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CAD/CAM. Activities. Produce 2D and 3D models and drawings of an engineering assembly using CAD and Parametric Modelling software. Ensure you provide evidence in your portfolio of the accuracy with which you have created these models and drawings .
Activities • Produce 2D and 3D models and drawings of an engineering assembly using CAD and Parametric Modelling software. Ensure you provide evidence in your portfolio of the accuracy with which you have created these models and drawings. • Create component models using these systems suitable for transfer to CAM software. A number of transfer files should be created from model, including IGES, STEP, STL and DXF files. • Import a model into CAM software and create G-code suitable for transfer to CNC miller and produce a simulation of the machining process. Produce evidence in the form of screen capture and G-code in the portfolio. • Import a model into 3D printer software and produce a 3D model. • Carry out research into the availability, costs and skill requirements for a range of CAD/CAM systems, their advantages and limitations.
Report • Evaluate the software and techniques used. You should consider how these techniques would be developed and expanded in an engineering enterprise. • Evaluate the impact of CAD/CAM on an engineering enterprise. You may consider a specific type of enterprise, the company you work for, or you may evaluate the impact of these systems on engineering enterprises in general.
Assessed Learning Outcomes: At the end of the module you will be expected to be able to: • Produce a component drawing using a CAD system and transfer geometry created to a CAM system. • Create simulated tool paths, CNC code and solid model using CAM software then manufacture a simple 3 dimensional component. • Produce a report evaluating the software and techniques used and the impact of using CAD/CAM in an engineering enterprise.
Assessment Criteria: Production of a portfolio of assignments over learning outcomes 1 to 3. The criteria for assessment will focus on the: • Accuracy of drawings, models and components created • Investigate and evaluate. • Present report material well. • Competence in the use of the application of packages will also form part of the criteria of assessment.
Accuracy • Accuracy of models and drawings • Successfully created code, use of datums • Dimensionally correct CAM model • Simulation successful • 3D printer model successfully produced • 3D printer checked and accurate to model/drawings
Report • Review CAD software, investigate and evaluate alternatives • Review CAM software, investigate and evaluate alternatives • Review routes to making parts from CAD/CAM data; prototyping, manufacture • Impact of CAD/CAM in an engineering enterprise
Advantages, eg. • Accuracy • Repeatability • Productivity - Speed and timescale • Tool life • Work holding • Modification • Design flexibility • Production representative • Reduced lead time • Management control • Quality
Limitations/issues, eg. • Capital cost • Depreciation • Tooling costs • Maintenance • Training • Skills requirements • Compatibility
Other • Advantages over CNC programming • Review of 2-axis and multi-axis CAM, investigate and evaluate alternatives • Specialist machines, advantages and limitations • Impact on the business/enterprise • Impact on enterprises of different kinds • Impact on the availability/options open to entrepreneurs, inventors, small and large businesses • Cost model for an enterprise wishing to use CAD/CAM
Sources and Bibliography Solidworks CAM related information: http://www.solidcam.com/index.php?id=3 http://www.bobcad.com/support/lessons http://www.solidsolutions.co.uk/ General CAD/CAM information: http://www.kanabco.com/vms/library.html http://www.5axis.eu/5axis.html http://www.camworks.com