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Create survey of the different pets within the classroom & number of pets ... Math-(WG)-make a survey of the different pets within the classroom ...
Slide 1:Literature Focus Unit on Dogsby: Chris Klemisch
Slide 2:Literature Selections Fiction/Nonfiction
My puppy is born by Joanna Cole & Margaret Miller Any kind of dog by Lynn Reiser Clifford the big red dog by Norman Bridwell Clifford counts 1,2,3 Board Book by Norman Bridwell Two dogs swimming by Lynn Reiser Tiny the snow dog by Cari Meister & Rich Davis Caring for your dog by Jill Foran Dirty Dog Boogie by Loris Lesynski Marley: A dog like no other by John Grogan
Slide 3:Unit Plan
Dogs and members of the dog family characteristics/traits/habitats Exposure to dogs Research and write about members of dog family Key concepts about dogs: food, shelter, needs, members of family Projects involving different types of assessment of students understanding
Slide 4:Six Language Arts
Introduction to lesson Show & tell Story about dogs & dog family member Dog catcher Communicating in group projections Group and independent reading Internet research Free time Poem Report on member of dog family Write and illustrate story about a dog Movie Tag Animal Movements Math surveys & graphs Art projects Video Internet research Surveys & graphs Listening to directions Books on tape Sharing work Video
Slide 5:Cross-Curricular Ideas
Dog word problems Graph weights of members of dog family Create survey of the different pets within the classroom & number of pets Play dog catcher Make variety of animal movements Draw & color picture of a dog Draw & paint picture of dog family & their habitat Teach & sing How much is that doggie in the window Have students in groups write & perform songs about dogs or member of dog family Dog & dog family behaviors/habitats Compare & contrast dogs versus humans using websites Write & illustrate story about dogs in groups Have show & tell with students dogs Write paper on likes & dislikes of dogs Do two book reports using books from literature selection Write & present paper on member of dog family in groups Write poem about dogs using the I remember format
Slide 6:Strategies
Tapping prior knowledge: use what students know about dogs as they listen, read, write, and view. Organize ideas: into their papers and poems Making connections: students will relate what they are listening to, reading, or viewing about dogs and books they have read. Predicting: students will make predictions about what will happen as they are reading. Summarize: their ideas about members of dog family. Evaluating: students will look over their projects and discover what they didn’t know before.
Slide 7:Skills
Write Study Comprehension Language Reference
Slide 8:Technology
Computers with internet access http://encarta.msn.com/enclyclopedia_761569837/Dog_Family.html http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Dog&oldid=131067548 www.first-school.ws/activities/animals/pets/tributedog.htm Tape player/tapes Clifford the big red dog Marley: A dog like no other TV/VCR/Tape 101 Dalmatians
Slide 9:Grouping
Individual activities Have students compare and contrast dogs & humans Draw and color pictures of dog Have students write paper on what dogs like and need Read a variety of books on dogs and do book reports Poem Small-Group Activities Write and illustrate story about dogs Write and present paper on member of dog family Have students write and perform song about dogs in small group Books on tape Whole group Discussion about dogs Read aloud My puppy is born Play Dog Catcher Sing “How much is that doggie in the window” song Make a list of likes and dislikes dogs Spelling test using dog related words 101 Dalmatians
Slide 10:Lesson Plan
Slide 11:Assessment
Observation of interaction & communication within groups 6 + 1 Writing Traits (Stories and Poems) Spelling test with dog related words Math graphs/surveys (dog family member weight/number of pets) Check for understanding by prompting questions to the class as a group Report on member of dog family (Rubric) Poem (checklist)
Slide 12:Lesson Plan
Dog Catcher Grade Level: 2nd-4th Subject Area: Physical Education Materials Needed: 1 dog catcher hat, 2-4 dog bones, two hula hoops Standards: 4.1.3 Know how to use space to move safely in different directions at various speeds 4.1.4 Use control in locomotor activities Objectives: Students will play the game safely and use a variety of non-locomotor skills such as walking, running, and skipping Learning Activities: One student is chosen to be the dog catcher and wears his hat. Three other students will carry dog bones. They are the rescue dogs. When the game starts the dog catcher will attempt to tag students by chasing them. When the dog catcher catches a student, they will go to the pound (inside the hula hoops). To get out of the pound the students carrying the bone must hand it to one of the students in the pound. Once they are free from the pound, that student becomes one of the rescue dogs. Rescue dogs cannot be tagged by the dog catcher. Play for as long as the teacher sees fit before choosing a new dog catcher and rescue dogs. Variations: Have multiple dog catchers Instead of running, have the children use other locomotor skills such as walking or skipping. Either take a dog pound away or take a rescue dog away Assessment: Observe locomotor skills. Observe students to make sure they are playing safely in the gym. Reflection:
Slide 13:How much is that doggie in the window?
How much is that doggie in the window? (arf! arf!) The one with the waggley tail How much is that doggie in the window? (arf! arf!) I do hope that doggie's for sale I must take a trip to California And leave my poor sweetheart alone If he has a dog, he won't be lonesome And the doggie will have a good home How much is that doggie in the window? (arf! arf!) The one with the waggley tail How much is that doggie in the window? (arf! arf!) I do hope that doggie's for sale I read in the paper there are robbers (roof! roof!) With flashlights that shine in the dark My love needs a doggie to protect him And scare them away with one bark I don't want a bunny or a kitty I don't want a parrot that talks I don't want a bowl of little fishies [Try our Swim with the Goldfish activity!] He can't take a goldfish for a walk How much is that doggie in the window? (arf! arf!) The one with the waggley tail How much is that doggie in the window? (arf! arf!) I do hope that doggie's for sale I do hope that doggie's for sale __________________________________ Note: Arf! Arf! sounds like a small dog. Roof! Roof! sounds like a bigger dog.