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Developing a communications and engagement commissioning support service

Developing a communications and engagement commissioning support service. A new locally delivered, nationwide service for the NHS January 2012. Two distinct but connected phases of work. 1) Delivering the Shared Operating Model for PCT Clusters during transition Resilience Quality

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Developing a communications and engagement commissioning support service

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Developing a communications and engagement commissioning support service A new locally delivered, nationwide service for the NHS January 2012

  2. Two distinct but connected phases of work 1) Delivering the Shared Operating Model for PCT Clusters during transition Resilience Quality Better value for money Delivered by SHAs and PCTs Intensive co-design phase with staff now SHA clusters in place Memorandum of Understandings (MoUs) in place by April 2012

  3. Two distinct but connected phases of work 2) Developing a professional commissioning support service for communications and engagement post-2013 Commissioning support services policy framework Future funding context and increase in number of commissioning organisations Potential hosting arrangement 2013-2016 Rigorous business review and assurance process Professional high quality local, knowledgeable and responsive service, competitive price and efficiencies from economies of scale, risk share access to wider network, line of sight through system for clients

  4. Local teams networked nationwide bringing additional benefits: Additional capacity is needed in local teams Specialist expertise is needed / knowledge sharing Do once activity - eg campaigns, research Single procurement – eg media monitoring

  5. Proposed operating model Local: locally based, locally focused, locally led, locally responsive, locally delivered Account managers – single point of contact for customers Local area teams – supporting account managers Local teams supported by nationwide network of specialist, flexible expertise. Do once, economies of scale Links and joint working with public sector, independent, voluntary and third sector partners Menu of service offers – core and bespoke

  6. Engagement and co-design Significant engagement nationwide – CCGs, CSOs, staff and other stakeholders; this continues Working group with CSOs to further develop how we’ll work together Regular engagement with Local Government Executive Committee for Communications and Engagement re partnership working Further engagement planned to test assumptions, confirm service offer and op model Engagement and co-design plan in place

  7. Share your feedback. Share your ideas. Transition Director, Steph Hood: Stephanie.Hood@southeastcoast.nhs.uk Programme Manager, Amy Darlington: Amy.Darlington@southeastcoast.nhs.uk

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