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Raymond James Investor Conference Thomas Scott, Co-President and CFO March 5, 2008

2. Forward-Looking Statements. This Presentation contains or may contain forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section

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Raymond James Investor Conference Thomas Scott, Co-President and CFO March 5, 2008

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Presentation Transcript

    1. Raymond James Investor Conference Thomas Scott, Co-President and CFO March 5, 2008

    2. 2 Forward-Looking Statements This Presentation contains or may contain forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section�21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933. These forward-looking statements, as defined in Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, are identified by words such as �may,� �will,� �would,� �could,� �likely,� estimate,� �intend,� �plan,� �believe,� �expect,� or �anticipate� and other similar words and are dependent on certain events, risks and uncertainties that may be outside of the Company�s control. These forward-looking statements may include statements of management�s plans, objectives and expectations for the Company�s future operations and statements of future economic performance, the Company�s capital budget and future capital requirements, and the Company�s meeting its future capital needs. We do not guarantee that the transactions and events described in this Presentation will happen as described or that any positive trends noted in this Presentation will continue. Actual results and developments could differ materially from those expressed in or implied by such statements due to a number of factors, including, without limitation, those identified in our confidential offering memorandum relating to the offering or described in the context of such forward-looking statements. We will not update forward-looking statements even though our situation may change in the future.

    3. 3 Backhaul Overview What do we do and who are our customers? What is driving customers decision making? What do we do and who are our customers? What is driving customers decision making?

    4. 4 How the FiberTower Network Works Carrier class network � enabled us to build credibility with individual customers over timeCarrier class network � enabled us to build credibility with individual customers over time

    5. 5 Large Macro Market Opportunity New technologies are driving bandwidth usage at the cell site and this is creating a large opportunity for FiberTowerNew technologies are driving bandwidth usage at the cell site and this is creating a large opportunity for FiberTower

    6. 6 Market Overview: No one technology will win

    7. 7 FiberTower Overview FiberTower is well positioned to take advantage of the trends Focus on quality to build credibility with our customers has given us a head start. There are not many alternatives for the carriers FiberTower is well positioned to take advantage of the trends Focus on quality to build credibility with our customers has given us a head start. There are not many alternatives for the carriers

    8. 8 Compelling Fundamentals Long term relationships with the carriers based on experience. Very hard to replicateLong term relationships with the carriers based on experience. Very hard to replicate

    9. 9 Key Operating Metrics: Measuring Performance Sites Deployed The number of FiberTower sites installed (at cell towers or on rooftops) and ready for provision of services. Billing Sites The number of FiberTower sites installed (at cell towers or on rooftops) with at least one billing customer customer location. T1s actually originate from the customer location (base station) at the site. Billing Customer Locations (i.e. base stations) The number of carrier locations (i.e tenants or carriers) at which we currently provide T1(s). FiberTower sites could have multiple customer locations. Billing T1 Equivalent A T1 equivalent is either a T1 or another increment of bandwidth of approximately 1.54 megabits per second. We count Ethernet circuits in T1 equivalents. Colo rate The number of customer locations (carriers) per billing site Customer Location Backlog The number of sold customer locations (contractually committed carriers) not yet billing.

    10. 10 Key 2007 Accomplishments Mike to give a very short background on each (last two positions and length of time at company)Mike to give a very short background on each (last two positions and length of time at company)

    11. 11 2007 Quarterly Growth/ Revenue Drivers

    12. 12 Increasing Revenue Efficiency

    13. 13 Increasing Capital Efficiency

    14. 14 Financial Overview: Balance Sheet

    15. 15 2008 Objectives

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