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Managed Dedicated Servers

With Bagfull's Managed Dedicated hosting server solutions, you not only give the benefits of being on your own server, but we will also configure and maintain your server for optimal performance and reliability!

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Managed Dedicated Servers

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Managed Dedicated Servers

  2. With Bagfull's Managed Dedicated hosting server solutions, you not only give the benefits of being on your own server, but we will also configure and maintain your server for optimal performance and reliability!

  3. Once you place an order and after the server set-up, our team of Administrators monitor its performance and maintain your server 24×7x365 to ensure that it is always online and performing as per your expectations.

  4. All dedicated servers come with an array of server management services executed by our team of dedicated server experts. Server management includes installation and maintenance of a standard software package, security monitoring, backups and technical support. Every dedicated server is fully secured, configured, and customized for your specific business needs.

  5. All servers are delivered to you virtually production ready. Regular updates are also performed on the server in order to make sure you are always running a secure machine, while benefiting from the latest stable versions of the installed programs.

  6. We have been providing professional grade hosting services for hundreds of businesses and IT professionals since the 2000. Our Linux Hosting packages are for people who demand their website reside on fast, reliable servers with the most stable operating system in the world.

  7. For more info please visit http://www.bagful.net

  8. Thank You

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