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Health situation in Venezuela

Health situation in Venezuela. “ The impact of a collapsed health care system ”. Outline. The Venezuelan exodus Health care professionals General population The Venezuelan health care system Was pioneer in health care in Latin America Now a broken system with no credible indicators

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Health situation in Venezuela

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Health situation in Venezuela “The impact of a collapsed health care system”

  2. Outline • The Venezuelan exodus • Health care professionals • General population • The Venezuelan health care system • Was pioneer in health care in Latin America • Now a broken system with no credible indicators • Health consequences of the Venezuelan exodus on • Neighbouring countries • Beyond the region

  3. Health situation in Venezuela: Malaria Griffing et al. Emerg Infect Dis. 2014; 20(10):1691- 6 1937 1980

  4. Malaria in Venezuela Malaria: The evidence of the collapse • There was a 365% increase in malaria cases between 2000 and 2015 in Venezuela1 • In 2015, Venezuela accounted for 30% of all reported cases of malaria in the Americas2 • The number of cases reported between 2015 and 2016 increased 76%, from 136,402 to 240,6131 1. Grillet et al Science 2018; 359(6375): 528 2. Daniels JP Lancet Infect Dis. 2018; 18(3):257

  5. Vaccine-Preventable diseases: measles Venezuelan national vaccination programme is universal, free and mandatory Distribution of confirmed measles cases by sub-national level, The Americas 2018* In Venezuela: • Confirmed: 2,038 • Presumptive: 3,630 • Fatal cases: 74 *Source: PAHO/WHO’s Immunization Unit. Data as of epidemiological week (EW) 41 of 2018.

  6. Vaccine-Preventable diseases: diphtheria ECDC; COMMUNICABLE DISEASE THREATS REPORT Week 47, 19-25 November 2017 https://ecdc.europa.eu/sites/portal/files/documents/Communicable-disease-threats-report-25-nov-2017_0.pdf

  7. HIV: The situation in the region by 2012 Access to anti-retroviral therapy (ART) by country: Pinerua et al. Lancet Infect Dis 2015; 15: 833–39

  8. Migration as a public health problem https://ecdc.europa.eu/sites/portal/files/documents/Communicable-disease-threats-report-14-apr-2018.pdf

  9. Health situation in Venezuela Shortage of supplies affect in many different ways: • 300,000 people with chronic conditions at risk • 4,1 million people with malnutrition • 1,4 million children < 5 years with severe malnutrition • 65% increase in maternal mortality rate • 35% increase in new-born mortality rate • 80% scarcity of medical supplies

  10. Health situation in Venezuela • The national health system in Venezuela is broken and unable to deliver proper care for its citizens “Since 2013, Maduro manipulates the health system as an instrument of political control... Immunosuppressors (for organ transplants) donated by PAHO were not distributed... 5,000 renal patients have died since 2017… It’s not a matter of sanctions. It’s a matter of political will” Carlos Rotondaro, former president of IVSS (NHS equivalent) in an interview with NTN24, March 18th 2019

  11. Annex

  12. Migration as a public health problem: https://ecdc.europa.eu/sites/portal/files/documents/Communicable-disease-threats-report-14-apr-2018.pdf

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