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The Future of Mobile Web

The Future of Mobile Web. Brad Williams Web Development Studios. Who Am I?. Brad Williams IT Director, Batteries.com Co-Founder, Web Development Studios SnapFoo.com iHotties.net StrangeWork.com. Topics. Current and projected mobile web growth

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The Future of Mobile Web

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Future of Mobile Web Brad Williams Web Development Studios

  2. Who Am I? Brad Williams IT Director, Batteries.com Co-Founder, Web Development Studios SnapFoo.com iHotties.net StrangeWork.com

  3. Topics • Current and projected mobile web growth • Why go mobile? The benefits of a mobile site • Mobile development tips & strategies • Development resources

  4. Current and projected mobile web growth

  5. Over 64 Million US Mobile Web Users By 2011 US Mobile Internet Users and Mobile Search Advertising Revenues, 2006-2011 (millions) Note: *earned from sale of display or text listings alongside mobile search results Source: eMarketer, July 2007

  6. Over 980 Million Global Mobile Web Users By 2011 Worldwide Mobile Internet Users and Mobile Search Advertising Revenues, 2006-2011 (millions) Note: *earned from sale of display or text listings alongside mobile search results Source: eMarketer, July 2007

  7. Worldwide Smartphone Shipments, 2003-2001(thousands) Source: iSuppli Corporate as cited by Digitimes, November 16, 2007

  8. Mobile Social Networking: $6 Billion by 2012 User-generated revenues from social networking services, dating and content uploaded to third party sites will increase from $572m in 2007 to more than $5.7bn in 2012 The number of mobile users accessing social networking sites via their phones is also forecast to rise - from 14 million in 2007 to nearly 600 million in 2012. Source: BusinessWeek.com – Mobile Social Networking

  9. Whatiscausingthisgrowth?

  10. Everyone has a cell phone

  11. New PlatformsBroaden Mobile Reach Apple iPhone Intel Moorestown

  12. Cell Phones Are Shrinking Projected 2011 Circa 1992

  13. Why go mobile? The benefits of a mobile site

  14. Over 980 Million Global Mobile Web Users By 2011 Worldwide Mobile Internet Users and Mobile Search Advertising Revenues, 2006-2011 (millions) Note: *earned from sale of display or text listings alongside mobile search results Source: eMarketer, July 2007

  15. what are the 3 most important things you take with you when you leave home in the morning? 1. Keys 2. Wallet / Purse 3. Cell Phone

  16. Key Benefits to Going Mobile • Wider Appeal • Maintain audience even while mobile • Largely undeveloped, still in infancy stage

  17. Mobile development tips & strategies

  18. The Big Mobile Squeeze How do you fit this…

  19. The Big Mobile Squeeze How do you fit this… In to that?

  20. The Big Mobile Squeeze • Focus on most important content • Keep images to a minimum (header graphic, ads) • Keep pages small, less content per page • Create flawless code, mobile browsers aren’t as forgiving (XHTML compliant) • Understand mobile navigation and how it differs • Most important tip: QUICK LOAD TIME!

  21. "I would expect that mobile will start joining the internet in an interesting way. There's a huge opportunity to turn the kind of data the phone has into services.” -Tim O'Reilly Oct 18th, 2007 In regards to the future of Web 2.0 Source: InformationWeek.com Conference Wrap-Up -- Where Is Web 2.0 Going?

  22. And remember… Cell Phones Don’t Bite!

  23. Resources • Evaluate mobile-readiness • www.ready.mobi • Cell phone emulators • pukupi.com/tools/mimic • emulator.mtld.mobi/emulator.php • www.yospace.com/spe.html • Mobile Development Articles: • The Mobile Web Top 10 - pukupi.com/articles/top10 • Making Small Devices Look Great - dev.opera.com/articles/view/making-small-devices-look-great • Global Authoring Practices for the Mobile Web - www.passani.it/gap

  24. Contact • Brad Williams • bradw@illiams.com • Personal: bradw.illiams.com • Blog: strangework.com • Twitter: twitter.com/williamsba

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