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Join us for an informative evening discussing the Year 7 curriculum, student expectations, extra-curricular activities, and supporting your child's transition. Find more information on our school website and Year 7 blog.
Year 7 Taster EveningThis PPT will be made available on the school website soon – under the NEWS sectionand posted on our Year 7 Blog www.apsyear7.wordpress.com JULY 2018
Our Year 7 Team Director of Studies: Mr Butler Email: jbutler@alexandrapark.school Website - Year 7 Blog: www.apsyear7.wordpress.com Transition Manager: Ms Serap O’Flynn Email: soflynn@alexandrapark.school Assistant Headteacher for Key Stage 3: Ms Joanna Chadwick Email: jchadwick@alexandrapark.school
What we will discuss this evening • Year 7 curriculum • Student expectations • Extra curricular learning and clubs • Supporting your child’s transition and journey at APS
Year 7 Timetable • Students operate on a two week timetable (Week 1 & Week 2). Students need to be aware of which week it is in order to prepare for the correct timetabling of lessons. Breakdown of school day An example of a typical Year 7 (Week 1) timetable.
Year 7 Curriculum Breakdown of school day • Below is a breakdown of the different subjects your child will be accessing, as well as the hours over their two week timetable: • Core subjects – English, Maths and Science (6 hours each) • Humanities – History and Geography (3 hours each) and Religious Studies (2 hours) • Performing Arts– Music and Drama (2 hours each) • Art (2 hours) and DT (4 hours) • Physical Education (4 hours) • ICT (2 hours) • Citizenship (2 hours) • Modern Foreign Languages: ALEX (French), PRKS (Spanish). Both sides of the Year group study Mandarin in year 7.
Independent learning outside of the classroom • Your child will receive homework from the core subjects every week. Specific details of homework will be placed online on Show My Homework. • You will also be able to create a parent account to monitor your child’s homework. • Students will be issued with a homework timetable during their first week, which will detail when they should expect homework from their other subjects throughout the year. Please refer to the letter in your pack or our school website for more information on SMHW.
Behaviour for Learning • Rewards • Verbal Praise • Positive comments in planner • Letter/phone call/email home • Certificates • Awards • Badges • Prizes and vouchers • Sanctions • Notes in planner • Letter/phone call/email home • Detentions • Internal / external exclusions • Removal Room • The Bridge • The behaviour of students, positive and negative, are placed on our SIMS system. • Rewards and treats for students who consistently make the right choices • Students will be kept behind after school by their form tutors if they receive a behaviour concern • For accruing 3 or more behaviour concerns in a week, students will receive a 1 hours DoS detention the following week
APS Values • APS Values are imbedded into our school through: • Badges (Rewards) • School tracker reports • Praise postcards home • Lessons and whole school activities that promote these values in our students
Assessment and reporting • You will be invited to two Student Progress Days each year. One with the tutor and one with teachers. • A tracker report is sent home at the end of each term. This will reflect on your child’s academic progress and attitude towards learning (APS Values) • Your child will have the opportunity to assess and review their performances each term and set individual targets. • Your child will receive regular feedback from teachers in their books or after tests, orally in lessons and from each other (peer assessment) and will self assess their own performances. • Teachers may contact you with praise or if they have any concerns • Assessment tracker dates are in your packs. Key dates: Student Progress Day with form tutors – Tuesday 9th October 2018 Student Progress Day with subject teachers – Wednesday 1st May 2019
Punctuality and Attendance • School starts at 8:45for AM registration. School ends at 3:15 after PM registration • Lateness to school: Their tutor will keep them at the end of the school day for ten minutes. They will automatically get placed in the centralised late detention. If your child is late more than twice a week, they will serve an hour detention with Mr Butler on a Thursday after school. • Late to lessons: Students serve a lunchtime detention if they turn up to a lesson late • 5 lates in a term will result in a day in the removal room • Absence: If a student is absent, parents should call the attendance officer and explain the reasons. On their return to school, they must bring in a note from home. • Avoid taking any holidays during term time. If it is absolutely necessary, permission must be requested in writing from the Head teacher.
Equipment • A suitable school bag that can help support your child’s organisation for learning • Reading book • Dictionary – English and either Spanish (PRKS) OR French (ALEX) • Pens, pencils, an eraser, sharpener, geometry set and a scientific calculator • Sports/suitable footwear for PE Travel advice: If your child lives further than walking distance to school, please apply for their Zip Oyster card. This will prevent any issues with them arriving to school on time.
