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Medivic Ambulance Service from Patna to Gaya in Bihar at an Inexpensive Charge

Medivic Ground Ambulance Service from Patna to Gaya in Bihar is the best choice for the quickest patient transportation with splendid medical features. You can get our Ambulance round the clock as per your need under the care of a medical expert at an inexpensive charge.<br><br>Visit More- https://bit.ly/2XiCg1T<br>Visit More- https://bit.ly/3AP1tOW<br>

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Medivic Ambulance Service from Patna to Gaya in Bihar at an Inexpensive Charge

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Presentation Transcript

  1. 1

  2. Ambulance Service in Patna, Bihar • M e divic Am bula nce S e rvice is de voted to e veryone w ho ne eds a m bula nce se rvices a t the doorstep. • M e divic Am bula nce S e rvice in P a tna , Biha r is the be st roa d a m bula nce & using hi- te ch e quipm ent, skille d sta ff, a nd IC U se tup, a ll a t a ve ry 2

  3. Our Services Low Cost Bed to Bed Patient transfer ALS, BLS, and PLS ambulances Transparent Service Fastest Road Ambulance Long Distance Coverage 24*7 Availability 3

  4. 4

  5. Ambulance Service in Gaya, Bihar M edivic G a ya , Biha r provide s you w ith diffe rent kinds of tools for pa tient ca re such a s m asks, em ergency m edicines, ca rdia c AC LS , BLS , sta biliza tion w hee lcha ir, de fibrilla tor, pacemaker, suction machine, etc. We offer a really cheap value so as to cut back the burden on the patient’s re la tive and has no hidden charges. Am bulance S e rvice in m onitors, tools, ventilator,

  6. Mode of Patient Transportation • R Roa oad d A Am mbu bul la an nc ce e • R Rai ail l A Am mb bu ul la an nc ce e • A Air ir A Am mbu bul la an nc ce e 6

  7. THANKS! Any que stions? • Phone:+9 +91 1- -9 96 65 50 04 43 32 27 70 05 5 • Email: info info@ @m me ed di iv vi ica cam mb bu ula lan nc ce e.c .co om m • Address:- Pillar Pillar No No. . – – 6 61 1, , Op 1 14 4, , R R. .K K Estat Estates es B Bu uild ildi in ng g, , Axis – – 8 80 00 00 01 14 4 Opp po os si it te e o of f I IGIM Axis B Bank ank Floor Floor, , R Raja GIMS S Ho aja B Baza Hos sp pi ita tal l, , azar r, , Patn Patna a 7

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