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Castle Community is like the cell b y Joby

Castle Community is like the cell b y Joby. The Moat is like the cell membrane. The moat blocks and it allows who or what comes in. Just like the cell membrane blocks off what comes in or out. The air is like the cytoplasm.

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Castle Community is like the cell b y Joby

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Castle Community is like the cellby Joby

  2. The Moat is like the cell membrane • The moat blocks and it allows who or what comes in. Just like the cell membrane blocks off what comes in or out.

  3. The air is like the cytoplasm The air in the castle holds every thing in place. Just like the cytoplasm holds all the parts in the right place.

  4. The Furnace is like the Lysosome • The furnace gets rid of all the not needed materials. Just like the Lysosome gets rid of waste.

  5. The kitchen is like the mitochondria • The kitchen keeps and supplies the food. Just like the Mitochondria supplies the food.

  6. The cook is like the ribosome. • The cook makes the food. Just like the ribo- some makes the food for the cell.

  7. A conveyer is like the endoplasmic reticulum. • The conveyer caries the food floor to floor. Just like the ER carries the food to all the cell.

  8. The store house is like the Golgi body • The store house stores all the needs of the castle. Just like the Golgi body stores the cell’s food.

  9. The King’s bedroom guard is like the nuclearmembrane. • The guard keeps anything away from the king. Just like the nuclearmembrane guard the nucleus.

  10. The king is like the nucleus. • The king controls anybody in the kingdom. Just like the nucleus controls the cell.

  11. The king’s orders are like the chromosomes. • The orders tell everybody what to do. Like the chromosomes tell everything in the cell their job.

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