Break and Lunchtime • Students may choose to have a packed lunch or a full school meal. The canteen is also open between 8:15-8:40am for breakfast options. • If you receive free school meals, this will cover one school meal, dessert and drink. Year 7 eat lunch earlier for the first fortnight. Full details on the ParentPay system is in your packs – Accounts should be set up for the last week in August. Fingerprints will have been taken on the taster day. We recommend that families top up ParentPay, instead of giving their child limitless cash. Students are able to top up their accounts at school.
Uniform Tie must be fully tied Knee length Skirt. See recommended skirt. Skirt to be purchased ONLY from uniform shop. Sensible black School shoes
Uniform Uniform Hijab – need to be red, black or white Girls may wear Shirts / tie OR blouse Girls’ trousers MUST be BOOTLEG and not tight, no leggings
Jewellery – A pair of studs are permitted. NO other piercings are allowed. Hair – Must not be dyed or outlandishly styled. Uniform
Music - Extra Curricular • Stage Band – for all pupils learning an instrument • Year 7 Choir - annual trips to the O2 Arena and Christmas singing. • Axeheads – rock/pop bands for pupils learning voice, guitar, bass, drums and piano/keyboard. • Keyboard club - all pupils welcome • Music Tech club - learning how to Logic Pro. All pupils learning an instrument at APS or privately are encouraged to join the appropriate ensemble.
Extra-curricular clubs and trips There are a number of clubs that take place before, during and after school. A list of all clubs offered are issued to students in the first half term. There are also many trips and events that take place throughout the year.
Stubbers Trip • Thursday 4th October – Half of the year • Friday 5th October - Half of the year • Please complete the form and pay for the trip as soon as possible. You can make the payment via ParentPay.
Pastoral support • The Bridge • The Bridge is a facility that provides behaviour and emotional support for students with identified needs. • Mentors check in with students and help keep them focussed. • Support includes our school counsellor and regular access to external agencies • The Bridge run a number of interventions and groups to support and empower students • Referrals and internal exclusions are often managed in The Bridge. • SENCO: Kate Perry • Year 7 SEN teacher: Ruth Hall The Bridge: Teresa O’Gorman • Inclusion department • Provides 1:1 and in class support for SEN students • Manage Teaching Assistants who support in class • Support all students on the SEN register • Run interventions and liaise with external agencies
How can you support your child’s transition at APS • Support them in developing good habits. • Support their organisation for their day at school • Ensure they are fully equipped to learn • Check SMHW with your child regularly • Gradually encourage independence of their learning and of themselves • Speak to your child regularly and openly about their transition • Attending events that concern our year group ‘Parental Support’ link on the APS website provides additional information and advice on supporting your children and yourselves
Supporting your child’s health and wellbeing at APS • Encourage involvement in extra-curricular activities: This will provide them with opportunities to make new friends and support their transition • Regular communication with child: Provide your child with opportunities to talk to you about school. • Maintaining a healthy diet: Ensure your child eats breakfast before they leave for school, and have enough money on their school account to eat at break and lunch • Regular communications with school: Contact your child’s form tutor, Ms O’Flynn or Mr Butler if you have any questions or concerns regarding your child’s academic progress or wellbeing.
Social media, devices and bullying Mobile phones If your child has a mobile phone, this should be turned off before entering school. Please contact the school office if you need to contact your child urgently. Our School Website provides advice and guidance regarding social networking. Many of cyber incidents begin at homeand during the evenings. Be aware of your child’s engagement with social networking. Bullying The School will investigate all incidents and sanction where necessary or appropriate. Students can report any incidents to any member of staff OR report it confidentially via the website.
Student lockers • If your child requires a locker, please ensure they bring a padlock into school on the first day. • There are limited lockers available and are first come, first served. • The SEN department have some for students with additional needs.
Important dates • First day at school: Tuesday 4th September 2018 • First full school day: Wednesday 5thSeptember 2018 • Student Progress Day with tutors: Tuesday 9th October 2018 • Year 7 Student Progress Day with subject teachers: Wednesday 1stMay 2019
And finally… • We look forward to working with you and your child. Your support will be key to us supporting the needs of your child. • Please contact our Year 7 Team if you have any further questions from our Taster Evening, or at any point during your child’s time here at APS. • Thank you and have a great summer. Before you goplease take a moment to exchange email address with each other. Unfortunately at APS we are unable to facilitate email / phone groups due to changes to data protect laws.