reinsurance Structure: Aggregate Excess of Loss • Attachment at 50% Loss Ratio • Limit of 100 Loss Ratio Points • Cost: 27.5% of Direct WP • Asset Allocation: • Shift to longer duration Fixed Income • Increase Equity Allocation

  31. ALTERNATE STRATEGY 1 - Economic Value • Modest total risk reduction, with increase in value of $45 million • Must also look at GAAP income and Statutory Surplus

  32. ALTERNATE STRATEGY 1 - GAAP Income • Downside risk is dramatically reduced • Increases upside potential • Lower expected income due to shift towards unrealized income

  33. ALTERNATE STRATEGY 1 - Statutory Surplus • Significantly improves downside and upside potential

  34. ALTERNATE STRATEGY 2 - Design • Alternate 2 - Integrated Aggregate Excess of Loss • Reinsurance: • Attachment at 50% Loss Ratio • Limit of 100 Loss Ratio Points • Attachment point adjusted downward for Equity returns below 10% • Adjustment rate is one-for-one • Cost: 32.5% of Direct WP • Asset Allocation: • Use allocation derived for Strategy 1

  35. ALTERNATE STRATEGY 2 - Economic Value • Very small economic cost with dramatic risk reduction • But again, we must look at GAAP income and Statutory Surplus

  36. ALTERNATE STRATEGY 2 - GAAP Income • Downside risk is comparable or better than Alternative 1 • Improvement in expected income and upside potential

  37. ALTERNATE STRATEGY 2 - Statutory Surplus • Further reduction in downside risk over Alternative 1, and • Modest improvement in upside potential

  38. ALTERNATE STRATEGY 2 - Decomposition of Risk • Alternate Strategy 2 takes best advantage of Covariance • Better diversification of risk between Assets and Liabilities

  39. DESIGN & EVALUATION OF STRATEGIES - Recap • ALMCo has identified a reinsurance/asset strategy that addresses its concerns: • The strategy reduces the variability of GAAP income from

  40. DESIGN & EVALUATION OF STRATEGIES - Recap • ALMCo has identified a reinsurance/asset strategy that addresses its concerns: • The strategy improves the downside risk to Statutory Surplus

  41. DESIGN & EVALUATION OF STRATEGIES - Recap • ALMCo has identified a reinsurance/asset strategy that addresses its concerns: • The strategy improves Economic Value

  42. Conclusions • A Financial Integrated Risk Management approach is an effective way to evaluate reinsurance and asset strategies • Analysis of strategies should simultaneously examine reinsurance and assets • A stochastic approach is necessary to get a full appreciation of the impact of strategies

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